300字范文 > 预应力锚索框架 prestressed anchor cable sash英语短句 例句大全

预应力锚索框架 prestressed anchor cable sash英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-17 06:18:58


预应力锚索框架 prestressed anchor cable sash英语短句 例句大全

预应力锚索框架,prestressed anchor cable sash

1)prestressed anchor cable sash预应力锚索框架

1.With the development of China s transport, the issues of highway slope disease is especially outstanding, andprestressed anchor cable sash has played a more and more important role with advantages of cheap, convenient for construction, reinforcement of notable results and use of wide range.预应力锚索框架是随着预应力锚索技术在滑坡治理和边坡加固工程中大量应用而发展起来的一种新型支挡结构形式。

2.Prestressed anchor cable sash structure which is used application far widely i.预应力锚索框架结构是高边坡支护加固的一种有效结构,尤其近几年更是广泛地用于工程实际中,但其设计计算理论研究远滞后于工程应用。


1.Experiment of Anchor Cable With High Slope of Pre-Stress Anchor Cable Frame Protection高边坡预应力锚索框架防护锚索试验

2.Prestressed tendon framework in road highwall slope reinforcement application;预应力锚索框架在公路高边坡加固中的应用

3.The Mechanism and Evaluation of Engineering Effect of Prestressed Anchor Cable Sash;预应力锚索框架的作用机理及工程效果评价

4.Study on Mechanism of Concrete Frame with Prestressed Anchor Rope for the Control of Cutting Slope;预应力锚索框架加固边坡的作用机理研究

5.Field Prototype Experimental Study on the Concrete Frame Structure with Prestressed Anchor Cable;预应力锚索框架结构的现场原型试验研究

6.Study on the Application of Trellis Beams with Prestressed Anchors for the Control of Slope Harzard;预应力锚索框架在路堑边坡病害防治中的应用研究

7.Application of Prestressed Frame for Anchor Rope in Reinforcement of Freeway Slope预应力锚索框架在高速公路高边坡加固中的应用

8.The Characteristic Analysis of Landslide Support Measure and Prestressed Anchor Cable Sash Research;滑坡支护工程措施特性分析及预应力锚索框架研究

9.Numerical simulation tests on lattice beam with prestressed cable预应力锚杆(索)框架梁加固边坡的仿真试验分析

10.A Test on Frame Prestressed Anchor in Landslide Reinforcement框架预应力锚索在滑坡加固中的现场试验研究

11.Engineering Practice and Numerical Analysis for Treatment of Jointed Rock Slope by Frame Beam and Prestressing Cable;预应力框架锚索处理节理岩质边坡的工程实践与数值分析

12.Probe into the Application of Prestressed Cable-the Framework of Beams and Cable-a Joint Anti-slide Pile Reinforcement Technique to Highway Landslide Project预应力锚索-框架梁和锚索-抗滑桩联合加固技术在高速公路滑坡工程中的应用探讨

13.Pre-stressed Bolt Anchor-truss Support Technology in Composite Roof Roadway复合顶板巷道预应力锚杆锚索桁架支护技术

14.The Study on Design and Analysis of the Frame Supporting Structure with Pre-stressed Anchor;框架预应力锚杆支护结构的设计与分析研究

15.FEM Analysis on Grillage Flexible Supporting Structure with Prestressed Anchors under Raining降雨入渗框架预应力锚杆支护结构有限元分析

16.Construction technology of expressway prestressing anchor gridiron beam system高速公路预应力锚索框格梁体系施工技术

17.Calculation of internal forces of framed flexible supporting structure with prestressed anchors based on torsional effects among beams and columns基于梁柱扭转效应的框架预应力锚杆柔性支护结构内力计算

18.Problems of Prestressed Anchor Cable预应力锚杆(锚索)设计施工中的问题


frame prestressed anchor框架预应力锚索

3)frame beam of prestressed anchor预应力锚索框架格梁

1.Design study offrame beam of prestressed anchor to reinforce the debris slope landslide;预应力锚索框架格梁在处治碎石土浅层滑坡中的应用

4)Structure of pre-stressed cable anchors with grid beams预应力锚索框架结构

5)frame foundation beam with prestressed anchor cable预应力锚索框架型地梁

6)prestressing cable anchor-frame beam预应力锚索框架梁


