300字范文 > 新疆高等职业教育 High Vocational Education in Xinjiang英语短句 例句大全

新疆高等职业教育 High Vocational Education in Xinjiang英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-05 22:52:52


新疆高等职业教育 High Vocational Education in Xinjiang英语短句 例句大全

新疆高等职业教育,High Vocational Education in Xinjiang

1)High Vocational Education in Xinjiang新疆高等职业教育


1.An Analysis of Teaching Chinese to Minority Nationalities in Higher Vocational Education新疆高等职业教育少数民族汉语教学研究

2.Reflections on the Development of Vocational Education in Xinjiang;关于新疆高等职业教育专业建设的思考

3.Study on Current Situation and Countermeasures of the Specialty Provision of High Vocational Education in Xinjiang新疆高等职业教育专业设置的现状与对策研究

4.Some Thoughts of Xinjiang Higher Vocational Education Under The Financial Crisis金融危机下新疆高等职业教育的几点思考

5.High Agriculture Professional Education Development Research and Countermeasure of Xinjiang;新疆农业高等职业教育发展研究与对策

6.On the Practice Teaching of Xinjiang Journalism Vocational Education;浅析新疆新闻专业高职教育实践教学

7.The Authentication of American Higher Education and the Evaluation of Advanced Vocational Education in Xinjiang;美国高等教育认证对新疆高职教育评估的启示

8.Research on the Career Planning Education within Normal Universities in Xinjiang新疆高师院校职业生涯规划教育研究

9.The Countermeasure Study of Continuing Education of Secondary Vocational School Teachers in Xinjiang;新疆中等职业学校教师继续教育对策研究

10.The Research about the Present Situation and Development of Physics in Higher Vocation School in Xinjiang新疆高等职业学校体育现状与发展研究

11.Educational Creation is Motive Power for the Developing of Higher Vocational Technology Education;教育创新是高等职业教育发展的动力

12.High-tech Industrialization and Higher Vocationaland Technical Education;高新技术产业化与高等职业技术教育

13.Push the professional education reform to make high professional education development;推进职业教育改革 开创高等职业教育新局面

14.Higher Vocational Education Calls for Innovative Education Reconsideration on the "Vocational Character" and "Higher Character" of Higher Vocational Education;高职教育呼唤创新教育——对高职教育中“职业性”与“高等性”的再认识

15.On the Moral Education in Higher Vocational Education in the New Period;论新时期高等职业教育中的德育工作

16.On Innovation of Cultivating Mode of Advanced Vocation Technology Education;论高等职业技术教育育人模式的创新

17.Innovating "Dual-system" Higher Vocational Education Model;创新“双元制”成人高等职业教育新模式

18.Quality Education and Creation of Advanced Vocational Education健康教育与高等职业教育中的体育教学创新


Xinjiang vocational education新疆职业教育

1.The author expounds the significance and function of the vocational education in Xinjiang and jointly running a school, sums up the modals of jointly running a school, gives the related solutions and thoughts on the problems of cooperation of theXinjiang vocational education of going beyond the district.本文通过对新疆职业教育合作办学的意义和作用的闸述,对合作模式的分析及对新疆职业教育跨区域合作中存在问题的认识,提出解决办法及对下一步发展做一思考。

3)Xinjiang higher education新疆高等教育

1.The essay analyses, under background of increasing gap in economic development between east and west, the total amount of restraint overXinjiang higher education, utilization rate of educational resources, teachers level and current state of backwardness in management level and also advances countermeasures.本文分析了在东西部经济差距拉大的背景下 ,新疆高等教育的总量约束、教育资源利用率、师资水平及管理水平的滞后现状 ,并提出对

4)higher vocational education高等职业教育

1.Onhigher vocational education;对高等职业教育的理解和认识

2.Higher Vocational Education Experimental Reformation Reform in the New Situation;浅谈新形势下的高等职业教育实验教学改革

3.The Discussion on Running Models of Higher Vocational Education in Chinas;我国高等职业教育办学模式的探讨

5)Senior Vocational Education高等职业教育

paringSenior Vocational Education Models of Cookery Between China and Austria——in the ease of TFBS College of Austria and Tourism College of Zhejiang;奥中烹饪高等职业教育模式之比较——以奥地利TFBS学院和浙江旅游职业学院为例

2.A Brief Discussion on the Importance of Core Ability Cultivation in theSenior Vocational Education;高等职业教育要注重核心技能的培养

3.It is a significant strategic policy made by our central government to develop the senior vocational education greatly.大力发展高等职业教育是党中央、国务院的重大战略决策。

6)higher professional education高等职业教育

1.Thinking on general colleges undertaking thehigher professional education;对普通高等院校办高等职业教育的思考

2.Discussing the teaching content on mechanics of architectural managementspecialty in thehigher professional education;高等职业教育建筑管理专业力学课程教学内容探讨

3.On varieties ofhigher professional education;论高等职业教育的多样化


