300字范文 > 成人高校教师 teachers of institutions of higher learning英语短句 例句大全

成人高校教师 teachers of institutions of higher learning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-28 01:47:32


成人高校教师 teachers of institutions of higher learning英语短句 例句大全

成人高校教师,teachers of institutions of higher learning

1)teachers of institutions of higher learning成人高校教师


1.Formation and Inspiration of Innovative Thinking of Teachers at Adult Colleges;成人高校教师创新思维的生成与激励

2.The Teachers Responsibilities and Realization of Their Value of Life--The Teachers Conduct at the Adult Colleges and Universities and Studies on the Teaching Effects;教师责任与价值的实现——成人高校教师行为与教学效果研究

3.Influencing Factors of Adult College Teacher s Job Burnout and Countermeasures;成人高校教师工作倦怠影响因素及应对策略

4.On Rearrangement and Combination of Professional Knowledge;成人高校教师的专业知识与专业技能整合浅谈

5.Research on Countermeasures Against Job Burnout of Teachers in Adult College成人高校教师职业倦怠问题分析及对策研究

6.Investigation and Countermeasures of Adult College Teacher"s Job Burnout成人高校教师工作倦怠调查分析及对策

7.Discussion On Further Education for P. E. Instructors In Adults Institutes;试论成人高校体育教师继续教育问题

8.The Thinking on the Employment System in the Adult University;成人高校推行教师职务聘任制之思考

9.On Construction of Teacher Resource for Adult Education in High Institutes;略论高校成人教育师资队伍建设问题

10.Way and Measures to Improve the Teacher s Quality of Adult School;提高成人学校教师素质的途径与措施

11.Avoid Becoming Career Vegetables--Study of Professionalization of College Teachers;高校教师避免成为“职场植物人”——高校教师职业化探索

12.On the Organization and Cultivation of the Teaching Competence of Teachers for Adult Education in Colleges and Universities;普通高校成人高教教师能力结构及培养

13.Consideration on adult-education teachers construction of general college;普通高校成人教育教师队伍建设的思考

14.Perspectives of Strengthening Teacher"s Quality in Adult Higher Education高校成人高等教育“依法强师”的时代视野

15.Teachers Professional Developments and Reform of Teachers Education in Local Universities;教师专业成长与地方高师院校教师教育改革

16.An Exploration for Development of Adult Education in Newly-built Local Normal Universities;新建本科高师院校成人教育发展路径探析

17.An Idea of Information Technology Education in Teachers Colleges for Adults;关于成人高师院校信息技术教育的思考

18.ON class teaching s efficient managementinnormal advanced education for adults;论成人高等师范院校有效课堂教学管理


adult education of normal colleges高师院校成人教育

3)"five-factor" model of university faculty高校教师人格

4)teachers colleges for adults成人高师院校

1.The importance of the information technology education inteachers colleges for adults is to combine the mastery and application of the imformation technology with the information ideology.鉴于成人高师院校学生的特殊性 ,成人高师院校的信息技术教育应将学生对信息技术的掌握应用与信息意识观念的更新有机地结合起来 ,积极探索信息技术教育与专业学科教学相整合的教学新思路 ,以探究性学习为中心 ,把信息资源、信息技术和专业课程紧密地结合起来 ,使学生在完成学习任务的过程中 ,创新精神和创新能力不断提高 ,信息意识和信息技术应用能力逐步养成。

5)adult education in the normal university高师成人教育

6)college teacher高校教师

1.Design and implementation of the electronic performance support system forcollege teachers" educational technology training;高校教师教育技术培训电子绩效支持系统的研究与实现

2.Oncollege teachers educational technology training from the perspective of performance technology;从绩效技术的视角审视高校教师教育技术培训

3.Study oncollege teachers educational technology literacy;高校教师教育技术素质的研究


高校教师[电影名称] 高校教师[主要演员] 卢巧音 黄子华 黄秋生[类别] 喜剧片剧情简介江sir自当教师以来,行为怪异,一时放学后追问女生们对他所教的明白与否,一时又跟踪学生至补习社,更走上补习社上课,一时又参与学生们所有的rave party......... 但自从邻校的男生阿dick与阿祖认识了他班上的两女生陈芝与阿wing,更大胆的走到他校他班上课. 江不但被两男生所接受,更带同一众学生走到江sir班上课,学生们对江竟出奇的好感,而江亦为他们解决问题,学生们不知不觉间被江另类的处事方法影响,开始改变对上学读书的收态. 而就在学生与江sir建立起一份友谊的同时,江sir被发现原来他所申报的学历全是假的,当江sir被揭发后,不能再当教师,众学生不禁黯然下泪........
