300字范文 > 成人教育立法 adult education legislation英语短句 例句大全

成人教育立法 adult education legislation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-05 20:28:25


成人教育立法 adult education legislation英语短句 例句大全

成人教育立法,adult education legislation

1)adult education legislation成人教育立法

1.China\"sadult education legislation is still at the theoretical study stage,but the rule of law,theoretical basis,and the requirements of the times for legislation are ripe.我国成人教育立法工作尚处于理论研讨阶段,但立法的法治基础、理论依据、时代需求已经成熟。


parative Perspective of Adult Education Legislation Enteprise in China比较视野中的中国成人教育立法事业

2.Adult Educational Legislation of American-European and Enlightenment to Our Country;欧美发达国家成人教育立法及其对我国的启示

3.Set up a Wide Notion about Adult Education Up-Build The Solid Adult Education Market Together;树立大成人教育观念共建立体化成教市场

4.A Preliminary Study on Chain Teaching of Basic Medical Courses in Adult Education;成人教育中基础医学课程“立体滚动式教学”法初探

5.a pioneer method of adult education成人教育最早的方法

6.Preventing Juvenile Delinquency Requires Further Perfecting Legislation and Strengthening Education;完善立法与加强教育:构建未成年人犯罪预防体系的着力点

7.Criticism of Dichotomy of Andragogy and Pedagogy;成人教育学与儿童教育学二元对立的批判

8.Development trend of adult education under background of lifelong education system;建立终身教育体系视角下的成人教育走势

9.Setting up a New educational Idea in DevelopingHigher Education for Grown ups;发展成人高等教育应树立新的教育观念

10.Approach to the Establishment of Evaluation System on Adult Higher Education;试论建立成人高等教育质量评估体系

11.Base on Characteristics of Transportation Industries and Devote Major Efforts to Developing Adult Education;立足交通行业特色 大力发展成人教育

12.Preventing Juvenile Delinquency must be Based on Education;预防未成年人犯罪应立足于院校教育

13.Standardize Teaching with Law--The Study of the Legal Issues in Adult Higher Education;依法治教——成人教育管理的法律化规范

14.The Application of Example Teaching Methodin Adult Education of Laws;“案例教学法”在成人法学教育中的应用

15.On Disposing Capacity of Juridical Person of Public Schools for Compulsory Education;论公立义务教育学校法人的行为能力

16.The Construction of Three-dimensional Instructional Resources of Web Based Adult Education;基于网络成人教育立体化教学资源建设

17.Establishing Evaluation System for Teaching of Adult Students;建立成人教育教学工作评价体系的设想

18.On Adult Education and Teaching Method in Medical College;高等医学院校成人教育教学方法探讨


private adult education私立成人教育

1.The production,development ofprivate adult education of our country are following the production that educated with developing but developed.我国古代私立成人教育的产生、发展伴随着教育的产生和发展而发展、壮大起来的,在新世纪,在终生教育的呼吁下,在知识经济时代的要求下,在我国“科教兴国”的感召下,私立成人教育发挥了越来越重要的作用,显示出巨大的生命力与活力。

3)adult education act成人教育法

4)adult education of laws成人法学教育

1.The aim ofadult education of laws is to train practical people in laws.文章以教学实践经验为基础 ,对在成人法学教育中应用案例教学法的必要性及实施案例教学法的具体方法和措施 ,进行了一些理论上的概括和探

5)adult education of French法国成人教育

6)educational legislation教育立法

1.On values ofeducational legislation based on the public interest;基于公共性的教育立法价值论

2.Min Guo Higher Educational Legislation and the Formation of Modern University System;民国高等教育立法与现代大学制度的形成(1912-1949)

pared to other, we should strengthen the construction of laws, establish the tight ELRS and improve its lateral ties as quickly as possible, reform educational management system and set up its appraisal rules and make further efforts oneducational legislation in order to perfect.建设严密的教育法律法规体系、完善教育法规纵横结构、建立有关教育管理评估法规制度是当务之急,也是在教育立法工作中值得探讨的一个重要课题。


成人1.德才兼备的人。犹完人。 2.成年。 3.造就人。 4.成器,成材。 5.谓妓女初破身。
