300字范文 > 节点资源库 node resource英语短句 例句大全

节点资源库 node resource英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-27 11:38:56


节点资源库 node resource英语短句 例句大全

节点资源库,node resource

1)node resource节点资源库

1.This article deals with the "China Modern Distance Education Resources" system,discusses the problems ofnode resource library receiving the resource from external resource library,cataloguing the resources and registing system bluk users with high efficiency.论述了"国家现代远程教育资源库"系统中,节点资源库管理系统高效接收外部资源库资源、高效进行资源编目和批量进行系统用户注册的问题,对改进提高节点资源库管理系统的软件功能,提出了解决问题的方法思路。


1.Node data resource sharing and data interface research节点资源库数据共享与数据接口研究

2.The Study on Sharing Resources Construction of the City Node Library in Modern Distance Learning Resources Library国家现代远程教育资源库城市节点库资源建设共享研究

3.Application of Node Resource Library for Teaching Designing in Distance Education;节点库资源在远程开放教育教学设计中的应用

4.You can not remove a node when resources are owned by that node.当节点拥有资源时,不得将该节点删除。

5.Thoughts on the Building of Network Teaching Resources Library;关于网络教学资源库建设的几点思考

6.On Construction of the Study Databank of Surgical Treatment of Bone and Joint Injury骨与关节损伤手术治疗学习资源库的建设

7.Found a resource that is common to all nodes that can be used as a quorum resource.找到一个所有节点都可使用的资源。此资源可作为仲裁资源。

8.Found a resource common to all nodes that can be used as a quorum resource.找到可以用作仲裁资源的资源,该资源由所有节点公用。

9.Found no managed resources on the node.发现此节点上没有经过管理的资源。

10.The connection to the node failed. No resources will be collected.连接到节点失败。没有收集资源。

11.There are no nodes on which the resources in this group can be brought online.没有节点可供这个组的资源联机。

12.The cluster node is not the owner of the group.群集节点不是此资源的所有者。

13.In the Project Explorer, select the Event Logs node.在资源管理器中,选择事件志节点.

14.Relay selection and resource allocation Algorithm in OFDM relay channelsOFDM中继信道节点选择与资源分配算法

15.Apply the Net Lattice Resource Node to Optimize Colleges and Universities Network System运用网格资源节点优化高校网络系统

16.J-Sim-based memory resources management of active node基于J-sim的主动节点内存资源管理

17.CPU Resource Management Policy for Active Network Node主动网络节点的CPU资源管理策略

18.A Survey and Analysis of the Utilization of CALIS Web Resources Navigation System for Major SubjectsCALIS重点学科网络资源导航库的使用情况分析


node resource library节点库资源

3)resource node资源节点

1.First,Globus Toolkit was indroduced,the framework and functions of ERSDG were elaborated,and specifications of re source file name and types ofresource node were brought forward;and then system realization from synchronizing data,resource access service and monitor management were discussed.首先介绍了Globus Toolkit工具包,阐述了ERSDG系统的架构和功能,提出了资源文件命名规范和资源节点分类,再分别从数据同步、资源访问服务和监控管理等方面论述了该系统的实现,最后从同步数据性能测试、用户访问和系统监控情况等方面分析了该系统性能。

2.Based on the economic theories,we construct the utility function of theresource node in Manufacturing Grid,and then we found the reasonable benefit distribution me.在制造网格中建立的虚拟组织,形成了按照贡献与收益平衡原则的制造网格资源节点利益分配格局。

4)Node Resources节点资源

1.Node Resources Management in Active Network;主动网络中的节点资源管理

5)manufacturing resource node制造资源节点

6)Source-sink regulation源库调节


节点分子式:CAS号:性质: 又称结点。是有向图中的符号。将工艺流程图抽象为信息流程图时,常用有向图来表示。有向图由节点和有向支线构成,用来表达流程信息结构。节点通常与单元设备对应(但不必严格地一一对应),有向支线则与流股相对应。这种表达是矩阵表示的基础。
