300字范文 > 教师管理机制 teacher management mechanism英语短句 例句大全

教师管理机制 teacher management mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-03 16:10:47


教师管理机制 teacher management mechanism英语短句 例句大全

教师管理机制,teacher management mechanism

1)teacher management mechanism教师管理机制


1.Reflections on the establishment of people-oriented teachers management mechanism in colleges and universities;建立高校人本化教师管理机制的思考

2.On Building Mobility Management Mechanism of College Teachers建立能进能出的高校教师管理机制的若干思考

3.Research on Stimulation Mechanism about in the Management of College Teacher;高等学校教师管理中的激励机制研究

4.Incentive Policy in Management of China s University Teachers;我国普通高校教师管理中的激励机制

5.Research on Human Resources Management Mechanism Innovation of College Teachers高校教师人力资源管理机制创新研究

6.Study on the Application of Motivation Theory in the Management of University Teachers激励机制理论在高校教师管理中的应用研究

7.Study on the Motivation Management Mechanism for Non-governmental University Faculty in Jiangxi Province;江西省民办高校教师管理中的激励机制研究

8.The Current Situation of New-curriculum School-based Teacher Training and the Study of Internal Regulatory Regime;新课程校本教师培训现状与内部管理机制研究

9.Problems and growth mechanism of salary management for young college teachers;高等学校青年教师薪酬管理的问题与增长机制

10.Research on the Incentive Mechanism of China"s College Teachers" Pay Management我国高校教师薪酬管理激励机制的研究

11.Study on Teachers" Incentive Mechanism in Devolved College转隶高校教师队伍管理激励机制问题研究

12.Research on Mechanism of Flexibility of Human Resources Management Towards Teachers in Colleges and Universities高校教师人力资源柔性化管理机制研究

13.On the Improvement of Incentive Mechanism of University Teacher Management试论高校教师管理激励机制的健全与完善

parative Research on Teaching Staff Training and Administrative System in America and European Countries欧美职业学校教师培训与管理机制比较研究

15.By Establishing Effiective Teaching Management Mechanisms to Pronoting Secondary Vocational Schools Teaching Reflection;建立有效教学管理机制促进中等职业学校教师开展教学反思

16.Deepen the Reform of Feachers Bersonnel Management and Construct Scientific Management Mechanism;深化师资管理改革 构建科学管理机制

17.The Base. Network and Management Mechanism of Further Education for Primary School and Middle School Teachers in Henan Province;河南省中小学教师继续教育的基地、网络及管理机制

18.The Innovation and Devlopment of College Teacher Appraisal and Management Mechanism Based on the Competent Capability Theory基于胜任力理论的高校教师评价管理机制创新与发展


teacher management institution教师管理制度

1.To some extent, teachers’activities and the relationships among teachers and others are standardized and sustained by theteacher management institutions.在大学这样一个松散的社会组织中,教师的学术研究领域大相径庭,追求的人生理想和价值观也各异其趣,教师的活动以及教师与各方的关系,在很大程度上是靠教师管理制度来规范和维系的。

3)faculty management mechanism师资管理机制

4)management of teachers教师管理

1.There exist some problems in themanagement of teachers in universities and colleges.针对新形势高等学校教师管理中存在的问题 ,分析了加强教师管理的重要性 ,提出了完善管理制度 ,民主治校 ,建立人才引进机制 ,以及加大对教师培养的力度等措

2.Traditionalmanagement of teachers often ignores and prevents teacher s development, while developmentalmanagement of teachers focuses on the development and progress of teacher, and think of it as the mission and core ofmanagement of teachers.传统的教师管理常常忽视和阻碍了教师的发展,而发展性教师管理关注教师的成长和发展,将它看作是学校教师管理的使命和核心。

3.It is obvious to all that there are some disadvantages in the practi calmanagement of teachers which is a single and mechanical management pattern.现实的教师管理集中表现为单一的、机械的理性管理模式,其弊端是有目共睹的。

5)teachers management教师管理

1.The legal research onteachers management in universities;高等学校教师管理的法律研究

2.A Research of University Teachers Management in Korea and Its Enlightenments to China;韩国高校教师管理研究及对中国的启示

3.The transition of school-basedteachers management system from "bureaucratic approach" to the "professional approach"is in concert with the current situation of curriculum reform and educational development.校本教师管理从"科层取向"到"专业取向"适应了课程改革与教育发展的形势。

6)teacher management教师管理

1.Based on this,this thesis expounds the functions and means of emotional inspiration in theteacher management of civilian-run schools,and the author also puts forward his own opinions about how to pract.基于此特点,本文对民办学校教师管理中的情感激励功能、情感激励途径作了阐述,并对如何实践情感激励提出了自己的看

2.To reflect on the rural basic education from the perspective of practice,we need to reform the traditional educational values,objectives,teacher management,teaching and researching organizations and so on.从实践的视角反思农村基础教育问题,需要对传统的教育价值观、教育目标、教师管理、教研机构等进行变革。

3.Contraposed the actuality ofteacher management and student management in adult education, this article is talking about how to strengthen this two important aspects.成人教育教师管理和学生管理是成人教育管理的重要方面,针对成人教育师生管理现状,本文在加强成人教育师生管理方面提出了一些看法与建议。


