300字范文 > 职工素质教育工程 program of quality-oriented education for capital workers英语短句 例句大全

职工素质教育工程 program of quality-oriented education for capital workers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-05 05:53:53


职工素质教育工程 program of quality-oriented education for capital workers英语短句 例句大全

职工素质教育工程,program of quality-oriented education for capital workers

1)program of quality-oriented education for capital workers职工素质教育工程


1.Consideration of Quality-oriented Education Project of Capital Workers and Staff Members;对实施首都职工素质教育工程的思考

2.Influence of Program of Quality-oriented Education for Capital Workers and Staff Members to Teachers职工素质教育工程对教师自身素质的影响力

3.Function of An Instructor in Program of Quality-oriented Education for Capital Workers and Staff Members;论首都职工素质教育工程中导学教师的作用

4.A Review and Prospect of Program of Quality-oriented Education for Capital workers and Staff Members;关于推进首都职工素质教育工程的回顾与展望

5.Promoting the Lasting Effect System of Quality-oriented Education Project of Capital Workers and Staff Members;推进首都职工素质教育工程长效机制的建设

6.Promoting Sustainable Development of Program of Quality-oriented Education for Capital Workers推进首都职工素质教育工程可持续发展

7.Program of Quality-oriented Education for Capital workers and Staff Members based on Win-win between Workers and Enterprise;首都职工素质教育工程打造职工与企业双赢平台

8.Trial Discussion of Development of Brand of Quality-oriented Education Program for Capital Workers through News Media;试论用新闻推广打造职工素质教育工程品牌形象

9.Strengthenning Humanistic Qualities in Teaching Engineering Mechanics in Vocational College重视高职《工程力学》中的人文素质教育

10.Basic qualities of the teachers of Metal-Engineering course of higher vocational education;高职教育金工系列课程教师的基本素质

11.Reflections on the implementation of overall quality-oriented education project at vocational colleges;对高职高专院校实施全面素质教育工程的思考

12.The Courses Design of Vocational College Education Based on Quality Education and Combination of Work and Learning基于素质教育与工学结合的高职教育课程体系的设计

13.Staff and Workers Quality Education Should Develop Further;职工素质教育要与时俱进——涉及新时期职工素质教育的几个问题

14.Current Situation of Business Staff s Quality and Countermeasuresfor Staff Education;企业职工素质的发展状况与职工教育的对策

15.To Enforce Talent s Fostering Engineering , Promote Quality Education in an Overall Way--The practice and thinking of “five education engineering”implemented in Jiangxi Agricultural University;全面推进素质教育,实施“五项教育工程”

16.Study on the quality educationin the teaching of engineering mechanics;在工程力学课程教学中实施素质教育

17.On Basic Project of Quality Education --Psychological Quality Education;浅谈素质教育的奠基工程—心理素质教育

18.Consideration on Improvement of Quality-oriented Training to Workers and Staff Members;对职工素质教育培训创新发展的思考


quality-oriented education project of capital workers and staff members首都职工素质教育工程

1.In order to improve the system,strengthen the management and enrich the knowledge,quality-oriented education project of capital workers and staff members should be e.首都职工素质教育工程是发展先进生产力、先进文化的基础工程,是维护广大职工群众的学习权、发展权和其他精神文化权益的民心工程。

2.Trade union organizations at all levels regardquality-oriented education project of capital workers and staff members as the carrier of comprehensively bettering the quality of the work force.北京市各级工会组织,把实施首都职工素质教育工程作为全面提高职工队伍整体素质的重要抓手和载体。

3.The activity named"establishing learning organizations and striving for learning workers"is the carrier ofquality-oriented education project of capital workers and staff members, which is a sustained program.首都职工素质教育工程是以"创争"活动为载体;以首都职工素质教育工程为长效机制;以提升职工学习能力、创新能力、竞争能力和创业能力为内容;以造就学习型、知识型、技能型、专家型职工队伍为目标。

3)quality-oriented education of workers and staff members职工素质教育

1.In order to achieve the goal ofquality-oriented education of workers and staff members, its implication should be understood, and the related questions should be answered promptly.职工素质教育是提升职工素质的有效手段,职工素质教育的目的,是使职工树立终生学习的理念,提升学习能力,培养创新意识。

4)engineering quality education工程素质教育

1.It is an essential way to foster high special talents in medical engineering by combining the inquisition education andengineering quality education.教育不单单是向学生传授知识,更重要的是创新思维和实践能力的培养,实施探究式教育和工程素质教育的结合是培养具有创新精神的医工结合的高级专门人才的必由之路。

2.In this paper, it is discussed how theengineering quality education for the college students of management speciality is conducted from engineering courses setting, practicical teaching with the teaching of engineering courses and engineering consciousness cultivating.从设置工程技术课,运用实践性教学和结合工程技术课的讲授、培养工程意识等方面,论述管理专业大学生的工程素质教育问题。

5)program of quality-oriented education素质教育工程

1.Theprogram of quality-oriented education offers a good way not only for capital workers and staff workers to improve the abilities to study and independent innovation,but also for an enterprise to strengthen the capability for sustainable devel.首都职工素质教育工程通过开展多渠道、多层次、多形式的现代远程教育,将规范的培训模式与群众性普及教育相结合,引导企业重视职工培训,鼓励企业为职工创造更多的学习机会和成才机会,为增强职工的学习力和自主创新能力提供了良好的途径。

6)qualities of faculties教职工素质


