300字范文 > 景区交通 transportation of scenic district英语短句 例句大全

景区交通 transportation of scenic district英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-12 02:07:32


景区交通 transportation of scenic district英语短句 例句大全

景区交通,transportation of scenic district

1)transportation of scenic district景区交通

2)Scenic resort traffic noise风景区交通噪声

3)traffic fare within scenic area景区内交通费

4)Traffic landscape交通景观


1.Research on the Landscape of the Urban Viaduct Rail Transit and Evaluation Module;城市高架轨道交通景观分析理论与评价模型

2.The Landscape Building of Urban Underground Space on Traffic;城市地下交通空间景观营造——引入动态景观元素

3.The Landscape Resources of Transportation in Dalian and their Utilization Actuality;大连交通设施景观资源及其开发利用

4.Aesthetics in the Landscape Design of Viaducts in Urban Rail Transit城市轨道交通高架桥的景观美学设计

5.From Traffic to Reconstruction of Landscape Function On Chongqing Ranjiaba Landscape Avenue Planning Concept从交通到景观功能重塑——重庆冉家坝景观大道设计思想研究

6.Since monotony has proved to be a safety hazard, traffic engineering even includes the landscape of the borders of the road.由于景观单调已证明是对交通安全的一大威胁,交通工程学还包括高速公路两边的景观设计。

7.The Research on Freeway-Interchange Landscape Design;高速公路互通立交桥建筑的景观设计研究

8.The Research of Urban Transportation and Road System Planning Based on Landscape Ecological Principles;注重景观生态的城市交通与道路系统规划研究

9.The Primary Research on Elevated Intersection Greenspace Landscape of Expressway;高速公路互通立交绿地景观规划设计研究

10.A Research into the Coordination on Urban Rapid Elevated Railways and Urban Landscape;城市高架快轨交通与城市景观协调性研究

11.Study on Land Use and Landscape Pattern Changes Along Traffic Trunk Lines in the Town;小城镇交通沿线土地利用和景观格局变化研究

12.Scenic Environment Design of the Pixian Campus of Southwest Jiaotong University;西南交通大学郫县新校区景观环境的设计

13.Analysis of Landscape Design at Interchange Erea of Changji Expressway常吉高速公路互通立交区景观设计浅析

14.On evenings when we cruised the sky, we were a traffic-stopping show.傍晚,我们在空中巡航,成了使交通中止的一大景观。

15.Study on Landscape Ecology Method of Transportation Eco-Environmental Impact Assessment;交通工程生态环境影响评价的景观生态学方法研究

16.Analysis on Forecast Method of Urban Railway Transport Demand and the Environment and Scenes Along the Line;城市轨道交通需求预测方法及沿线环境景观分析研究

17.A probe into the landscape of Urban Viaduct Rail Transit;轨道交通高架线路对沿途景观的影响——以杭州地铁一号线为例

18.Research on Land Use Change along the Roads of Wuhan Rail Transit Based on Landscape Index基于景观指数的武汉市轨道交通沿线土地利用变化研究


Scenic resort traffic noise风景区交通噪声

3)traffic fare within scenic area景区内交通费

4)Traffic landscape交通景观

5)traffic scene交通场景

6)Tongling scenic spot通灵景区


