300字范文 > 双层嵌套概率模式 double layer nested multi-objective probability model英语短句 例句大全

双层嵌套概率模式 double layer nested multi-objective probability model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-01 10:16:27


双层嵌套概率模式 double layer nested multi-objective probability model英语短句 例句大全

双层嵌套概率模式,double layer nested multi-objective probability model

1)double layer nested multi-objective probability model双层嵌套概率模式

2)double-layer-embedment model双层嵌套模型

3)double deck nesting双层嵌套


1.Application of Double Layer Nested Multi-objective Probability Model in Environmental Impact Analysis of Port Construction in Pearl River Delta双层嵌套多目标概率模型在珠江三角洲港口工程环境分析中的应用

2.innermost DO of nest嵌套的最内层循环 -FORTRAN用

3.global screen write subroutine nesting level全局屏幕写子程序嵌套层次

4.Even the dissimilar nesting of folder-inside-drawer-inside-cabinet rarely exceeds two levels of nesting.即使是抽屉内的文件夹——这种不同的嵌套也很少超过两个嵌套层次。

ing back now to the double glazing I mentioned before.回到我前面提到的镶嵌双层玻璃。

6.Create a frameset with a nested information hierarchy创建一个嵌套式信息层次结构的框架集

7.Nested Hierarchical Analysis of IR-drop for Power/Ground Network;嵌套式层次化P/G网IR-drop分析方法的研究

8.Study on the Coupling of Microwave Pulses into Monolayer and Nested Cavities Through Slots;微波脉冲与带缝单层腔体、嵌套腔体耦合的研究

9.Panel Data Analysis with Hierarchical Structure and Application;多层嵌套结构面板数据的统计分析及其应用

10.Multi-layer nested grey incidence analysis to economic of mining enterprise矿山企业经济的多层次嵌套型灰色关联分析

11.Maximum stored procedure, function or trigger nesting level exceeded (limit %d).超出了存储过程、函数或触发器的最大嵌套层数(最大层数为 %1!)。

12.Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded (limit %d).超出了存储过程、函数、触发器或视图的最大嵌套层数(最大层数为 %1!)。

13.BeginTrans returns a value of type Integer, indicating the nesting level of the new transaction.值是事务嵌套的层次,如果只能开一层事务,何必要有返回值?

14.Cannot nest calls to LoadModule.无法嵌套调用 LoadModule。

15.subroutine nesting子程序嵌套, 子程序套用

16.fitting rubber liner for stern tube尾轴管橡胶衬套嵌套

17.Binary Combinatorial Grammar Parsing Model Based on Local Priority and Nesting Level基于局部优先和嵌套层次的二元组合语法分析模型

18.Gloves, gloves. Take off the gloves.手套,手套,摘掉这双手套。


double-layer-embedment model双层嵌套模型

3)double deck nesting双层嵌套

4)model nesting模式嵌套

5)AREM nested modelAREM嵌套模式

1.The system usesAREM nested model as the core, and the resolution ratio of the model reaches 12km.针对三峡库区地质灾害防治,着眼于强降水预报,建立了一个以AREM嵌套模式为核心,模式分辨率达到12km,可利用中国气象局Micaps/9210业务网络上的实时T213资料,和常规地面、探空资料,进行分析后作为初值场和嵌套边界,做0~24和12~36小时降水预报的中尺度数值预报系统。

6)CAM-RegCM nested modelCAM-RegCM嵌套模式


