300字范文 > 空调房间 air-conditioning room英语短句 例句大全

空调房间 air-conditioning room英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-07 09:28:46


空调房间 air-conditioning room英语短句 例句大全

空调房间,air-conditioning room

1)air-conditioning room空调房间

1.Establishing a simulation model for anair-conditioning room of VAV central air-conditioning system;VAV中央空调系统空调房间仿真模型的建立

2.Establishing a simulation model for anair-conditioning room using Matlab/Simulink toolbox;基于Matlab/Simulink环境下空调房间仿真模型的建立

3.Research of Thermal Field Dynamic Response in Air-conditioning Room During Start-Up Process;空调房间开机过程温度场动态特性研究


1.Study on the Thermal Environment of Air Condition Room in Winter;冬季空调房间室内热环境特性的研究

2.Numerical Modeling of Air Flow in Air-Conditioned Room;空调房间气流组织的数值计算与模拟

3.Particle Evolution in Different Ventilation Rooms;不同空调房间室内颗粒物的演变规律

4.Experimental Study of the Concentration of Carbon Dioxide Indoor Air-conditioning Room空调房间室内CO_2浓度实验研究

5.Energy consumption analysis of natural ventilation and infiltration in air conditioned rooms in summer夏季空调房间无组织通风的能耗分析

6.Research on Numerical Simulation of Thermal Environment in an Air Conditioning Office办公室空调房间热环境数值模拟研究

7.Numerical simulation of displacement ventilation air-conditioned room based on CFD基于CFD的置换通风空调房间数值模拟

8.Room air conditionersGB/T7725-1996房间空气调节器

9.Starting from the Room Air-conditioned Space to Open up a New Energy Saving从机房空调入手 开辟节能降耗新空间

10.Can you adjust the heating/air-conditioning in my room?你能调节一下我房间的暖气/空调吗?

11.A room containing pipework or ducts for air-conditioning.一间装有很多空调管子及管道的房间

12.often occupying whole air-conditioned rooms,常常占据了装有空调的多间房间,

13.Excuse me, but can you do something about the air conditioning in my room ?对不起,能否请你修修我房间里的空调?

14.Both rooms are not air - conditioned .这两个房间不都装有空调。

15.The temperature in the room was brought down by the air conditioner.空调使房间的温度降低下来。

16.) Each room has a bed, air conditioner, desk, and bulletin board.)每个房间里有床、空调、桌子和告示板。

17.Number 246 is an air-conditioned room with a private bath.246号是带空调和独用浴室的房间。

18.Kitchen s Air Quality Investigation and Study;厨房操作间空气卫生质量的调查研究


air-condition room空调房间

1.Study on the strategy of airstream control in theair-condition room and realizing method;空调房间的气流组织策略及实现方法研究

2.Based on the characteristics,comparing with the solid the heat-conduct coefficient of still air is far below,a strategy of controlling the moving air-stream in theair-condition room in order to save energy is proposed in this paper.基于静止气体导热系数远低于固体的这一特性 ,本文提出了一个空调房间节能的气流组织策略 ,通过控制空调送风的强度 ,形成静止的空气间隙 ,减少经由窗户的热交换 ,在此基础上 ,设计了一个空调房间模糊气流控制系统 ,实验结果表明了该方案的有效性。

3)air cycle air conditioning in room房间空调

1.The simple negative pressure-boosting circuit ofair cycle air conditioning in room is presented.结论认为 ,房间空调制冷系数可达1。

4)room air conditioner房间空调器

1.Fuzzy comprehensive assessment of performance ofroom air conditioners;房间空调器性能的模糊综合评判

2.Material consumption analysis ofroom air conditioner manufacturing in China;我国房间空调器材料资源消耗状况分析

3.Theroom air conditioner of high efficiency and energy-saving and the expansion valve;膨胀阀与高效节能房间空调器

5)Room air-conditioner房间空调器

1.Analysis on condensation problem of room air-conditioner;房间空调器凝露问题的分析

2.The Application of Bass Model in Domestic Market Forecast of Room Air-Conditioner;Bass模型在房间空调器国内市场预测中的应用

3.Experimental research on the performance of the room air-conditioner under the off-design conditions房间空调器非设计工况下性能的实验研究

6)Room air conditioner房间空气调节器

1.This article describes the room air conditioner products standard system and standard status of international and developed countries.本文介绍了房间空气调节器产品的国际标准和先进工业国家标准的现状与发展,回顾和介绍了我国房间空气调节器国家标准的发展和制定过程,指出了标准对空调产业发展的重要作用。


空调房间热工设计空调房间是采用空气调节系统控制房间温度、湿度来满足生产、科学研究、生活及其他特种需要的空间。空调房间的热工设计的目标是使空调系统耗用最少的能量,达到所要求的空调精度。空调房间所要求的基准温度和基准湿度叫做空调基数。在空调区域内,温度、湿度平均值偏离空调基数的偏差,叫做静态偏差;而在空调区域内各点处偏离平均值的偏差,叫做动态偏差。空调精度是综合两种偏差的结果。一般精度是指综合偏差在±3~0.5℃之间,高精度是指综合偏差在±0.5℃以内。空调房间的基准温度,一般是在22~26℃。空调房间布置 空调房间一般安排在室外热作用尽可能小的位置,避免强烈日晒。高精度的空调房间最好是套在低精度的空调房间之内。室内空间应有利于气流组织,以尽量降低静态偏差和动态偏差。门斗室对外和对内要有密闭性,一般不设采光窗,或设多重玻璃采光窗。围护结构热阻 热阻(见建筑保温)是空调房屋围护结构最重要的热功能指标。围护结构值应选用建造与使用两种费用的综合的极小值。围护结构构造 围护结构由外表面层、外侧空气层、热绝缘层、内侧空气层、内表面装饰层组成。外表面层是防雨防晒层,要用密实淡色材料;屋顶用油毡或刚性防水层均可,一般采用淡色表层、绿化遮阳、蓄水屋顶及架空遮阳等措施(见建筑防热)。外侧空气层,隔断外表面层与热绝缘层的热、湿的直接联系,此层通风与否均可。热绝缘层是空调房间围护结构的主体,其他各层的设置都是为了保证此层的热绝缘功能,此层一般采用轻质高效的热绝缘材料,例如矿物棉、玻璃棉、蛭石板、珍珠岩板、泡沫塑料板、铝箔空气层等。内侧空气层的作用与外侧空气层相同;如用作回风道,能增加围护结构的热稳定性。内表面装饰层,有两种截然相反的做法:要求重质热稳定性和要求轻质热顺性。前者有辅助空调系统的稳定作用,变温较难;后者能追随空调系统的运行,适于高质量空调系统。
