300字范文 > 前列腺增生症 Benign prostatic hyperplasia英语短句 例句大全

前列腺增生症 Benign prostatic hyperplasia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-05 19:51:11


前列腺增生症 Benign prostatic hyperplasia英语短句 例句大全

前列腺增生症,Benign prostatic hyperplasia

1)Benign prostatic hyperplasia前列腺增生症

1.Clinical analysis of greenlight photoselective vaporization for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia;选择性绿激光治疗前列腺增生症患者临床疗效分析

2.A Report of 382 Transurethral Resection of Prostate for Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia;经尿道前列腺电切术治疗良性前列腺增生症382例报告

3.Evaluation of benign prostatic hyperplasia with different therapies based on clinical physiology and patients subjective experience indexes;基于临床指标和病人主观体验指标的前列腺增生症6种治疗方法的疗效评价


1.Transurethral vaporized resection of the prostate for benign prostatic hyperplasia(215 cases report)经尿道前列腺汽化电切术治疗前列腺增生症

2.Microcirculation changes in benigh prostatic hyperplasia and prostatic carcinoma前列腺增生症和前列腺癌的前列腺组织微循环改变

3.New Advance on Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasis中医药治疗良性前列腺增生症新进展

4.Plasmakinetic Energy Transurethral Resection of the Prostate for Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy经尿道前列腺增生等离子切除术治疗前列腺增生症

5.The Etiology and Clinic Research of BPH with Inflammation;前列腺增生症合并前列腺炎症的病因学及临床研究

6.Clinical Observation on the Effects of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with Qianlie Ⅱ Granule;前列Ⅱ号治疗良性前列腺增生症的临床观察

7.An Analytical Study on Complications of BPH after TUVP with 73 Cases;73例TUVP治疗前列腺增生症术后并发症的分析

8.The Effect of Prostatic Inflammation Complicated by Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia on Serum Total Prostate-specific Antigen Level前列腺增生症病人合并的前列腺炎症对血清前列腺特异性抗原的影响

9.Clinical study of qianlongtong capsule on benign prostatic hypertrophy前癃通胶囊治疗良性前列腺增生症的临床观察

10.Objective To investigate the cause of unsuccessful prostate stent therapy for benign prostatehyperplasia( BPH) disease.目的探讨前列腺支架治疗前列腺增生症的失败原因。

11.Transurethral Resection Prostate by Modified Blandy s Methods Treat Large-sized and High-risk Benign Prostate Hyperplasia;改良Blandy法经尿道前列腺切除术治疗高危重度前列腺增生症

12.A Clinical Study of Photon Therapy for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia;前列腺光子治疗机治疗前列腺增生症的临床研究

13.Management of Obstruction of Lower Urinary Tract Resulting from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostatic Cancer by Interventional Therapy;前列腺增生症及前列腺癌所致下尿路梗阻的介入治疗

14.Plasmakinetic transurethral retrograde dissection of prostate for benign prostatic hyperplasia经尿道等离子前列腺逆行剥离切除术治疗前列腺增生症

15.The combined application of transurethral electrovaporization ablation and transurethral prostatectomy for BPH经尿道前列腺电汽化配合电切治疗前列腺增生症临床研究

16.Transurethral resection of prostate for treatment of senior high risk benign prostatic hyperplasia patients(report of 216 cases)经尿道前列腺电切术治疗高龄高危前列腺增生症(附216例)

17.The Transurethral Resection of Prostate(TURP) Treatment of High-risk Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia(Report of 62 Cases)经尿道前列腺电切术治疗高危良性前列腺增生症(附62例报告)

parative study on transurethral electroresection of prostate and transurethral plasmakinetic resection of prostate for benign prostatic hyperplasia两种经尿道前列腺切除术治疗良性前列腺增生症的疗效比较


Prostatic hyperplasia前列腺增生症

1.Transurethral vaporization of the prostate and transurethral resection of the prostate for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia;经尿道前列腺汽化电切术结合经尿道前列腺电切术治疗前列腺增生症及其并发症的防治

2.Plasmakinetic vaporization for treatment of large volume benign prostatic hyperplasia;等离子体汽化术治疗重度前列腺增生症

3.TUVP and TURP for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia;经尿道前列腺电汽化术联合经尿道前列腺电切术治疗前列腺增生症

3)Benign prostate hyperplasia前列腺增生症

1.Transurethral vapor-resection of the prostate in high risk patients with large volume benign prostate hyperplasia;高危重度前列腺增生症的经尿道汽化电切治疗

2.Objective:To investigate the therapeutic results of benign prostate hyperplasia(BPH)by transurethral electrovaporization of prostate (TVP).目的:探讨采用经尿道前列腺电汽化术(TVP)治疗良性前列腺增生症(BPH)的效果。

3.[Objective] To study a safe and effective therapy for patients with benign prostate hyperplasia(BPH)and bladder complicated stone.目的探讨前列腺增生症(BPH)合并膀胱多发结石的安全有效的治疗方法。


1.TURP and TUVP for 180 dangerous and older patients suffering fromBPH;TURP与TUVP治疗高危高龄前列腺增生症180例

2.Madigan prostatectomy for 48 cases withBPH;Madigan手术治疗前列腺增生症48例

3.The treatment of 29 cases withBPH complicating bladder tumor;前列腺增生症合并膀胱肿瘤29例治疗分析

5)hyperplasia of prostate前列腺增生症

1.Curative effect of transurethral electrocision for patients with high riskhyperplasia of prostate;经尿道汽化电切术治疗高危患者前列腺增生症疗效观察

2.Clinical analysis of preoperative and postoperative management of 98 patients withhyperplasia of prostate;前列腺增生症围手术期处理98例临床分析

3.There is no such record about the oHyprgan prostate orhyperplasia of prostate in traditional Chinese medicine.前列腺增生症(Benign Prostate hyperplasia,BPH)又称良性前列腺增生、前列腺肥大,是中老年男性患者的常见病症。

6)prostate hyperplasia/complications前列腺增生症/并发症


