300字范文 > 海上浮体 ocean floating structures英语短句 例句大全

海上浮体 ocean floating structures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-09 00:26:11


海上浮体 ocean floating structures英语短句 例句大全

海上浮体,ocean floating structures

1)ocean floating structures海上浮体

1.Study on the disturbing forces for dynamic positioning system ofocean floating structures;海上浮体动力定位外力计算

2)floating on the sea海上漂浮


1.My box floated on the sea for a few hours.我的箱子在海上漂浮了几小时,

2.After the storm,the sea was covered with flotsam and jetsam.暴风雨后,海上漂浮着遇难船只的残骸和货物。

3.A float on a seaplane.浮筒漂浮在海面上的浮筒

4.There was seaweed floating about on the surface of the water有些海草漂浮在水面上。

5.The Titanic collided with the floating iceberg.泰坦尼克号撞到了海上 漂浮的冰山.

6.In the evening, you will have dinner at a floating seafood restaurant.晚上,你将在一个漂浮在海上的海鲜饭店吃晚饭。

7.They look like white mountains floating in the sea.它们看上去就像漂浮在海上的白色的群山。

8.Thousands do this every year at the Dead Sea,每年有上千名游客前往死海体验这种漂浮感,

9.To convey or send floating through the air or over water.漂浮在空气中或水上漂浮着传或送

10."The Sargasso Sea, a free-floating mass of seaweed (mostly S. natans), occurs in the Atlantic Ocean"位于大西洋的马尾藻海上就漂浮着大量的海草(尤其是马尾藻)。

11.a float supporting a seaplane.支持水上飞机的漂浮物。

12.a few boats are floating on the lake.湖面上漂浮着几只小船。

13.The float bobbed up and down on the river.漂浮物在江面上时上时下地浮动。

14.I found something large floating on the sea about a mile away from the shore.我发现一个很大的东西漂浮在离岸边约一英里远的海上。

15.Made of glass fibre, the capsule will float on the sea and will not be dragged down by the sinking ship.救生艇是玻璃钢板制成的,它将漂浮在海上,不会被沉船拖下去。

16.Plants that float on the surface of bodies of fresh water.漂浮植物漂浮在淡水水体表面上的植物

17.Wreckage or cargo that remains afloat after a ship has sunk.漂浮物沉船后仍漂浮在水面上的残片或货物

18.A floating structure serving as a dock.浮码头漂浮在水上的用作码头的结构


floating on the sea海上漂浮

3)oceanographic buoy海上浮标

4)oceanographic buoy海上浮筒

5)sea terminal海上浮码头

6)offshore floating dock海上浮船坞


1-氨基海因盐酸体分子式 C3H6ClN3O2 分子量 151.56CAS号 2827-56-7 1-氨基海因盐酸熔点202-203℃(部分分解)。溶于水、四氢呋喃和乙醚,几乎不溶于冷的乙醇、氯仿和二氯乙烷。用途;1-氨基海因盐酸主要用于合成呋喃妥因(Nitrofurantoin)和Furaginum等。
