300字范文 > 长江航运 Yangtze River shipping英语短句 例句大全

长江航运 Yangtze River shipping英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-11 23:39:30


长江航运 Yangtze River shipping英语短句 例句大全

长江航运,Yangtze River shipping

1)Yangtze River shipping长江航运

1.Research on Electronic Commerce of Yangtze River Shipping;长江航运电子商务应用研究

2.Accelerate the development of theYangtze River shipping Green Logistics加快发展长江航运绿色物流

3.On the basis of analyzing the competitive superiority and challenge of NanjingYangtze River shipping logistics,the paper applies Michael Poter competitive superiority theory in the countermeasures research of how to breed the shipping logistics competitive superiority.在南京长江航运物流竞争优势和挑战的基础上,应用波特的竞争优势理论,提出了南京长江航运物流竞争优势培育对策,特别是品牌优势的培养。


1.Three Questions to be Considered in the Basic Construction of the Transportation at the Changjiang River长江航运基础建设中的三个思考题

2.Study on the Debt-to-equity Swap of Changjiang National Shipping (Group) Corporation;长江航运(集团)总公司债转股实施研究

3.Improve the Quality to Make the Smoothly Transportation in Yangtze River;打造诚信品牌 构建和谐长江航运

4.Yangtze River Policy Research Based on Systems Dynamics基于系统动力学的长江航运政策研究

5.The Research of Yangtz River Shipment Information Services and Application Pattern of Notices to Skippers;长江航运信息服务与船长通告应用模式的研究

6.On the Rapid Railway and Freeway Network Along the Yangtze River That Influence the Water Transportation of the Yangtze River;论长江沿岸高速铁路网、公路网布局对长江航运的影响

7.How to Breed the Competitive Superiority of Nanjing Yangtze River Shipping Logistics;南京长江航运物流竞争优势培育对策研究

8.Research on the Development of Containership Fleets among Coast ad the Yangtze River Ports近海与长江之间集装箱航运船队的发展研究

9.Research on Development of Lateral Aviation in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area of the Yangtze River;长江三峡库区支线航空运输发展对策研究

10.Yangtze River is Golden Channel,Playing a Key Role for Shanghai International Shipping Centre;发挥长江“黄金水道”作用,支持上海国际航运中心

11.Their ancesters began to sail primitively over the river and wrote down the first chapter of Three Gorges navigation.正是他们开始了长江上最原始的航行,写下三峡航运最初的篇章。

12.The major route of Changjiang river and Jinghang is the biggest canal for shipping volume.长江干线、京杭运河成为世界上运量最大的通航河流和运河。

13.CSC s 3000t Level Barge Structure Optimization and Fleet Transportation Plan in the ChangJiang River Middle and Lower Reaches Line;长航集团长江中下游3000t级驳船结构优化及船队运输规划

14.Design and Implementation for Networks and Communication Protocol in Yangtze River Intelligent Shipping System;长江智能航运系统网络及通信协议的设计与实现


16.Study on Optimization of Transport Organization Modes of Dry Bulk from Chongqing to Shanghai Sea-route Section in Yangtze River长江干线重庆至上海航段干散货运输组织方式优化研究

17.Study of the Transport Goods Volume and Navigation Scale in the Xiao Nan Hai Key Position长江小南海枢纽过坝货运量预测与通航规模研究

18.My vessel is in seaworthiness when navigating in Yangtze River.本船在长江航行时处于适航状态。


Changjiang shipping长江航运

1.This is a good opportunity for theChangjiang shipping from the east to the west of China.西部开发 ,交通先行 ,这为横贯东西的长江航运带来了千载难逢的发展机遇。

2.This paper introduces the tendency of the informization both home and abroad, analyzes the current development of construction of Changjiang Shipping Information Net System,and presents some countermeasures to accelerate the process of the informization in Changjiang Shipping.文章介绍了国内外信息化发展的趋势,分析了长江航运信息系统建设的现状,提出了加速长航信息化进程的对策。

3)Changjiang river shipping长江航运

1.The author also predicts the requirements of ship form and corresponding technologies of theChangjiang river shipping,and discusses the development tendency.总结长江干线干散货船、集装箱船、油船、化学品船、汽车滚装船、川江载重汽车滚装船、江海直达运输船在系列化、专业化、标准化、大型化方向已有的技术成果,展望长江航运对船型及相应技术的需求,分析发展趋势。

2.The paper analyzes the challenge and trend in development of Changjiang River shipping, discusses the workability of developing shipping distribution and the choice of market and puts forward the policy advice to speed up the construction of distribution system and promote the development of shipping distribution.分析了长江航运发展中面临的挑战和未来的发展方向,论述了发展长江航运配送的可行性,讨论了航运配送的市场选择问题,提出了加快配送体系建设和促进航运配送发展的政策建议。

4)Yangtze Shipping长江航运

1.Yangtze shipping plays a very important part in economic development of the valley as a vital component of comprehensive transport system of Yangtze valley.长江航运作为长江流域综合运输体系的重要组成部分,在流域经济建设中发挥着十分重要的作用。

2.The particularity of the transport process decides that safety is the lifeline ofYangtze Shipping.长江航运是以船舶为主要运载工具实现客货空间位移的水上运输服务行业。


6)shipping industry in Yangtze River Basin长江流域航运业


长江三峡(见长江)长江三峡(见长江)Changjiang SanxiaChangiiang Sanxia长江三峡(Chan幻iang sanxia)见长江。
