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主观实验 subjective experiments英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-12 14:51:53


主观实验 subjective experiments英语短句 例句大全

主观实验,subjective experiments

1)subjective experiments主观实验

1.The results of threesubjective experiments indicate that there is no significant difference between the two encoders,as far as the perceptual strength of blurring,color-distortion and blocking is regarded.通过3组主观实验得出了结论:就主观感知的模糊程度、色彩失真程度和块效应程度而言,H。

2)subjective visual perception experiment主观视觉实验

3)subjective reality主观真实

1.The philosophical effect of absurd theatre is a kind ofsubjective reality and it s absurd expression.本文以尤内斯库的名剧《犀牛》为例,第一部分简要介绍了该剧作的创作特点,第二部分重点分析了荒诞派将西方戏剧传统的"净化"的功能转变为以体验为主的教化功能,其追求的是一种心理的主观真实和外在的荒谬表达。

2.Movie and TV drama is really not a simple entertainment behavior to narrate and communicate the history cognition and it is related to recipient ssubjective reality.影视剧对历史认知意识的叙事和传播,并不是一个简单的娱乐行为,它关系到接受者的主观真实的建立。


1.On the Establishment of Subjective Reality and Historical Cognition Narrative and Communication in Movie and TV Drama;论主观真实的建立与影视剧历史认知意识的叙事和传播

2.A Probe into Virginia Woolf′s Subjective Realism and Key Role of Fictional Characters in Terms of Septimus;从赛普蒂默斯看伍尔夫的主观真实论和人物中心论

3.The Pragmatistic Theory of Truth and "Human Rights Outmatching Sovereignty;实用主义真理观与“人权高于主权”论

4.On the naturalistic reality conception of the Actual literature in the new period;论新时期纪实文学的自然主义真实观

5.The Impact of Subjective Factors on the Truth of TV News;主观性因素对电视新闻真实性的影响

6.Real Collective-Carrier of Collectivist Values;真实的集体——集体主义价值观的载体

7.On Analysis of Objective Truth and Legal Truth;客观真实、法律真实辨析——在社会主义法治理念视野下

8.Understanding the truth in the real life--Marxist view of practical truth is transcendence of the modern truth view about knowledge;在现实生活中理解真理—马克思主义实践真理观对近代知识论真理观的超越

9.Outlook of truth is the core of James" pragmatism.真理观是詹姆士实用主义哲学的核心内容。

10.Authenticity is something personal, which one would know.如各位所知,所谓的真实有时是个人主观的认定。

11.Cardozo s Truth Theory of Pragmatism--Reading The Nature of the Judicial Process;卡多佐的实用主义真理观——读《司法过程的性质》

12.On Upholding Objective Facts as Key Proof Standard in Lawsuit;客观真实作为证明标准的主体应予坚持

13.Daly in Reality and Illusion--Modern Philosophy View Daly s Surrealism;真实与梦幻的达利——现代哲学观念与达利的超现实主义

14.There is but one truth, and the question of whether or not one has arrived at it depends not on subjective boasting but on objective practice.真理只有一个,而究竟谁发现了真理,不依靠主观的夸张,而依靠客观的实践。

15.It is learned as objective truth in the course of socialization and thus internalized as subjective reality.知识实体在社会化过程中会当作客观真实来学习,因而内化为主观实在。

16.The Standards of Proof --Objective Authenticity, Legal Authenticity and Substantial Authenticity;证明标准——客观真实、法律真实与实体真实

17.Opposed as it is to all feudal and superstitious ideas, it stands for seeking truth from facts, for objective truth and for the unity of theory and practice.它是反对一切封建思想和迷信思想,主张实事求是,主张客观真理,主张理论和实践一致的。

18.The truthfulness of reportage cannot be reached without comprehension of people, without subjective imagination and construction, which differs from the truthfulness of nature.报告文学的真实不同于自然的真实,它离不开人的理解,离不开主观的想象和建构。


subjective visual perception experiment主观视觉实验

3)subjective reality主观真实

1.The philosophical effect of absurd theatre is a kind ofsubjective reality and it s absurd expression.本文以尤内斯库的名剧《犀牛》为例,第一部分简要介绍了该剧作的创作特点,第二部分重点分析了荒诞派将西方戏剧传统的"净化"的功能转变为以体验为主的教化功能,其追求的是一种心理的主观真实和外在的荒谬表达。

2.Movie and TV drama is really not a simple entertainment behavior to narrate and communicate the history cognition and it is related to recipient ssubjective reality.影视剧对历史认知意识的叙事和传播,并不是一个简单的娱乐行为,它关系到接受者的主观真实的建立。

4)subjective truth主观真实

1.The modes of the standard of criminal proof can be classified into three kinds:"objective truth","legal truth" and "subjective truth".刑事证明标准模式可分为"客观真实"、"法律真实"和"主观真实"三种模式,每种模式各有其理论依据并各有利弊。

2.It reflectssubjective truth or legal truth.西方国家的刑事诉讼证明标准是排除合理怀疑或内心确信,民事诉讼证明标准是优势证据证明,这是一种主观真实或法律真实的证明标准。

5)subjective reality主观现实

1.George Gerbner,the American communication scholar, thinks that the TV culture can cultivate and construct the world view of audiences,make audiencessubjective reality approach the symbol reality that TV media provides even more,but not objective reality.美国传播学家格伯纳认为电视文化可以培养和建构受众的世界观,使受众的主观现实更接近于电视媒介提供的符号现实,而非客观现实。

2.It is argued that the severeness of mental health problem is related to the gap between individual internal drive and thesubjective reality.笔者对心理问题的产生机制进行了深入思考,用公式表达出“心理问题的强度标志着个体内部需求与主观现实间的差距”这一理念。

6)Subjective facts主观事实


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