300字范文 > 绿色基站 Green Station英语短句 例句大全

绿色基站 Green Station英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-27 16:12:58


绿色基站 Green Station英语短句 例句大全

绿色基站,Green Station

1)Green Station绿色基站


1.The solution and the practice of"green station"by using the intelligence heat exchanger and the air-condition system智能热交换器与空调系统构建的“绿色基站”解决方案与实践

2."Dark Green Consumption" --The Green Consumption Based on Circular Economy;“深绿色消费”——基于循环经济的绿色消费

3.Investigation on the green light programs in 500kV substation;500kV变电站实现“绿色照明工程”的研究

4.On the Green Supply Chain Based on Internet;基于Internet的绿色供应链

5.Analysis of Obstacle in Green Business to Lead into Green Consumption--Based on the Perspective of Green Consumption Model;绿色商业引导绿色消费的障碍分析——基于绿色消费模型的视角

6.dusty jade green浅灰绿[色],豆绿[色]

7.Pre-research of Green Architectural Design Based on "Evaluation Standard for Green Building";基于《绿色建筑评价标准》的绿色建筑设计初探

8.Study on Green Marketing Strategy Based on Green Barrier in Our Country s Business;基于绿色壁垒的我国企业绿色营销战略研究

9.To Construct and Build Imagination of Green FDI on Basis of Green GDP Checking and Calculating System;构建在绿色GDP核算体系基础之上的绿色FDI设想

10.Carry Out Green Logistics According to the Theories of Green Marketing;基于绿色营销理论的绿色物流实施探索

11.Enterprises Green Degree of Green Supply Chain Management based on Fuzzy-AHP Model;基于Fuzzy-AHP模型的企业绿色供应链的绿色度评价

12.Research on Evaluation Indices System of Green Supply Chain Based on Green Degree基于绿色度的绿色供应链综合评价体系研究

13.Guidinq the Construction of Green City with the Theory of Green Infrastructure运用绿色基础设施理论,指导“绿色城市”建设

14.These sites, which have obtained high assurance certificates, cause the address bar to change to green.已获得高保证书的网站会使地址栏变成绿色。

15.Nanchang Green Food Development Center Web Site Design and Development;南昌市绿色食品发展中心网站的设计开发

16.Exploration & Practicing of Constructing A Green Hydropower Station Which Is Amicable to Environment & Can Be As A Scenery Point;建设绿色环保旅游水电站的探索与实践

17.Visual Evaluation Index for Enclosed Green Speace of Rail Transit Station轨道交通车站封闭空间绿色视觉评价指标研究

18.A light bluish green to light greenish blue.水绿色,浅绿色浅蓝绿色至淡绿蓝色


green substation绿色变电站

1.Exploration and application ingreen substation construction;绿色变电站的探索和实践

3)green charging station绿色充电站

4)green gene绿色基因

1.The way to safeguard food security and safety in developing countries is to exploit thegreen genes in plant germplasm resource that can increase the efficiency for utili.进入 2 1世纪 ,发展中国家面对由于资源衰退和环境破坏带来的食物数量和质量安全的双重挑战 ,充分发掘本国植物资源的“绿色基因”,以提高资源利用效率、改良环境 ,从而提高作物产量 ,以及修复污染环境 ,提高植物性食品的营养和卫生品质 ,保障食品安全。

5)green keynote绿色基调

6)green primary绿基色


