300字范文 > 中药材 Chinese medicinal materials英语短句 例句大全

中药材 Chinese medicinal materials英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-18 20:31:02


中药材 Chinese medicinal materials英语短句 例句大全

中药材,Chinese medicinal materials

1)Chinese medicinal materials中药材

1.Use of DNA barcoding to identifyChinese medicinal materials;基于DNA barcoding(条形码)技术的中药材鉴定

2.Seed&Seedling Standardization Project of Chinese Medicinal Materials;中药材种子种苗标准化工程

3.Reasons for quality decrease ofChinese medicinal materials--Investigationson the market of medicinal materials in Guangzhou and Guiyang;中药材质量下降的原因——广州、贵阳药材市场考察报告


1.Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese medicine Yinpian, proprietary Chinese medicines, antibiotics, chemical medicine preparations, biochemical drugs retail.中药材、药饮片、成药、生素、学药制剂、化药品零售。

2.Quality Investigation of Chinese Crud Drugs in Special Markets in China中药材专业市场部分中药材质量状况研究

3.Study on the Method of Determination and Removal of Pesticide Residues in Chinese Herbal Medicines;中药材中残留农药的测定及脱除研究

4.Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticides in Chinese Herbal Medicines by GC-NCI-MS中药材中有机氯类农药的GC-NCI-MS分析

5.The State shall protect the resources of wild medicinal resources and encourage the domestic cultivation of Chinese traditional medicinal crops.国家保护野生药材资源,鼓励培育中药材。

6.The Original Pharmacy Researching and the Quality Standard Research of the Chinese Herbal Medicine Chuan-Cortex Moutan;中药材川丹皮生药学与质量标准研究

7.Talking about GAP Plant of Chinese Medicine and Development of Medical Enterprise;浅谈中药材GAP种植与医药企业的发展

8.Research of organochlorine pesticide residues in Chinese medicinal materials for GAP bases in Guizhou province贵州中药材GAP基地药材中有机氯农药残留的考察

9.Study on the Removal of Pesticide and Heavy-Metal Residues from Chinese Herbal Medicines;脱除中药材中残留农药和重金属的研究

10.Multiresidue Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticides in Traditional Chinese Medicine;中药材中有机氯类农药多残留测定方法研究

11.Study of Pharmacokinetics of Aristolochic Acid in Caulis Aristolochiae Manshuriensis;中药材及其制剂中马兜铃酸的药代动力学研究

12.Determination of Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Astragalus中药材黄芪中农药残留量检测方法研究

13.Qingping Medicine Center Complex in Qingping Market in Liu-er-san Lu in Guangzhou.清平中药材药材交易中心位于广州六二三路的清平市场内。

14.A preliminary survey of the acaroid mites breeding in some stored Chinese traditional medicinal materials部分储藏中药材中粉螨孳生情况调查

15.Study on the Chinese Traditional Medicine Extraction Assisted by Cellulase;纤维素酶在中药材提取中的应用研究

16.Study on the Depuration of Heavy Metals in Five Kinds of Benefit Chinese Medicinal Herb;补益类中药材中重金属净化技术研究

17.The Determination of Water Content in Chinese Traditional Medicine by Gas Chromatography;气相色谱法测定中药材中的水分含量

18.Determination of Microelement from Three Types of Chinese Herbal Medicines by FAASFAAS法测定三种中药材中的微量元素


traditional Chinese medicine中药材

1.Determination of organochlorine pesticides intraditional Chinese medicine using microwave-assisted extraction;微波辅助萃取法提取中药材中有机氯农药残留

2.Quick Identification of Traditional Chinese Medicine by FTIR Spectrum Database and Array of Correlation Coefficient;红外指纹图谱库与阵列相关系数法快速鉴别中药材

3.Determination of heavy metals in thetraditional Chinese medicines by microwave digestion-atomic fluorescence spectrometry;微波消解-原子荧光光谱法测定中药材中铅、镉、砷、汞、锑的含量

3)Chinese herbal medicine中药材

1.Current research status in China on pesticide contamination of plant material used in makingChinese herbal medicines;我国中药材农药残留污染研究现状

2.Causes of soil fertility decline upon cultivation ofChinese herbal medicine and counter-measures for improving soil fertility;苏北中药材种植地土壤肥力衰退原因及其恢复对策

3.To differentiate varieties ofChinese herbal medicine based on bionic olfaction基于仿生嗅觉的中药材鉴别的实现

4)Chinese traditional medicine中药材

1.Preliminary Study about formulated fertilizer in Chinese Traditional Medicine Cultivated of Shangluo City;商洛中药材种植中的配方施肥问题初探

2.X-Ray Diffraction Fourier Pattern Database System for Chinese Traditional Medicine;中药材粉末X衍射Fourier图谱数据库

3.Harmful elements of copper,lead and arsenic are removed from Morinda officinalis How,aChinese traditional medicine,by supercritical carbon dioxide with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate(NaDDC) as a chelating agent and ethanol as a modifier.考察了配合萃取方式、萃取时间、萃取压力、温度、配合剂用量等因素对中药材中有害元素的影响。

5)Chinese medicinal material中药材

1.Morphology of Stegobium paniceum in storedChinese medicinal materials and its life cycle;中药材储藏害虫优势种药材甲形态及生活史

2.Analysis of the structure of insect community on the storedChinese medicinal materials in Guiyang;贵阳中药材储藏期昆虫群落结构分析

3.Research of organochlorine pesticide residues inChinese medicinal materials for GAP bases in Guizhou province贵州中药材GAP基地药材中有机氯农药残留的考察

6)Chinese herbal medicines中药材

1.Patented technology status quo and development trend forChinese herbal medicines中药材专利技术现状及发展趋势

2.In recent years, cultivation and early processing industry ofChinese herbal medicines in Gansu Province have a rapid development .近些年,甘肃省中药材种植与初加工业有了较快发展,我省在利用比较优势战略取得了经济发展的同时也出现了一些负面影响。

3.The detecting method of organochlorine pesticides inChinese herbal medicines was researched by GC-NCI-MS and SIM technology.采用气相色谱(负化学电离)质谱联用法和选择离子监测(SIM)技术对中药材有机氯农药残留的检测方法进行研究,结果表明,该法排除了杂质的干扰,提高了分析灵敏度,是有效、实用的有机氯农药残留量检测方法。


中药材中药材Chinese Material Medica现代中医药期刊。国家医药管理局中药材情报中心站主办,《中药材》编辑部编。月刊。发行地广州。1978年1月创刊。
