300字范文 > 城市设计 urban design英语短句 例句大全

城市设计 urban design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-19 16:43:47


城市设计 urban design英语短句 例句大全

城市设计,urban design

1)urban design城市设计

1.Relations on theurban design and programming;城市设计与城市规划关系的探讨

2.Construction planning andurban design in small cities and towns;小城镇建设规划与城市设计


1.The county design of Donghai county as example to discuss the county design以东海县的城市设计为例谈县城的城市设计

2.Architectural Design of Guangzhou Twin Towers and Urban Design of Perpheral Area广州市“双塔”建筑设计及周边城市设计

3.An Outline of Urban Design History of Beijing (1949-1978);北京城市设计史纲(1949—1978)

4.A Study on the Comprehensive Urban Design in the New Urban District;城市新区规划中的整体城市设计研究

5.The Overall Urban Design Oriented by City Cognition“城市认知”为导向的总体城市设计

6.Urban Design in the 21 Century--The Exploration of Urban Design from the Point of View of a Life-system步入21世纪的城市设计——生命化城市设计的探索

7.Disaster Preventional Urban Design-Disaster Prevention Tide of Urban Design;防灾型城市设计—城市设计的防灾化发展方向

8.Three elements of urban design and their validity on implementation城市设计的三要素与城市设计效用的发挥

9.Discussion on the relationship between urban design and urban planning,building design浅析城市设计与城市规划及建筑设计的关系


11.Ecological Leisure-smart City--Discussion on Design of Modern Hi-tech Parkin Big City生态休闲智城——大城市现代高新区城市设计探讨

12.Design and Management Characters of Urban Design试论城市设计的设计特征与管理特征

13.The Protection of City Heritage and Urban Design in the City of Nantes, France法国南特市城市历史文化保护与城市设计

14.An Urban Design Study on Business District of Yuyuan Garden & City Temple in Shanghai上海豫园城隍庙商业区城市设计研究

15."The City Furniture"-City Public Utility Design Research;“城市家具”—城市公共设施设计研究

16.Public facilities design conducted by city culture;城市文化导向下的城市公共设施设计

17.Set out a city设计一个城市的布局

18.Set up a city.设计一个城市的布局。


city design城市设计

1.Review and discussion on Chinese ancientcity design ideas;中国古代城市设计思想的探析

2.On thecity design based on regionality;基于地域性的城市设计初探

3.On thecity design case of the central district in the city of Wuxi;无锡中心城区城市设计案例解析

3)urban planning城市设计

1.Urban planning of Potsdam Plaza in Berlin, Germany;德国柏林波茨坦广场的城市设计

2.Those solutions are based onurban planning theory and also his research work in current situations of urban waterfront planning in Wuhan as well as in other parts of China.本文从城市设计的角度入手,在滨水区城市形态研究的基础上,针对目前我国及武汉滨水区开发建设中存在的几个问题,提出一些解决问题的方法和对策。

3.The article starts from urban design and illustrates the relationship between large-scale terminal design andurban planning by the example of Hangzhou East Station.从城市设计的角度出发,通过对杭州东站的设计分析,阐述了大型交通枢纽站设计与城市设计的密切关系。


1.Somediscussionshavebeencarriedon totheimplementation,working outthewayand stageoftheurbandesign.城市设计贯穿于城市规划全过程、各阶段。

2.Throughdetailedresearchon cityannexationand the urbanformsof annexation-typed citiesin ZhejiangProvince,the paper makes meaningfulattemptsto takeurbandesign as a bridgeleadingto establishthe idealurbanformsolutionsforannexation-typedcities.通过对城市兼并以及兼并型城市形态问题的研究,试图以城市规划和城市设计为桥梁,探寻兼并型城市理想形态的诱导策略。

3.The paper tries to establisha researchingframeworkonurbandesignaestheticsfromthe aspects of the category,the construction and the concept.试图从范畴、结构和观念三个方面建构起城市设计美学的研究框架,并从真、善、美,自然、人工、社会,环境美、空间美、生活美等方面论述了城市设计美学的主要研究内容。

5)city planning城市设计

1.Construction comprehensive state incity planning;城市设计中的建筑综合体

2.As an unique language, the expression ofcity planning should abide by some basic principles such as the principle of understandable authentic and visible, etc.城市设计作为一种独特的语言 ,其表达应遵循可理解、真实可观等基本原则。

3.This paper discusses the relationship between thecity planning and large residentiaquarters and the estimation methods, standards in order to promote the depth and extent.文章论证了城市设计与居住区规划间的关系、评价方法、标准及所结合的形式,由此推动大型居住区规划的设计深度与广度,强调了居住区规划的发展和多学科、多思维动态变化的重要性,并结合实际工程加以论证。

6)design city设计城市


