300字范文 > 信息技术产品 information technology products英语短句 例句大全

信息技术产品 information technology products英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-02 23:35:54


信息技术产品 information technology products英语短句 例句大全

信息技术产品,information technology products

1)information technology products信息技术产品

1.This study is targeted to college students, and to investigate theirsymbol consumption ofinformation technology products(IT products),and the students themselves is how to treat symbols consumption of ITproducts on campus.本研究以大学生为研究对象,主要探讨信息技术产品的符号消费状况,以及大学生是如何看待大学校园信息技术产品符号消费现象的。


1.Multinational Corporation Investment and China Information Technology Product Exportation;跨国公司在华投资与中国信息技术产品出口

2.The Key of Traditional Industry Reforming by Information Technology--Product Informatization;信息技术对传统产业改造的关键——产品信息化

3.Research on Technique of Product Information Acquisition Based on Multi-Granularity;基于多粒度的产品信息获取技术研究

4.Information Technology Support for the "Fuzzy Front End" of Product Design;信息技术对产品设计模糊前端的支持

5.On the Information Management of End-of-Life Product Base on RFID;基于RFID技术的末端产品信息管理研究

6.Discussion on Agricultural Product Circulation Pattern based on Information Technology;基于信息技术的农产品流通模式探讨

7.The analysis of support of information technology in the morden distribution of agricultural product;农产品现代物流及信息技术应用初探

8.The Application of IT in Bee Products Information AcquisitionIT技术在蜂产品信息采集中的应用(一)

9.Application of information technology in evolution of product BOM信息技术在产品BOM演变过程中的作用

10.Information Extraction Method of Technical Solution from Mechanical Product Patent机械产品专利技术方案信息抽取方法

11.Application of Cult3D Technology in Electronic Information Product DesignCult3D技术在电子信息产品设计中的应用

12.Scientific Report:A High Value and High Efficiency Technical Information Product;科技报告:一种高值高效的技术信息产品

13.Research on Product Information Integration under CAPE并行、协同开发环境下产品信息集成技术研究

14.Research on the Multi-source Information Fusion Techniques in the Process of Reliability Assessment;产品可靠性评估中的多源信息融合技术研究

15.The Research on Some Key Technology of Web-based Product Design Information Filter;网络化产品设计信息过滤中若干关键技术研究

16.The Research on Key Technologies of Network Application of Product Design Information;产品工业设计信息网络化应用关键技术研究

17.Study on the Evaluation Technologies of Product Design for 4D Information Model;面向4D信息模型的产品设计评价技术研究

18.Study on CAD for Information Driven Mechanical Product Design;面向机械产品设计信息化的CAD技术研究


Database of the product产品技术信息库

3)product technology informationization产品技术信息化

4)information technology artifact信息技术制品

5)information technology industry信息技术产业

1.A Comparison Study on China"sinformation technology industry with India中印信息技术产业的比较研究

2.Chinese programming technology,can break the monopoly of the English programming,China sinformation technology industry for the development of our open up a new Chinese themselves on the bright road.汉语编程技术,可以打破英语编程语言的垄断,为我国信息技术产业的发展开辟一条属于我们中国人自己的崭新光明之路。

6)IT industry信息技术产业

1.Analysis on the Problems about Cooperation and Development between Sino-India s IT Industry;中印信息技术产业合作与发展问题探析

2.Based on the fact that information technology industry has become a new independent burgeoning industry,this article reveales the differences of information industry from traditional industry by analyzing the theory of capital specialization and its changes in the practice ofIT industry.在信息技术产业发展起来以前的所有企业实践中,企业都是按“资本雇佣劳动”这个模式组织起来的。


