300字范文 > 室内污染物 indoor pollutants英语短句 例句大全

室内污染物 indoor pollutants英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-22 22:12:58


室内污染物 indoor pollutants英语短句 例句大全

室内污染物,indoor pollutants

1)indoor pollutants室内污染物

1.Effects of plants on the absorption ofindoor pollutants;几种观叶植物对室内污染物的净化效果研究

2.Reactions amongindoor pollutants relate directly or indirectly on the ozone.室内污染物间的化学反应都直接或间接与臭氧有关。


1.Effect of Ventilation on Indoor Polutant Concentration Distribution;通风对建筑物室内污染物浓度分布的影响

2.Concentration Distribution of the Indoor Pollutants under the Conditions of Mechanical Ventilation;机械通风条件下室内污染物浓度的分布

3.The Study of the Effect of Windows on Indoor Air Quality in Residential Building;住宅窗户对减少室内污染物作用的研究

4.Numerical Simulation of Indoor Contaminant and Control in Large Space Building高大空间室内污染物控制的数值模拟与研究

5.Effect of the Cooled Ceiling on Pollutant Concentrations in Rooms with Cooled Ceiling and Displacement Ventilation Combined Systems冷板辐射场对室内污染物浓度变化的影响

6.Research on the Impact of Civil Building Air Tightness to Indoor Pollutant Concentrations民用建筑气密性对室内污染物浓度影响的研究

7.Determination of Formaldehyde in Indoor Air and Analysis of the Contamination Status室内空气污染物甲醛的检测及污染状况分析

8.Respondence, Monitoring and Purification of Plants to Formadehyde Pollution;室内甲醛污染的植物响应、监测与净化

9.Study on Emission of the Pollutants of Indoor Decorating Materials室内装饰材料污染物散发过程的研究

10.Investigation of indoor air formaldehyde pollutants in Shanghai上海市室内空气污染物甲醛含量调查

11.Dynamic changes regularity of pollutants in indoor air due to decoration室内装修空气污染物的动态变化规律


13.Discuss the Difference of Standards for Contamination Test of Indoor Environment浅谈国内室内环境污染物检测标准的差异

14.Advance in researches on the Decontamination Ability of Plants to Air Pollutants植物对室内空气污染物的净化能力研究进展

15.Investigation and Study of Formaldehyde as Indoor Air Pollution in Newly-decorated Houses;新装修住宅室内空气污染物—甲醛的污染调查分析与防治对策

16.Researching on indoor VOCS in the Northeast Area of China东北地区室内有机挥发性污染物(VOCS)污染调查与研究

17.Study on Application of Photocatalytic Method to Remove Organic Contaminant in Indoor Air;光催化法去除室内空气中有机污染物的研究

18.Investigations on the Relationships of Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollutant Concentrations during the Evolution Process;室内外空气污染物浓度演化关系的研究


indoor pollutant室内污染物

1.Numerical simulation of the air exchange process ofindoor pollutant;室内污染物换气过程的数值模拟

2.In recent years, with the development of economy, the extensive fitting-up craze has appeared in the city and theindoor pollutant problem is outstanding day by day.近年来,随着经济的发展,城市出现了大规模的装修热,装饰热,引起的室内污染物问题也日益突出。

3)indoor air pollutant室内空气污染物

1.A review on the progress of uncertainty of measurment and uncertainty ofindoor air pollutants detection such as radon,formaldehyde,ammonia,benzene,TVOC regulated in Code for Indoor Environmental Pollution Control on Civil Building Engineering(GB 50325-2001)were presented.介绍了测量不确定度的研究进展及《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范》(GB 50325-2001)中规定的室内5种空气污染物氡、甲醛、氨、苯、TVOC检测不确定度的评定概况,室内空气污染物测量不确定度的评定还处于较低水平,有待系统研究。

2.The source and health effect ofindoor air pollutant have been summarized.本文概述了室内空气污染物的来源与危害,介绍了我国现行室内空气质量标准,室内空气污染物限值,并介绍一些治理室内空气污染的措施。

4)indoor point contaminative source室内点源污染物

5)interior biological pollution室内生物污染

bined with the more and more seriousinterior biological pollution,it analyses the categories and harm ofinterior biological pollution,illustrates presentinterior biological pollution control method from source control,ventilation dilution and purifying,and points out that photocatalysis technology is a wide,thorough,safe and lasting air purification technology.结合室内生物污染对人类危害越来越严重的现状,分析了室内生物污染的种类及危害,从源头控制、通风稀释、净化去除等方面综述了目前室内污染物的控制方法,并指出光催化技术是一种广泛、彻底、安全和持久的空气净化技术。

6)indoor air pollutants室内空气污染物


室内污染分子式:分子量:CAS号:性质:人的一生约有70%是在室内度过的。研究表明室内的一些生活用品也是污染源,它们会散发出对人体有害的各种污染物。即使人体本身也直接产生出污染物质,如人们所熟知的二氧化碳、氨、体臭、皮屑、细菌等。室内发生的主要空气污染物还有如燃烧器具排出的一氧化碳、氮氧化物、二氧化硫、碳氢化物等。建筑材料、办公设施所散发的甲醛、氡气、石棉纤维,室内装璜、油漆家具、塑料制品中可能排出的有机溶剂,使用杀虫剂、防霉剂、发胶喷射剂带出来的各种机污染物 ,因人的活动所排放的香烟烟尘、焦油、尼古丁及其他。许多致病微生物在空气中,特别是在室内温度较高、尘埃较多、通风不良、日光不足的情况下,生存时间较长,其致病性也会保持较长时间。还要考虑到污染物质的发生随时间变化或者在空间位置上分布的不均匀更会加重问题的严重性,这就是日益受到重视的室内污染问题。
