300字范文 > 经济成本分析 economic cost analysis英语短句 例句大全

经济成本分析 economic cost analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-29 22:43:25


经济成本分析 economic cost analysis英语短句 例句大全

经济成本分析,economic cost analysis

1)economic cost analysis经济成本分析

pares low-temperature radiant floor heating systems with common radiator heating systems byeconomic cost analysis and exergy analysis.利用经济成本分析和分析 ,对低温地板辐射采暖系统和普通散热器采暖系统进行了比较 ,肯定了低温地板辐射采暖系统的经济


1.Environmental and economic analysis of rice straw methanol synthesis system based on life cycle assessment基于LCA的稻秸合成甲醇的环境-经济成本分析

2.Economic Cost-Benefit Analysis System经济成本-利得分析系统

3.The Costs Of Education And Cost Sharing In The View of Transaction Cost Theory;教育成本分担的交易成本经济学分析

4.An Empirical Analysis of Influence of Economic Growth on the Cost of Pension System;经济增长对养老保险经济成本影响的实证分析

5.macroeconomic cost benefit analysis宏观经济成本与利润分析

6.Economy Analysis on the Cost of the Food Safety and Research on Practice Methods;粮食 安全成本经济学分析及对策研究

7.Exergetic cost analysis based on matrix model thermoeconomics;基于矩阵模式热经济学的成本分析

8.Analysis on patent transaction costs by institutional economics;专利技术交易成本的制度经济学分析

9.Analysis of E-Commerce Model in Transaction Cost Economics Framework;电子商务模式交易成本的经济学分析

10.An Analysis on the Cost and Tactic choice of Indian Economic Reform;印度经济改革的成本和策略选择分析

11.On Economic Analysis and Rectification Countermeasure of Higher Administrative Cost;对行政成本居高的经济学分析与对策

12.Economic Analyses on Universal Service;对普遍服务成本补偿机制的经济分析

13.Thermal Power Plant Electricity Generation Costs Analysis Employing Thermoeconomic Methodology;火电厂发电成本分析的热经济学方法

14.An Economic Analysis of Network Shopping-Cost Vs. Effect;网络购物的经济学分析——成本与效用

15.Cost of Regulation and Its Economic Impact in the U.S.;美国政府规制成本及其经济影响分析

16.Ideology and Economic Man s Cost - Avenue Analysis;意识形态与经济人的成本——收益分析

17.Research on Economic Analysis and Cost Control Method of EPC Construction ProjectEPC项目经济分析与成本控制方法研究

18.Analysis of Product Cost;企业质量经济分析系列文章之六 产品成本分析


economic and cost analysis经济和成本分析

3)the economic analysis of capital and interest of quantity量本利经济分析

4)economic cost经济成本

1.Research on Economic Cost of Natural Resources Assets from the View of Rights and Interests Achievement of Different Objects;多维主体权益实现视角下资源资产经济成本研究

2.The paper points out the present fixed exchange-rate system has alredy hindered the convey of policies and is not adaptable to the present macroeconomic situation after analyzing itseconomic cost and the effect of the macroecomic policies, and draws a conclusion according to the swan model that presently the truly managerial floating exchange-rate system is the optimal choice.在分析了目前我国汇率制度的经济成本以及这种制度下的宏观经济政策效应后 ,发现当前僵化的汇率安排已经阻碍了政策的传递 ,不能适应当前的宏观经济形势。

3.There is a defect in classical model,Geometric Brown Motion,in which random jump is not allowed in describing time varying stock price some random jump were added to Geometric Brown Motion and the effect of executive stock option on economic value of companyeconomic cost as well as executive,s economic value were discussed.在几何布朗运动中加入一些随机跳跃,并在此基础上讨论经理股票期权对公司经济成本以及经理经济价值的影响。

5)economic costs经济成本

1.In this paper,the connotation,types and composition of theeconomic costs of urbanization are discussed and theeconomic costs of urbanization in Chongqing municipality are calculated according to its economic and social development.文中论述了城市化经济成本的内涵、类型和构成,依据目前的经济、社会发展水平,从狭义和广义两种尺度上对重庆市的城市化经济成本进行了调研测算;在此基础上,从城市化发展的经济带动能力来预测重庆市未来的城市化水平,并根据城市化经济成本预测未来城市发展的资金需求。

6)Cost Economy成本经济


