300字范文 > 滨水开放空间 waterfront open space英语短句 例句大全

滨水开放空间 waterfront open space英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-03 06:31:17


滨水开放空间 waterfront open space英语短句 例句大全

滨水开放空间,waterfront open space

1)waterfront open space滨水开放空间

1.Improving Fuzhouwaterfront open space systems;完善福州市滨水开放空间系统之探讨

2.Among them, thewaterfront open space for more of its hydrophilicity, diversity has become the most talked about types of open space.其中,滨水开放空间更以其亲水性、多样性成为了最受关注的开放空间类型。


1.An Elementary Study on the Accessibility of Waterfront Openspace in Mountainous Cities山地城市滨水开放空间可达性研究初探

2.Research of Land Using and Planning Control of Open Space at Waterfront in Mountains City;山地城市滨水开放空间的土地利用及其规划控制

3.Study on the Approaches to Raise the Rate of the Utilization of the Open Space of Urban Waterfront;提高城市滨水开放空间使用率的规划设计途径研究

4.Urban waterfront is the most important open space in city.滨水区是城市中最重要的开放空间。

5.Riverside of a city is one of themost important parts in composing pub-lic open space.滨水区域是构成城市公共开放空间的重要部分。

6.On the accessibility of the waterfront public open space in Yuzhong area Chongqing浅议重庆渝中区滨水公共开放空间可达性

7.Research on the Use and Design of Coastal Open Space in Qingdao;青岛市滨海开放空间使用状况及设计研究

8.Research on the Environmental Landscape of Riverside Open Space of Central Chongqing City;重庆主城区滨江开放空间环境景观研究

9.Study on Accessibility of Waterfront Public Space in Central City of Chongqing重庆主城核心区滨江开放空间可达性研究

10.Research on the Development and Management Model of the Urban Waterfront Recreation Space;城市滨水游憩空间开发与管理模式研究

11.A clear or open space.间隙空旷或开放的空间

12.Discussion about the Design of Friendly Embankment in Urban Waterfront;探讨城市滨水空间的亲水性堤岸设计

13.Research of Water-enjoyable-space Planning and Design on Urban Waterfront Area;城市滨水地带亲水空间规划设计研究

14.The Research on the Waterscape Design of Urban Public Open Space in View of Human Interest;城市公共开放空间中水景的亲水性设计研究

15.On the relationship between visual environment and urban space:take the waterfront space of Binjiang Road of Guangzhou City for example;视觉环境与城市空间的关系——广州滨江路沿岸滨水空间研究

16.A Study on Urban Public Open Waterfront Landscape Design;城市公共开放型滨水区景观设计研究

17.The Integrated Research of the Public Space in City s Urban Waterfront;城市滨水区公共空间景观整体性研究

18.Study on the Urban Waterfront in Small-scale Towns of Northern Shaanxi;陕北地区小城镇滨水区空间形态初探


Waterfront Open Space of Tianjin天津市滨水开放空间

1.Environment-Behavior Research on theWaterfront Open Space of Tianjin;天津市滨水开放空间环境行为研究

3)Waterfront Open Space Landscape滨水开放空间环境

4)the open space of urban waterfront城市滨水开放空间

1.Proceeding from idea that people first,the open space of urban waterfront should become one of the most attractive places in the urban life.城市滨水开放空间是城市环境的敏感地带,正受到越来越多的关注。

5)waterfront public open space滨水公共开放空间

1.On the accessibility of thewaterfront public open space in Yuzhong area Chongqing浅议重庆渝中区滨水公共开放空间可达性

6)open spaces in Binjiang滨江开放空间

1.Probes into pedestrian space design ofopen spaces in Binjiang;城市滨江开放空间中的步行空间设计初探




淇滨乐园位于 河南鹤壁市市区中心的淇河两岸,东起107国道,西至京广铁路,淇滨乐园以秀丽的自然风光为依托,以丰厚的淇河文化主题为内涵,集游览、观光、健身、娱乐为一体,是一个高层次、综合性、现代化的大型游乐景区。清澈碧透的淇河从乐园中心流过,将乐园自然分为南北两区。河上有水上世界、浪遏飞舟;岸边绿树成荫、郁郁葱葱;临水有沙滩浴场,在远离大海的地方,依然享受沙滩、阳光、冲浪;在水面上,有10m高的水上餐厅和歌舞厅、划船上去四周美景,尽收眼底。南区划淇 河文化为主线。现代化的大型淇河文化广场位于区中心,广场正中耸立着象征与时俱进的鹤壁的标志性建筑,南面有高档宾馆和度假村,东侧是国内一流的体育健身馆、游泳馆和文化娱乐中心,北面是通人码头和竹林。北区以市民休闲、娱乐为主题,是人们休闲度假的理想去处。京广铁路
