300字范文 > 别墅庭院景观 Landscape of Villa Garden英语短句 例句大全

别墅庭院景观 Landscape of Villa Garden英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-29 11:47:10


别墅庭院景观 Landscape of Villa Garden英语短句 例句大全

别墅庭院景观,Landscape of Villa Garden

1)Landscape of Villa Garden别墅庭院景观


1.The Site Planning and Spatial Organizing of Villa Garden"s Landscape别墅庭院景观的场地规划与空间组织

2.Discussion of Plant Disposition about Private Villa Yard in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces江浙私家别墅庭院绿化植物配置探讨

3.Discussion on the Garden Design of Villa from Living Need从生活需求的角度探讨别墅庭院设计

4.Preliminary Study on New-Localization of Villa Courtyard Design of BeiJing;北京新本土化别墅花园景观设计初探

5.Research on Frame, Core, Axis of Villa Districts Environmental Landscape Design别墅区环境景观架、核、轴设计研究

6.Our prouducts are applicable widely for various firlds of villa, gardens, outdoors fallow, port, bridge etc.广泛用于别墅、林景观、外休闲码头、梁等领域。

7.The Landscape and Design Research on the Environment of Villa under the New Resident Concept;新居住理念下别墅环境景观设计的研究

8.Design Method of Underground Structures of Mountainous Villa-clusters with Sinking Courtyard带下沉庭院的山地别墅群地下结构设计方法探讨

9.The Application of Artificial Wetlands Technology in the Residential Landscape Design A Case Study of the Waterscape in BIHU YUNXI Villa人工湿地技术在居住小区景观中的应用 以碧湖云溪别墅区水体景观为例

10.Grandly introduce country villa with garage and courtyard, which will enaBle you to enjoy luxury as in a palace, feel the warmth as in a chalet.本公司隆重推出乡间小别墅,有车库,有庭院,让您享受宫殿般的豪华,村舍样的温馨。

11.Qingxiang Villa will be restored on the south and east sides of Jia Taifu Ancestral Hall, consisting of 10 points of interest such as Arched Gateway, Grand View Pavilion, and Loyalty Library.清湘别墅修建在贾太傅祠的南面和东面,分为门楼、大观楼、怀忠书屋等10个景点。

12.Create Outlandish and High-end Community Environment Residential Landscape Design for Napa Valley Villa Community in Beijing创造异域风格的高品质社区环境 北京纳帕溪谷别墅居住区景观设计

13.The Desigh Research of Villis in the Tourist Area Located in Landscap;结合风景的山地旅游度假别墅规划设计研究

14.Our sanatorium stands leaning against the hills and facing the river. You are welcome to stay in one of our exquisite villas.本疗养院靠山傍水,幢幢精美的别墅待君光临。

15.Building the Interesting Space--Essay of the Landscape Design of Shishi One Middle School s Dormitory for girls;营造趣味的场所——石狮市某中学女生宿舍庭院景观设计方案随笔

16.Green Eco-Villa Garden Design Applied Research--For Example TONG Shen Lake Villa;生态型别墅庭园绿化设计的应用研究——以同升湖山庄为例

17.A summer or country house in Italy.别墅意大利的夏日房舍或者乡间别墅

18.The concept of tradition courtyard is applied in the creation of modern villa, which adds traditional connotations to modern villas.在创作时运用传统院落的理念,赋予现代别墅以传统内涵。


Villa-Garden Landscape Design别墅庭院景观设计


1.But now, there is no systematic way and Idea for thevilla-garden landscape design.别墅庭院作为私属景观的主载体,其设计方法需要不断更新,以满足人们对景观的高品质要求,但是,目前在国内并没有系统的针对别墅庭院景观设计的方法和思路,本文从别墅庭院的属性范畴入手,分析其功能、特点、景观元素、组合关系,总结出庭院景观设计的原则和方法。

4)landscape villa景观别墅

1.Diffierent from other residences,many new techniques,ideas and norms are applied in the weak current design oflandscape villa.高档景观别墅的弱电设计有别于其它住宅,有很多新技术、新观念、新标准被采用,文章阐述了高档景观别墅弱电设计中的一些要点。

5)villa landscape别墅景观

1.Focusing on the villa landscaping design and analyzing five key components referring to environment resources,vision form,ecosystem function,culture meaning and psychological factor,this paper emphasizes and expatiates the importance of concerns about place spiritvilla landscape design.我国别墅产业的崛起带动了别墅景观设计的迅速发展,但却往往由于缺乏对场所特征的关注而造成设计内容和形式的单一。

6)courtyard landscape庭院景观


