300字范文 > 农业影视教材 teaching materials for agricultural film and television英语短句 例句大全

农业影视教材 teaching materials for agricultural film and television英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-21 21:11:52


农业影视教材 teaching materials for agricultural film and television英语短句 例句大全

农业影视教材,teaching materials for agricultural film and television

1)teaching materials for agricultural film and television农业影视教材

1.The working principle of the non-linear edition system applied in the production ofteaching materials for agricultural film and television was compared with that of traditional linearity edition system.比较了非线性编辑系统在农业影视教材制作中与传统线性编辑的工作原理,阐述了非线性编辑系统在农业影视教材制作中应用的经验和体会,并探讨了非线性编辑技术的发展方向和应用前景。


1.Application of Non-linear Edition System in Production of Teaching Materials for Agricultural Film and Television非线性编辑系统在农业影视教材制作中的应用

2.Giving Examples of the Pedagogy Teaching Material Theory Relates the Rural Education Reality--The Visual Angle of Professional Development of Rural Teachers;教育学教材理论联系农村教育实际的举例——农村教师专业发展视角

3.The Utilization of Video Resources in Teaching Audio-visual-oral Indonesian;印尼语视听说教学中影视教材的选用

4.Teaching Results of Applying Video Materials to the Course of "The Principles of Economics"--A Case Study of College English Majors视频教材对“经济学原理”课程教学效果的影响——以大学英语专业为例

5.The role of specialized teachers in the process of making audiovisual teaching material;谈专业教师在制作电视教材中的作用

6.Cultivating New Farmers from Rural Professional Education;从农村职业教育视角论新型农民培养

7.Research on College Physics Textbooks Construction in Agricultural Universities and Colleges高等农业院校大学物理教材建设研究

8.Solution of Storage and Backup System of Agricultural Film and TV Data农业影视数据备份存储系统解决方案

9.Training of Students Producing Skills;教育技术专业学生电视教材制作技能的培养

10.Video Clips on the Multimedia Materials to Package Design Materials;以影视片段为主教材的汉语多媒体教材包的设计

11.On the Problems of Rural Teaching Team Construction--From the Perspective of the Professional Development of Rural Teachers;农村教师队伍建设面临的问题透视——农村教师专业化发展视角

12.Review the Village Teachers Professional Development from the Perspective of Students;从学生的视角看农村教师的专业发展

13.On Developing Agricultural Radio and TV Education in the New Stage;新时期农业广播电视教育发展之我见

14.The Plan of the Rural Vocational Education Reform from the Four Points of View四维视角下的农村职业教育改革方略

15.Country Vocational Education Structure in Harmonious Society和谐社会视野中的农村职业教育结构

16.Status of the Rescission of Agricultural Tax from the Perspective of Peasants" Differentiation农民分化视角下农业税取消影响的研究现状

17.Exploring of Countryside Vocational Education Development under the Background of "Agriculture, Countryside and Farmer Problems";“三农”问题背景下农村职业教育发展透视

18.Study on the Development of Rural Vocational Education from the Angle of Cultivating New Peasants;新型农民培育视角下的农村职业教育发展研究


Agriculture movie农业影视片

3)Movie and Video Professional Education影视职业教育

1.With the development of scientific improvement and market economy, the vital status and influence ofMovie and Video Professional Education highlight.随着科学技术的进步和市场经济的发展,影视职业教育的地位和作用日益凸现。

4)higher vocational education of movie &TV影视高等职业教育

1.The subject function given to effective play requires the guarantee of corresponding qualities the teachers inhigher vocational education of movie &TV must possess.而这种主体作用的有效发挥,需要影视高等职业教育教师必须具有相应的素质保障。

5)agricultural radio and TV education农业广播电视教育

1.As for howagricultural radio and TV education should adapt itself to the demand of the new stage and develop itself vigorously without decline,the article puts forward the four suggestions:estab lish-ing one concept ,doing well in"two com binations",driv ing three wheels in running school,and treating the four re lation ships.农业广播电视教育如何适应新时期需要并以长兴不衰的态势发展,本文对此提出,应以服务“三农”为宗旨,借助农广教育的三大优势,做到树立“一个观念”,搞好“两个结合”,办学“三轮齐转”,摆正“四个关系”。

6)Agricultural effect农业影响


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