300字范文 > 雅思写作常用的表语从句


时间:2022-01-22 12:29:33



1 The first thing to be mentioned is that

2 Another point to be considered is that

3 The last thing to be shown is that

4 The first advantageof (doing) something is that

5 Another advantage of (doing) something is that

6 The third advantage of (doing) something is that

7 The first disadvantage of (doing) something is that

8 Another disadvantage of (doing) something is that

9 The third disadvantage of (doing) something is that

10 The first possible reason is that

11 Another cause is that

12 The third elementis that

13 The first measure to be taken is that

14 Another solution is that

15 The third step is that

16 That is why

17 Whyis that

18 A hot topic discussed by people is whether

19 A is to B what C is to D

20 A is to B as C is to D

21 My view is that
