300字范文 > 信托 trust英语短句 例句大全

信托 trust英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-07 00:43:00


信托 trust英语短句 例句大全



1.Discussion on the Establishment of EnvironmentalProtectionTrust;对建立环保信托业的探讨

2.Analysis on financing means of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) based ontrust;中小企业基于信托的融资渠道分析

3.Introducetrust modes and perfect the employee stock ownership plan of our country;引入信托模式完善我国职工持股计划


1.TT [Testamentary Trust]遗嘱信托[abbr.]

munity trust共同信托,公益信托,社团信托

3.A trust established in the form of trust contract shall come into existence when the trust contract is concluded.采取信托合同形式设立信托的,信托合同签订时,信托成立。

4.A trust established in other written forms shall come into existence when the trustee promises to accept the trust.采取其他书面形式设立信托的,受托人承诺信托时,信托成立。

5.a trust in which the trustee performs no active duties.受托人对信托财产不实施任何积极行为的信托。

6.Study on Trustee"s Compensation Liability for Breach of Trust in American Trust Laws论美国信托受托人违反信托义务的赔偿责任

7.Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT)不动产投资信托、房地产投资信托

8.grantor of trust授与信托资产人, 立信托资产人

9."Board of Trustees, the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust"卫奕信勋爵文物信托受托人委员会

10.A public trust is one that benefits some public purpose.公益信托是一有利公共目的的信托。

11.A private trust is one that is for the benefit of private individuals.私益信托是一种为了私人利益的信托。

12.Study of Trust Business Mode of Real Estate in "Xi an Trust";“西安信托”房地产信托业务模式研究

13.Study on Legal Status of Trust Property in Business Trust;商业信托中信托财产的法律地位研究

14.On the Principle of Publication of Trust Property--Concurrently on Article 10 of <The Trust Law> of our country;论信托公示——兼评我国《信托法》第10条

15.On the Revision of Japan"s Trust Law and the Development of the Trust Concept日本信托法修改及其信托观念的发展

16.On Interpretation and Confirmation of Trust Duty of Fiduciary Institution信托投资机构信托义务的释义与认定

17.Lord Wilson Heritage Trust卫奕信勋爵文物信托

18.On Principal s Right of Claim to Trusteesin Trust Relationship--On Contract Basis of Trust;论信托关系中委托人对受托人的请求权——兼论信托的合同基础



1.On the Application of the Cy-Pres Doctrine of the Charitable Trusts;论公益信托中最近似原则的适用

2.The Real Estate Trusts & Trust Fund Operation and Management in the Project;房地产信托及信托资金在房地产项目中的运作与管理

3.This essay analyzes the origin of charitabletrusts system,its legal features and its principles and proposes that the reform of urban medical insurance system can refer to charitabletrusts system.从公益信托制度的缘起、法律特征和原则入手,提出借鉴公益信托制度改革我国的城镇医疗保险制度,在基金管理人、卫生行政部门角色定位、受益人范围问题、“统账结合”的医疗保障体制、基金监察人等方面提出了具体改革措施。


1.Entrust andentrust share many common points from the conceptual and formal parts,but they still have big differences.委托与信托从概念上和形式上有着许多共同点,但信托与委托代理仍有很大区别。

2.Theentrust , as a special property management system, demands the assignee to deal withentrust affairs from the beneficiary s biggest interest, while the invalidation ofentrust goes against basically the goal of setting up of theentrusting and becomes the first obstruction to the development ofentrust.信托作为一种特定的财产管理制度,要求受托人为受益人的最大利益处理信托事务。

3.Athough throughing zigzag development for more than twenty years, the industry ofentrustment in our coumtry havenit played expectee role in enonomics.我国信托业尽管经历二十多年来的曲折发展,然而并没有如预料的那样在国民经济中发挥应有的作用,相反,由于对信托的定位和方向不明确,使得近年来我国的信托行业处境颇为尴尬。


1.The Research on Trustee s Civil Liability;信托受托人民事责任研究

2.In the trust relationship,trustee is the most important party, which beneficially relates to achievement of the objectives and the success or failure of trust operation.信托受托人是信托关系中最重要的当事人,它关乎信托目的的实现和信托事务运作的成败。

5)grantor trust委托人信托



