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湿地 wetland英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-27 12:49:52


湿地 wetland英语短句 例句大全



1.Wetland Nature Reserves in Forestry Sector in China;我国林业系统湿地类型自然保护区分析与对策

2.Primary Theory and Discussion on the Ecological Design of Urban Wetland Scenery;城市湿地景观生态设计的理论与方法初探


1.Generally speaking wetland is classified into natural wetland and artificial wetland.一般来讲,湿地分为自然湿地和人工湿地。

2.The Conceptional Source of Wetland,Urban Wetland and Urban Wetland Park湿地、城市湿地与城市湿地公园概念释源

3.International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau国际水禽和湿地研究局(水禽湿地局)

4.Some of China"s wetlands became the World"s Important Wetlands.中国的一些湿地成为世界重要的湿地。

5.There are 31 types of natural wetlands and 9 types of artificial wetlands in the whole country.全国有31类天然湿地和9类人工湿地。

6.A Legal Research on Wetland and Wetland Nature Reserve;法律视野中的湿地和湿地自然保护区

7.on soil of humid area在潮湿地区的土壤上

8.of Florida wetlands.产于佛罗里达的湿地。

9.What are you sitting on wet ground for?你为什么坐在湿地上?

10.Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park大圣卢西亚湿地公园

11.Yes, the floor is wet.是的,地面是湿的。

12.The rain permeate the grind swiftly.雨水很快地浸湿了地面。

13.boggy ground, moorland, etc软而湿的地面、 高沼地等.

14.To make wet and dirty by dragging on the ground.拖脏,拖湿沿地面拖而弄湿和脏

15.The ground was soggy after heavy rain.下了一场大雨, 地面很湿.

16.normal wet combustio常规湿式地层燃烧法

17.The rain hardly dampened the ground.雨几乎没有把地面打湿。

18.It is damp underfoot.脚下 [地面] 是潮湿的。



1.Ecological Fragility ofWetlands in Dongting Lake Area;洞庭湖区湿地生态脆弱性研究

2.Ammonium nitrogen concentration seasonal dynamics in soils from reed wetlands in Xianghai;向海芦苇沼泽湿地土壤铵态氮含量的季节动态变化

3)wet land湿地

1.Research on the wild pasture resource in thewet land of Dongting Lake;洞庭湖湿地野生牧草资源的研究

2.Crabs inwet land of the small watershed along the sea shore in Zhujiajian island;朱家尖岛滨海小流域湿地的蟹类


1.Evaluation of water environment in Daqingmarsh;大庆典型湿地水体环境影响评价

2.Application of landscape ecological method in assessment of eco-environmental quality of Larumarsh;景观生态学方法在拉鲁湿地生态环境质量评价中的应用

3.Probe and analysis of Momogemarsh ecological evolution and resolving way of water resources;莫莫格湿地生态演变及水源解决途径探析


1.Protection and Exploitation of Everglade Landscape in Denmark;丹麦湿地景观的保护与开发

2.Method about environmental intervene on project of eco-tourism in estuarialeverglade;湿地生态旅游项目的环境干预方法研究

3.This paper states theeverglade actuality in Daxing"anling district,points out the relationship between protecting and utilizingeverglade and exerting its ecology functions,puts forward that the protection and utilization ofeverglade are necessary for ensuring national ecology safety,realizing ecology harmonious and constructing socialism forest area.对大兴安岭湿地的现状进行了较为全面的论述,阐述了保护和利用大兴安岭湿地与发挥大兴安岭生态功能的关系,提出了湿地的保护和利用是保障国家生态安全的需要、是实现生态和谐的必由之路、是建设社会主义和谐林区的有力保障。

6)constructed terrace wetland山地湿地

1.As a result,this paper recommends the integratedconstructed terrace wetland because it can make good use of drop aeration,and the wetland covers less land and needs lower cost on running and managing than wastewater plant.由于三峡库区山多地少,城镇过于分散,若修建污水厂,土地征用困难,建设污水管网费用过高,于是笔者提出了复合式山地湿地污水处理系统的设想。


