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人间世 Renjianshi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-22 13:53:01


人间世 Renjianshi英语短句 例句大全



1.Spatial Experience in theRenjianshi of Zhuangzi;《庄子·人间世》的空间体验

2.On the Metaphor of A Good Doctor Invites More Patients inRenjianshi of Zhuangzi;论《庄子·人间世》中的“医门多疾”


1.Between Human Being and World--Hermeneutics ofThis Human World by Chuangtse在“人”与“世”之间——解读《庄子·人间世》

2.Every man have his weak side.弱点人人有,完人世间无。

3.When everybody"s somebody then nobody"s anybody人人都伟大,世间没豪杰

4.There is so much infelicity in the world.人世间有很多不幸的事。

5.Among all things on earth, people are the most valuable.世间万物,人是最宝贵的。

6.The time slipped away. People and things came to pass, along with the morphing world we live on.时间流逝,物非人非,人和世界一起变化

7.Generations of men come and go;but time rolls on in its ceaseless course.人世代谢,但时间永不停息地前进。

8."Representing nothing on God"s earth now现在在这人世间已毫无用处,

9."In troubled thoughts from visions of the night, when deep sleep comes on men,"在思念夜中,异象之间,世人沉睡的时候。

10.When one sees anything so beautiful one forgets everything earthly.见到这样的美,就会忘掉人世间的一切。…

11.(2) as god of earthly blessings;(2)他是人世间的幸运之神;

12.One that cuts you off from the possibility of all human joys.它的后果使你不再拥有人世间的快乐。

13.More dialogue between world leaders is needed.世界各国领导人之间需要多交换意见.

14.There can be, therefore, no books that one absolutely must read.所以,世间没有什么一个人必读之书。

15.Of all things in the world, people are the most precious.世间一切事物中,人是第一个可宝贵的。

16.It was believed to be the literal manifestation of God on Earth.人们相信它是上帝在世间的文字表示。

17.They were all she had ever known.她在世间的亲人只有这两个孩子。

18.Sir, I know the uncertainty of human affairs.先生,我知道人世间的事变化莫测。


mans world人间世界

1.In general,they can be studied in three broad aspects:interrogative lines about heaven,the wonderland,and themans world.毛泽东诗词的问句 ,思想深刻 ,内涵丰富 ,概而言之 ,可分为苍天大地之问 ,神仙世界之问和人间世界之问三大方面内容。

3)human time人世时间

1.The contrast between reverted time andhuman time is also the skill, which is widely used in the classical fiction, sometime consistent and somet.故事时间和叙述时间是小说叙述的重要因素,二者之间的对比形成叙述速度的变化,《聊斋志异》通过对叙述速度的控制充分体现了作者的创作意图,构造了奇异的叙事时空,表现出对夜晚时间的偏爱;幻化时间和人世时间的对比也是古典小说中常用的技巧,在《聊斋志异》中二者的变化更是丰富多彩,时或一致时或迥异,突破了古人的常规思维模式,表现了丰富的时间意识观念。

4)human affairs人间世事

5)In what age is this life?人间何世

6)the everyday world人世间


