300字范文 > 晚清报刊 newspapers and periodicals in the Late Qing Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

晚清报刊 newspapers and periodicals in the Late Qing Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-10 09:02:56


晚清报刊 newspapers and periodicals in the Late Qing Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

晚清报刊,newspapers and periodicals in the Late Qing Dynasty

1)newspapers and periodicals in the Late Qing Dynasty晚清报刊

1.Emphasis should be given to the advertisements innewspapers and periodicals in the Late Qing Dynasty that they are helpful to present a clear sequence of literary history,to find the real appearance of literary works and the real identity of writers,to collect the lost pieces,and to ascertain the publishing time of magzines.晚清报刊广告值得重视,它有助于呈现文学史相关脉胳,考证作品本来面目,确认作者真实身份,搜集作者散佚篇什,确定杂志刊行时间。


1.The Flourish of the Newspaper and Periodical Industry and the Transmutation of the Novel in the Late Qing Dynasty;晚清报刊业的勃兴与近代小说的多元嬗变

2.The Impetus Function of Newspaper Media in the Movement of Loosening of Foot Binding in the Late Qing Dynasty--Take Xiang Daily in the Reform Movement of 1898 Time As an Example晚清报刊媒介对不缠足运动的推动——以戊戌维新时期的《湘报》为例

3.China Traditional Novel Criticism"s Modernity Reformed--Take the Latter Qing Dynasty Publication Novel as Focal Point中国传统小说批评的现代转型——以晚清报刊小说评点为视角

4.Radiotelegraphy technology spread via journalin China in the late Qing Dynasty晚清无线电报技术经由期刊在中国的传播

5.Evolvement and Switch;嬗变与转型——晚清启蒙运动与报刊现代化互动关系透视

6.Hygiene,Race and Consumer Culture in Late Qing--Focusing on the Newspaper Advertisements;卫生、种族与晚清的消费文化——以报刊广告为中心的讨论

7.On the Two Deviations of Nationalism Discourse of the Press From Late Qing Dynasty to the May 4th Period;论晚清至五四时期报刊民族主义话语的两种偏向

8.Roles of Modern Newspapers and Periodicals to Establishment of Modern Children Views in China: from Late Qing to May 4th Movement;从晚清到“五四”——近现代报刊在中国现代儿童观生成中的作用

9.On the Cultural Character and Literary Features of the Press in Mobile Situations--Taking as examples the tabloids in the late Qing Dynasty and Republic of China;动态境遇的报刊文化品格、文学面貌及研究方法——以晚清、民国时期的小报为例

10.Forewords to Periodicals of Modern Novels and New Change in Concept;晚清民初小说期刊发刊词与小说观念的新变

11.As the most influential periodical during the 1898 Reform period in the late Qing Dynasty, Shiwu bao(Chinese Progress) exerted its influence on the reading public in complex and varied ways.作为晚清戊戌变法时期最受瞩目的期刊,《时务报》在读书界引起的回响多元繁复。

12.Transfer:Newspaper Supplement Going into the Market--A Case from Correcting Newspaper Supplement of Yanzhao Evening Paper;转型:报纸副刊走向市场化的必由之路——以《燕赵晚报》副刊改版为例

13.On Ideal Object of Modern Woman in the Late Qing Dynasty Novel --Based on the Samples from Four Novel Periodicals;晚清小说塑造现代女性的理想目标——以晚清四大小说期刊为例

14.On the Illustrations in Late Qing Dynaty Novel Periodicals during 1902-1911--Taking Four Major Novel Periodicals in Late Qing Dynasty as Example论1902—19间晚清小说期刊中的插图——以晚清四大小说杂志为例

15.The Status Quo & Development Strategies of Elderly Journals in China我国老年报刊的现状及发展策略——以四川《晚霞报》与《晚霞》杂志为例

16.The Commercial Operation and the Changes of the Novels" Engraving Form in the Late Ming and Late Qing Dynasty--A Survey Centered in Publishing Houses of Jianyang and Book Companies of Shanghai晚明、晚清商业运作与小说刊印形态之变迁——以晚明建阳书坊和晚清上海书局为中心

17.Lively Public Opinion about Constitution in Late Qing Private Newspapers--the Case of Shanghai Journal (Shen Bao);从《申报》的立宪舆论看清末民营报刊舆论的活跃

18.Beginning and Rise of Chinese Sports Periodical from Late Qing to Minguo晚清至五四时期中国体育期刊的肇始与初兴


Political Comment Newspapers晚清政论报刊

1.Group Political Mood and Market ofPolitical Comment Newspapers in Late-Qing Dynasty;群体政治心态与晚清政论报刊市场

3)Wɑnqing Wenyi Bɑo-Kɑn Shulüe《晚清文艺报刊述略》

4)journal in late Qing Dynasty晚清期刊

5)the power of the newapaper and the public opinion晚晴报刊

6)Dawanbao"s supplements《大晚报》副刊


《晚清文艺报刊述略》近代文学研究专著。著者阿英(即钱杏邨)。上海古典文学出版社1958年出版。包括《晚清文学期刊述略》、《晚清小报录》、《辛亥革命书征》三部分。《晚清文学期刊述略》写于1957年,为配合中国作家协会召开的全国文学期刊编辑工作会议而作,曾在《文艺报》上连载。《述略》介绍了清末主要文学杂志,从19世纪70年代的《瀛寰琐记》、《四溟琐记》等起,至辛亥革命前的《小说月报》、《南社》止,共24种。书中阐述了这些杂志的基本内容和性质,概括出晚清文学期刊发展的轮廓,从中可看到从1872到1940年间,文学的流派,创作的成果,以及文学运动怎样结合政治运动发展的过程。《晚清小报录》作于1936年。《文汇报》1956年发表。晚清小报可考的有82种。藜床卧读生《绘图冶游上海杂记》(1905),说"以游戏笔墨,备人消闲"的报纸,计有10种;李宝嘉《上海已佚各报表》(1906)中列举小报12种。报学史一类著作涉及尤少。作者认为这些小报"也揭露了当时的社会黑暗,抨击了买办、官僚以及帝国主义,奠定了晚清谴责小说发展的基础"(《引言补充》)。因而在抗战初期,著者就自己所藏著录成册,共收录《世界繁华报》(1896)、《演义白话报》(1897)、《笑林报》(1901)、《方言报》(1902)、《上海白话报》(1910)等26种。作者对每一种小报以有趣的闲话随笔,叙其大略。附录《中国画报发展之经过》,则扼要叙述了中国画报发展的简况。《辛亥革命书征》原载《学林》杂志第 6卷(1941年 4月刊)。张静庐《中国近代出版史料》初编曾转载。这次收编,作者"就近年所得,重加删补订正"(《附编》)。《书征》分专著、史乘、诗文集、丛书、说部、杂志及附编,是有关辛亥革命书籍较齐全的书目。
