300字范文 > 文学多元系统 literary polysystem英语短句 例句大全

文学多元系统 literary polysystem英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-22 19:54:41


文学多元系统 literary polysystem英语短句 例句大全

文学多元系统,literary polysystem

1)literary polysystem文学多元系统


1.The Status of the Translated Novels of Late Qing and Early Republic in the Literary Polysystem;清末民初翻译小说在文学多元系统中的地位

2.Translated Literature & Original Literature in the Perspective of Polysystem Theory;多元系统论观照下的翻译文学和原创文学

3.On Undergraduate and Campus Culture from Duality to Plurality;大学生文化与大学文化——从二元对立走向多元文化系统

4.Polysystem Perspective:Adaptation of Cultural Context in the Literary Translation从多元系统理论看文学翻译的文化语境顺应

5.On Retranslation of Children s Literature from the Perspective of Rewriting and Polysystem Theory;从改写与多元系统视角论儿童文学的复译

6.Chinese Translated Literature Around "the May Fourth Movement" from the Perspective of "Polysystem Theory";多元系统理论角度下的“五四”前后中国翻译文学

7.Literary Translation Around the May 4~(th) Movement: A Perspective of Polysystem Theory;从多元系统理论角度看五四前后的文学翻译

8.Ideological Discourse in Literary Translation: A Polysystem Perspective;从多元系统理论看文学翻译中意识形态话语

9.A Study on Lu Xun s Translation Theory and Practice of Literature as Viewed from the Perspective of "Polysystem Theory";从多元系统论角度看鲁迅的文学翻译观

10.A Critical Study on Polysystem Theory in the Context of Chinese Translated Literature;中国翻译文学语境中的多元系统理论辩证研究

11.Polysystem Perspective:The Diachronic Alternation of Domestication and Foreignization in the Transitional Period of Literature;从多元系统论看文学转型期的归化异化

12.The “Nationality” of Translated Literature from a Polysystemic Perspective;从多元系统论的观点看翻译文学的“国籍”

13.On limitation of polysystem theory in its application to the modern translated literature of China;从中国近代翻译文学看多元系统理论的局限性

14.On Literature Translation before or after the May 4th Movement from the Perspective of Polysystem Theory从多元系统角度看“五四”前后外国文学的翻译

15.Constructing the System of Literary Value with Aesthetics as its Medium: How Literary Critique Should Deal with the Literary Configuration of Multiplicity;构建以审美为中介的文学价值系统——兼论文学理论批评怎样应对多元化的文学格局

16.English-Chinese Literary Translation Strategies: Toward a Polysystem-based Integrated Perspective;英汉文学翻译策略:以多元系统论为基础的综合探讨

17.A Study of Literary Translation in China between 1949 and 1966;从多元系统理论的视角看我国1949年至1966年间的外国文学汉译

18.On the Position and Influence of Translated Literature during the May 4~(th) Span from the Perspective of Polysystem Theory;从多元系统理论探讨五四时期翻译文学的地位及影响


literary and cultural polysystem文学文化多元系统

3)pluralistic cultural system多元文化系统

4)multi-element systems多元件光学系统

5)multielement optical system多元光学系统

6)the pluralistic concept of literature文学多元


