300字范文 > 融合媒介 convergence media英语短句 例句大全

融合媒介 convergence media英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-14 13:28:46


融合媒介 convergence media英语短句 例句大全

融合媒介,convergence media

1)convergence media融合媒介

2)media integration媒介融合

1.Themedia integration of publishing as an inevitable trend of contemporary print media development, it has become a hot issue of the academic field and the industry field.出版媒介融合作为当代出版媒介发展的必然趋势,已经成为学界和业界关注的热点问题。

2.First point out the relationship between cultural productivity and cultural industry, then discuss the new ways of development undermedia integration condition, at last give some advice of developing cultural productivity.媒介融合的格局为文化产业的发展提供了新的思路,从而也促进了文化生产力的发展。


1.A Probe into the Development of Convergent Journalism Against the Background of Media Convergence;媒介融合背景下的“融合新闻”发展探微

2.The Strategic Flexibility Construction of Media Organization under Media Convergence Circumstance媒介融合背景下媒介组织战略弹性的构建

3.Study on Strategy of Digital TV Development under the Media Convergence媒介融合下的数字电视发展策略研究

4.The Construction of TV Program Brand in Media Inosculation Situation媒介融合背景下电视栏目的品牌塑造

5.On the Rising of Advertising Literacy Education under the Media Convergence媒介融合背景下广告素养教育的兴起

6.The Development Of Cultural Productivity In Media Integration Age论媒介融合格局下的文化生产力发展

7.On Media Convergence-the Development Road of TV in Internet Times;媒介融合—网络时代电视媒体的发展之路

8.On the Strategies of Media Operation in the Era of Media Convergence对媒介融合时代媒体运营策略的几点思考

9.Cross-Media Operating:Innovation of Media Managemen under the Media Convergence--Taking the Reference of Management Experience of American Media General Groups跨媒介经营:媒介融合下的传媒管理创新——以美国媒介综合集团管理经验为借鉴

10.On the Content Integration and Channel Integration of Digital Newspaper Industry--The Development Strategy of Newspaper Industry in the Age of Media Integration数字报业的内容融合与渠道融合——媒介融合时代的报业发展战略

11.The Research of Publishing Media Integration from the View of the Information Value-added;内容价值增值视阈下的出版媒介融合研究

12.The Construction Strategy Of The Industrial Value Chain Based on the Media Convergence Cluster;基于媒介融合集群产业价值链的构建策略

13.Angle,Prospective,Path:on the Researches of Media Convergence角度·视野·轨迹——试析有关“媒介融合”的研究

14.Reflections of Research on Media Convergence Regulation:China-oriented Principle and Core Issue媒介融合规制研究的反思:中国面向与核心议题

15.Developing With Media Convergence:a Review of New Media Studies of Year in Mainland of China拓展媒介融合时代新媒体传播学的研究领域——我国新媒体研究综述

prehension about Mixture Development of Media:Based on the Frame of New Economic Theory;媒介融合发展策略解读——以创新经济学理论为框架

17.Ten Topics under Media Convergence Circumstance both in Theory and in Practice;媒介融合背景下中国广告理论与实践的十大话题

18.Regulatory Innovation: The New Orientation of Media Convergence--Based on the Review of the Documents规制变革:媒介融合研究的新定向——基于文献回顾与探讨


media integration媒介融合

1.Themedia integration of publishing as an inevitable trend of contemporary print media development, it has become a hot issue of the academic field and the industry field.出版媒介融合作为当代出版媒介发展的必然趋势,已经成为学界和业界关注的热点问题。

2.First point out the relationship between cultural productivity and cultural industry, then discuss the new ways of development undermedia integration condition, at last give some advice of developing cultural productivity.媒介融合的格局为文化产业的发展提供了新的思路,从而也促进了文化生产力的发展。

3)media convergence媒介融合

1.Advertising Pattern Transformation with Media Convergence;媒介融合中广告形态的变化

2.The Construction of a Framework for Four Fundamental Elements in Journalism Education under the Trend of Media Convergence;媒介融合趋势下新闻教育四大基础元素的构建

4)Media Fusion媒介融合

5)development of media mergence媒介融合发展

1.Convergent journalism is a newdevelopment of media mergence in light of applied journalism."融合新闻"是从应用新闻学视角对媒介融合发展进行的一种探索与研究。

6)media convergence cluster媒介融合集群

1.It is a significant project for the wholemedia convergence cluster to agglomerate and construct its industrial value chain.媒介融合集群产业价值链的整合和构建对媒介集群产业而言不失为一项意义重大的工程。


Hibbs脊柱融合术Hibbs脊柱融合术〗Hibbs脊柱融合术】〓〖WTBZ〗〖HT5”SS〗(Hibbs spine fusion主要是融合后侧的椎板及关节突,局麻或全麻,俯卧位。后正中切口,显露棘突、椎板、小关节。吸去棘突,将椎板表面骨质凿去薄层,小关节软骨及坚实骨少许亦凿去,再取髂骨植入上述骨及小关节面表面。
