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导航库 navigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-02 03:48:26


导航库 navigation英语短句 例句大全



1.The paper introduces that academic libraries open up free network resource by two ways:constructing database of the library oneself and digging up database of libraries outer;establishing studynavigation, newspapers and periodicalsnavigation, subject websitenavigation and link correlation site.介绍了高校图书馆主要从两方面进行免费网络资源的开发和利用:一是加快馆藏数据库的建设和馆外数据库的挖掘;二是建立学科导航库、报刊导航库、主题网站导航库和相关重要站点链接。


1.On the Sustainable Development of CALIS Subject Gateway关于CALIS导航库可持续发展的思考

2.CALIS Subject Gateway:Current Status,Problems and Future DevelopmentCALIS导航库:现状、困境与发展

3.High School Lesson of Information Technology Network Resource Guidance Base Constructing;高中信息技术课网络资源导航库的构建

4.Construction of navigational route database for key programs and elite courses in vocational colleges;高职院校重点专业及精品课程导航库建设探析

5.The Building Of Information Resources Navigation For Sports Humanism Social Science;体育人文社会科学信息资源导航库的构建

6.Preliminary studies of the construction of online resource navigational databases of elite courses in higher vocational colleges高职高专精品课程网络资源导航库建设刍议

7.A Survey and Analysis of the Utilization of CALIS Web Resources Navigation System for Major SubjectsCALIS重点学科网络资源导航库的使用情况分析

8.Discussion on the Problems in the Construction of the Subject Navigation System关于建设重点学科网络资源导航库若干问题的探讨

9.World Electronic Navigational Chart Data Base世界电子导航图数据库

10.A Approach of Constructing High Precision Guide Star Catalogue on Board一种高精度星载导航星库的构建方法

11.Application database in simulation modeling for cruise missile数据库在飞航导弹仿真建模中的应用

12.Research on Intelligent Query Knowledge Base System of Vehicle Navigation;车辆导航的智能查询知识库系统研究

13.Study on Construction of Physical Electronics Subject-based Information Gateways;物理电子学学科导航数据库建设研究

14.The Use of PHP Technology to Realize the Buildup of Discipline-guiding Databank;利用PHP技术实现学科导航数据库建设

15.Research of the Integrated Navigation Embedded Real-Time Database Based on VxWorks;基于VxWorks平台的组合导航实时数据库研究

16.The Research and Implementation of the Navigation System in Component Library Based on Topic Map;基于主题地图的构件库导航系统的研究与实现

17.The Design and Implement of Partial Database in Vehicle Navigation System车载导航系统中部分数据库的设计及实现

18.Didactics of Multi-Tables Select Sentence in SQL Based on the Navigation of Database Scheme基于数据库模式导航的select多表查询教学法


navigation star database导航星库

1.A storingnavigation star database method for star map recognition using character match;对基于KMP星敏感器星图识别算法进行了改进,对天球中每个区域用1表示该处有星0表示该处非星,得到由0和1组成的原始字符串,用一个整数和额外一位0表示某处连续0的个数,用11来表示一个字符1,把它们存储到导航星库中相应位置。

3)navigation database导航数据库

1.Thenavigation database and performance database were designed.建立了FMC的导航数据库和性能数据库,规划了飞机水平飞行轨迹,完成了侧向飞行控制。

2.This paper introduced the definition,technical characteristics,key technology and implementation process ofnavigation database.介绍了导航数据库的定义、技术特点、关键技术问题以及实现步骤,并就车辆自动导航系统、车辆监控与调度管理、移动定位服务等三方面详细论述了导航数据库在ITS和LBS中的应用。

3.It introduces the way and steps to construct thenavigation database of major subject web resources in universities by the TPI system,and provides a solution to the digital library resources management.对高校重点学科网络资源管理的现实意义进行了分析,阐述了应用清华同方专业信息资源建设与管理系统(TPI)建设高校重点学科网络资源导航数据库的步骤和方法,为数字图书馆资源管理提供了一套解决方案。

4)guide star catalog导航星星库

1.Constitution ofguide star catalog for star sensor;适用于星敏感器的导航星星库制定

2.Theguide star catalog is built with the star information selected from all-sky star catalog on some guidelines.按一定规则对全天星表的星信息进行了筛选并组建了导航星星库。

5)subject navigation database学科导航库

1.The paper analyzes the present situation ofsubject navigation database of library,discusses some questions in the construction ofsubject navigation database in university library,and puts forward relevant countermeasures,and predicts the future development ofsubject navigation database.对图书馆学科导航库的现状进行分析,并重点探讨高校图书馆自建学科导航库建设中存在的一些问题,有创见性地提出相应对策,展望了学科导航库的建设及发展前景。

6)navigable database导航数据库

1.This paper analyzes the problems of creating method of traditional spatial index in thenavigable database and suggests a new kind of creating method of spatial index based on two-level interleaving grid.针对导航数据库中传统空间索引建立方法存在的问题,提出了一种基于两级交错式网格划分的空间索引建立方法。

2.Thenavigable database is the geographic database with uniform technical standards to satisfy the requirement of intelligent transportation system and location based service.导航数据库(Navigable Database)是指针对智能交通系统与定位服务应用需求而建立的具有统一技术标准的地理数据库。

3.Generally the geo-database specially created according to LBS or ITS(Intelligent Transportation System)requirement is callednavigable database.本文在简要介绍定位服务的概念之后,首先讨论导航数据库的特点,然后介绍导航数据库的实现过程,最后讨论导航数据库建设涉及到的若干关键技术问题。


奥米加导航系统(见飞机双曲线导航系统)奥米加导航系统(见飞机双曲线导航系统)Omega navigation systemAomiiia daohang Xitong奥米加导航系统(omeg。。avigationsystem)见飞机双曲线导航系统。
