300字范文 > 解构思维方式 the Deconstruction way of thinking英语短句 例句大全

解构思维方式 the Deconstruction way of thinking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-21 00:20:29


解构思维方式 the Deconstruction way of thinking英语短句 例句大全

解构思维方式,the Deconstruction way of thinking

1)the Deconstruction way of thinking解构思维方式

1.Due to different positions of researchers, they had prejudiced view againstthe Deconstruction way of thinking.解构思维方式源自于雅克?德里达(Jacques Derrida),他全面论述了解构思想并运用它来阐释传统理论和社会现实问题,取得了令世人瞩目的成就。


1.An Inquiry about Derrida"s Deconstruction Way of Thinking from Marxist View马克思主义视域下德里达解构思维方式研究

2.Dilemma and Deconstruction on the Thoughtsof One Way Dimension Moral Education;单向度德育思维方式的困境及其解构

3.On the Thinking Model of Discourse Deconstruction and Reconstruction in Translation;论翻译中语篇解构与重构的思维模式

parative Analysis of the Systematic Thinking and the Analytical Thinking in Team Performance Management团队绩效管理中系统式思维方式与解析式思维方式对比分析

5.Thought Modes Embodied in Chinese-Uygur Grammatical Structure;试论汉维语法结构中体现的思维方式

6.The Explain of Deng Xiao-ping s Theory about Practice Thought Way and the Enlightenment to Build Harmonious Society;邓小平实践思维方式的解读及其对构建和谐社会的启示

7.Talking About the Concretive Expressive form to the Constructive Mathematical Thinking Way;建构性数学思维方式的具体表现形式

8.On the Practical Thinking Mode of the "People First" Idea;论对“以人为本”的实践思维方式解读

9.The Thinking Mode for Listening Comprehension in Listening Teaching;听力理解的思维方式与英语听力教学

10.Interpretation of Dreams--Dreamlike Poetic Way of Thinking in Poems by Li Huo;“梦”的解析——李贺诗歌梦幻诗学思维方式

11.Mode of Thinking in Understanding "Qi" in Traditional Chinese Medicine;试析对中医之“气”的理解中的思维方式

12.On the Thinking Ways and Their Constructing Elements;试论教练员的思维方式及其构成要素

13.Discussion on the Structural Connotation of Discrete Mathematics from the Angle of the Mode of Thinking从思维方式探讨离散数学的结构内涵

14.The Influence of Chinese and English Thinking Modes on the Sentence Patterns论汉英思维方式对其句子结构的影响

15.On Construction of Modern Mode of Thinking in University Ideological and Political Work;构建高校思想政治工作现代思维方式探析

16.On the Construction of Modern Thinking Mode and Moral Education;现代思维方式与德育观构建联系的思考

17.On the Thought Integrating Man with Nature from the Perspectives of the Diet Structure;从膳食结构解析天人合一思维模式的形成

18.On Picture of Speaking s Deconstruction in Electronic Culture to Philosophical Thinking;论电子文化言说图式对哲学思维的解构


the analytical thinking解析式思维方式

1.By comparative analysis of the systematic thinking andthe analytical thinking,the systematic thinking,from the aspect of organization system,pursues the harmony of team members,procedure and the environment so as to improve the growing effectiveness of the team.通过团队绩效管理中解析式思维方式和系统式思维方式的对比分析,认为系统式思维方式从组织系统的角度,寻求团队成员、流程、环境三者间的和谐,从而能够不断提高团队绩效管理的有效性。

3)Constrctise of thinking构造性思维方式

4)way of thinking思维方式

1.On the estabishment of modernway of thinking to cultivate comprehensive talented personnel;确立现代思维方式 培养综合性人才

2.Virtual world and its influence on ourway of thinking;网络虚拟世界及其对人类思维方式的影响

3.Chinese traditionalway of thinking and the its rationality of modernization;中国传统思维方式及其现代化的理性思考

5)thinking mode思维方式

1.Human sthinking mode of "the mind"——Analysis the ancient Chinesethinking mode briefly;“心灵化”的思维方式——中国古代思维方式浅析

2.The difference ofthinking mode and its relation with thinking characters;论思维方式的差异性及与思维个性的关系

3.On transformation of thethinking mode in view of human-oriented political and ideological education outlook;论以人为本思想政治教育观下的思维方式变革

6)ways of thinking思维方式

1.“Harmony between Ideas”and“Harmony between Forms”——comparison between theways of thinking of Chinese and English nations;“意合”与“形合”—比较汉英民族思维方式

2.On Distinction of Ways of Thinking through: the Study of Japanese-Chinese Sentence Structure;从句式结构看中日思维方式差异——以叙述句式为例

3.On the other hand,ways of thinking are also closely related to languages and the deeper mechanisms of language production and development.思维方式与文化密切相关 ,是文化心理诸特征的集中体现。


