300字范文 > 提升 promotion英语短句 例句大全

提升 promotion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-30 15:28:37


提升 promotion英语短句 例句大全



1.The technological levelpromotion of traditional industry by the corporation informationization;论企业信息化对传统工业的技术水平提升

2.Study on Promotion of the Employment Ability of College Students Majored in Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Engineering;水利水电工程专业学生就业能力提升研究

3.On Promotion of Core Competence of Media Group;传媒集团核心竞争力的提升研究


1.lifting appliance升降设备,提升装置

2.Concret was raised by a hoist.混凝土由升降机提升。

3.building up properties提升性(染深性能)

4.continuous bucket elevator链斗提升机;斗式连续升运器;多斗式提升机;多斗提升机

5.This means gold is now rising on its own.这就说明金价的提升是它本身的提升。

6.To rise in rank, position, or value.提升,晋升在地位,职位或价值方面提高

7.Increases your total Stamina , Intellect ,and Sprit by 1%.提升你的耐力智力精神每级提升1%。

8.A sovereign ascension means that I do not ascend others.一个自主的提升意味着我不提升他人。

9.He was passed over in favour of a younger man没考虑提升他而提升了一个小伙子.

10.One cannot ascend the field without ascending the form.你不能只提升能量场而不提升身体。

11.Replacing Wire Rope Method of Friction Hoist摩擦式提升机更换提升钢丝绳的方法

12.To raise to a higher level, especially to promote to a higher position.提升把…提升到一个更高的水平,尤其是把…提升到一个更高的职务

13.Discussion on Lifting Height and Lifting Load of Wire Rope Used in Single-rope Hoist单绳提升机用钢丝绳的提升高度与提升载荷探讨

14.hydraulic elevator液压电梯;液压升降机;水力提升机;水压升降机

15.An advancement, especially in social status.攀升提升,尤指在社会地位上

16.The "stars team upgrade" activities开展“星级班组升级”活动提升班组整体

17.Selection of the Proper Motor for the Vertical Elevator Parking Equipment垂直升降式停车设备提升电机的选用

18.Her promotion was a fix, I"m sure.我敢肯定她的提升有鬼.



1.Speeding up information construction so as topromote the core competition power of an enterprise;加快信息化建设步伐 全面提升企业核心竞争力

2.Cultivate independent creative power topromote the economic competitive power of china;增强自主创新能力提升我国经济竞争力

3.The experimental study on gratitude programme topromote subjective well-being of high-grade pupils in primary schools;感恩方案提升小学高年级学生主观幸福感的实验研究


1.Integrate port resource toupgrade competition ability of Zhejiang ports;实施软资源整合以提升浙江港口的竞争力

2.Study on the Upgrade Problem for Relation in Math;数学中关系提升问题的探讨

3.A Research on the Upgrade of Public Library s Core Competence;公共图书馆核心竞争力的提升研究


1.Prompting E-government: Practical Ways to Improve Modern Government s Administrative Ability;推进电子政务:提升现代政府行政能力的现实途径

2.Theimprovement of the undergraduates abilities to be employed and the strategic plan to develop quality undergraduates;提升大学生就业力与高校素质拓展计划

3.How toimprove the core competition ability of Small and Medium-enterprises;中小企业提升核心竞争力路径思考


1.Image denoising algorithm based on the updating-lifting morphological wavelet;一种更新提升形态小波图像去噪算法

2.Motion compensated 3D wavelet video coding based onlifting filter implementation;基于提升技术的运动补偿三维小波视频编码

3.Method for image hidding based onlifting wavelet transform;一种基于提升小波变换的数字图像隐藏方法


1.A hydraulic orehoisting installation at the Detour Lake Mine QK Zone project:A feasibility study;矿石水力提升系统的可行性研究

2.Analyzes the factors that influence the stretching changing in thehoisting process and put forward a method that adopting S-curve could reduce the stretching mutation.分析了提升过程中钢丝绳张力变化的影响因素,提出了采用S曲线速度图是可以减小张力突变的一种方法。

3.The matching of the muck loading,transporting andhoisting equipment for No.着重介绍了石太客运专线太行山隧道7#斜井装碴、运输、提升等主要设备的配置方案。


