300字范文 > 成交额 turnover英语短句 例句大全

成交额 turnover英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-07 07:05:51


成交额 turnover英语短句 例句大全




1.The turnover reached 2.5 million dollars.成交额达250万美元

2.More than$5 billion worth of Cyberworks shares changed hands, accounting for more than one-third of stock market turnover.盈动成交额逾五十亿元,占港股总成交额三分之一以上。

3.of this total, transaction value of stocks was 533.96 billion yuan, down by 41.56 percent over the previous year.其中股票成交额5339.6亿元,下降41.56%。

4.Average daily turnover was$144 million.新蒥场总集资额约15.83亿元,平均每日成交额为1.44亿元。

5.The turnover in the exhibition scene was reached to200 million Yuan.展会现场成交额累计达到2亿元人民币。

6."How much commission will you give if the transaction is our US $1,000,000?"成交额在一百万美元以上,你们给多少佣金?

7.We usually get a 3% commission on the total volume of business.通常我们从每笔成交额中得到百分之三的佣金。

mission is usually given as a percentage of the total value of a transaction.我们通常按成交额的百分比来计算佣金。

9.A notable rise in stock market prices and trading volume after a decline.反弹股市价格和成交额在下跌后显著的上升

10.The analysis about the relationship between corporation s R&D cost and its technical market;论企业R&D支出与企业技术市场成交额的关系

11.Tax official: As the executor of the contract, you should pay the stamp tax on the base of transaction price at 0.5%.税务局:作为购房合同的出具人,您须按合同成交额的0.5%交纳印花税。

12.The amount of business transacted during a given period of time.营业额,成交量在给定的时期间成交的总额

13.The sales totaled 1.64 billion yuan and the price for one square meter was 6,586 yuan on average.成交金额总计16.4亿元,成交均价是每平方米6586.3元。

14.Recession in the western countries have cause business to slump.西方国家的不景气造成交易额猛降。

15.20 Most Active Stocks by Value in September 19941994年9月成交金额最大的20种股份

16.We usually get a 3 percent commission on the total value of business.我们通常收取成交总额的3%作为佣金。

17.The broker wants to get the trade done.经纪人希望交易快速成交,讨厌小额买卖。

18.At the end of the Pre-market Opening Period all unmatched auction orders will be converted to either limits orders or inactive orders.而未能成交的馀额会取消或是换成为限价则视乎该交易所的规定。


total contract value总成交额

3)on balance volume (OBV)净额成交量;净额成交量

4)turnover ratio成交额比率

5)daily turnover每日成交额

6)volume of transaction成交额;交易量


日成交额 日成交额——指当天已成交股票的金额总数。
