300字范文 > 科技政策分析 science and technique policy analysis英语短句 例句大全

科技政策分析 science and technique policy analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-20 22:48:53


科技政策分析 science and technique policy analysis英语短句 例句大全

科技政策分析,science and technique policy analysis

1)science and technique policy analysis科技政策分析


1.An analysis framework for public S&T policies:the perspective of policy tools;基于政策工具的公共科技政策分析框架研究

2.Approaches to Analysis of Public Science and Technology Policies: Review and Comparison;公共科技政策分析的理论进路:评述与比较

3.Technoscience View:A New Perspective for Science and Technique Policy Analysis技性科学观:科学技术政策分析的新视角

4.The Policy of Studying Abroad in New China and Its Influence on Science and Technology;新中国留学政策及其科技影响力分析

5.Wuhai city science and technology investment structure analysis and optimization policy;武汉市科技投入结构分析及优化政策

6.Study on Typical Countries Public R&D Spending Policy in Agricultural Sector;部分国家的政府农业科技投入政策分析

7.Analysis on Transformation of Fiscal Policy on Environmental Protection我国环保科技领域的财政政策变迁及分析

8.Analysis of reward policy about colleges and universities thesis existence problemsand countermeasure高校科技论文奖励政策存在的问题及对策分析

9.The Composition Analysis of China"s Financial Input to Science & Technology and Policy Implication after the Categorization Reform of Government Income and Expense财政收支分类改革后财政科技投入构成分析及政策启示

10.The Economic Analysis of the Policy of the Export Rebate;科技创新型出口退税政策的经济学分析

11.An empirical analysis and some policy recommendations of Beijing technological innovation talent development environment;北京市科技创新人才环境:实证分析与政策建议

12.The Analysis of Current Status and Adjustment Strategy for Science and Technology Financial Investment in Bijie Prefecture;毕节试验区财政科技投入现状分析与调整策略

13.Perspectives on Hong Kong s Science and Technology Policy and Its Ramification in Competitiveness;香港科技竞争力分析评价及其政策含义

14.Some policies and suggestions based on the analysis of problems existing in human recourses of science and technology in China;我国科技人才队伍结构性问题分析与政策建议

15.National interests of the dominant trends in the development of science and technology policy analysis;国家利益主导下的科技政策发展趋势分析

16.Shift of Hong Kong s Science and Technology Policy and its Characteristics since 1997;1997年以来香港科技政策转向及其特征分析

17.Effects of Science and Technology Policy in the Industrialized Countries: Empirical Studies;工业发达国家科技政策实施效果的经验分析

18.Analysic on the Paradigm of Policy Research and Strategic Planning in ARC;澳大利亚科技政策研究与战略制定的范例分析


science and technology policy科技政策

1.Scientometrics of thescience and technology policy in Song Dynasty;宋代科技政策的计量研究——以《宋史》本纪中记载科技内容为计量对象

2.National interests of the dominant trends in the development ofscience and technology policy analysis;国家利益主导下的科技政策发展趋势分析

3)S&T policy科技政策

1.The Analysis of nonlinear features inS&T policy system;科技政策体系中的非线性特征分析

2.A comparitive study ofS&T policy of China and Korea;中韩两国科技政策的比较研究

3.Research on theS&T policy of Lee Myung-bak Government in Korea韩国李明博政府的科技政策之探究

4)sci-tech policy科技政策

1.This paper introduces the connotations and origins ofsci-tech policy and the trends of domestic and foreignsci-tech policy research, compares thesci-tech policy of America with China’s, and expounds the importance ofsci-tech policy on enterprise.介绍了科技政策的含义和起源以及国内外科技政策研究的动态,对美国与我国科技政策进行了比较,论述了科技政策对企业的重要影响。

5)Scientific and Technological Policies科技政策

1.Scientific and Technological Policies for the Development of Universities and Their Management Methods;促进高校发展的科技政策及管理办法研究

2.CPC put forward and practiced a series of scientific and technological policies which are of great advantage to the progress of the science and technology, making a successful way of the development of the science and technology .本文阐述了中共科技政策的主要内容,并分析其功效,从中获取有益的启示。

3.The collocation mode of the scientific and technological policies apparently affects the effect of execution of the scientific and technological policies.通过构建非对称博弈模型,分析表明:科技政策支持会有效促进企业界增加R&D经费,增强企业界技术创新能力,从而提高全社会自主创新能力;科技政策配置模式,明显影响着科技政策的实施效果,如果仅以技术创新能力来配置科技政策,对规模不等的企业均是公平的,更加有利于推进企业界开展科技活动,如果考虑企业规模因素来配置科技政策时,对规模企业有促进作用,对小企业起着抑制作用。

6)technology policy科技政策

1.Thetechnology policy study on technology intermediary developing;科技中介机构发展的科技政策研究


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