300字范文 > 同类相食 Cannibalism英语短句 例句大全

同类相食 Cannibalism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-05 03:56:07


同类相食 Cannibalism英语短句 例句大全



1.For the firms with multibrand strategy,cannibalism is a common phenomenon,which may cannibalize the market share of existing brands.对于采取多品牌战略的企业来说,同类相食是一个很普遍的现象,它会蚕食企业现有品牌的市场份额。


1.It lives by cannibalizing.它靠同类相食而生存。

2.China"s food safety regulations are basically a mirror image of those in the US.中国食品安全规定基本上与美国同类规定相同。

3.They were both interested in the same kind of art and the same kind of food and clothes.两人都对同类的艺术,相同的食物和相同的衣服有兴趣,

4.They preyed on a wide variety of invertebrates and fish and were probably not fussy about which ones.牠们掠食各种不同的无脊椎动物及鱼类,食性可能相当广。

5.If biology were the basis for the selection of human foods, diets around the world would be quite similar.如果生物学是人类选择食物的基础,世界各地的食谱则会大体相同。

6.Although the magnitude of the thermal processes is similar, application of the processes involves two distinctly different types of food products.尽管这两个热过程的强度相似,但却用在不同类型的食品上。

7.Hawks will not pick hawks" eyes out.〔谚语〕同类不相残。

8.T-Rex was a meat eater. Another Tyrannosaurus Rex could kill and eat a T-Rex.霸王龙是肉食动物,它们会捕食同类。

9.of the same or similar kind or nature.指相同或者相似的种类。

10.Belonging to the same class or kind.相似的,同类的属于同种属或同种类的

11.The relative abundance ofphytophages and predators were 97.6% and 2.85% respectively.植食类的相对丰盛度为96.7%,捕食类相对丰盛度为2.85%。

12.An animal that feeds on others of its own kind.同类残食动物以食同类其它动物的肉为生的动物

13.Like chili plants, tarantulas produce agony-inflicting toxins designed to repel would-be predators, researchers say.同辣椒类的植物相似,狼蛛也能产生会引起不适反应的毒素来击退潜在的掠食者。

14.Detection of 10 slimming drugs added illegally into functional foods by high performance liquid chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry液相色谱-离子阱质谱联用同时检测保健食品中非法添加的10种减肥类化学药物

15.Determination of adreno cortico hormones in meats by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry高效液相色谱-串联质谱法同时测定肉类食品中5种肾上腺皮质激素

16.The functional response paramters were not alike because of the different preys and spiders, or under different space environment.猎物不同、捕食者不同或容器不同,捕食功能反应亦不相同。

17.internal correlation coefficient同类[组内]相关系数

18.Food samples having the same three numbers have the same color.三种数值完全相同的食物样品,色泽也相同。



3)cannibalistic adj.食人肉的;同类相食的




1.The effect of body weight and host plant oncannibalism in cotton bollworm,Helicoverpa armigera;体重与寄主植物对棉铃虫同类相残行为的影响

2.Studies on thecannibalism among Silurus meridionalis larvae;大口鲇苗种同类相残的研究

3.The study was focused on thecannibalism among Octopus ocellatus larvae(average weight 0.66 g)进行同类相残研究。


