300字范文 > 研究型教师 research teacher英语短句 例句大全

研究型教师 research teacher英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-06 21:47:03


研究型教师 research teacher英语短句 例句大全

研究型教师,research teacher

1)research teacher研究型教师

1.Research teaching mode for geological engineering is constructing by the three aspects: the introspection of research university idea and the retrospection of university spirit, the training ofresearch teacher and the construction of exploration partnership between teachers and students, the establishment of research course s.从研究型大学理念的反思与精神的重塑、研究型教师的培养和"探究伙伴"师生关系的建立、研究型课程体系和培养方案的构建等几个方面,对地质工程专业研究型教学模式进行了初步探索和建立。

2.This paper probes into the conception ofresearch teachers in higher learning institutions and discusses the quality structures ofresearch teachers such as knowledge structure, the ability to renew their knowledge, to bring force new ideas and to carry on the work of research.文章在对高校研究型教师的概念加以梳理的基础上,对研究型教师应具备的知识结构、更新知识的能力、创新能力和研究能力等素质结构进行了分析。

3.The research teaching mode should consist of implementing the research course system,training theresearch teacher and advocating student to carry on the research learning.研究型教学模式应包括实施研究型课程体系、培养研究型教师和倡导学生的研究型学习。


1.About the Research-Teacher-Training-Oriented Sketch Teaching in Teachers College;培养研究型教师的高师素描教学研究

2.The Study on Normal Education and Training Mode of Research-typed Teachers;师范教育与研究型教师培养模式研究

3.Teachers Action Research: The Platform to Develop Researcher-teachers;教师行动研究——促进研究型教师成长的平台

4.Reflections on Cultivation of Research Type Teachers in Chemical Experiment Instruction at Teachers Colleges;高师化学实验教学中培养研究型教师的思考

5.On the Construction of "Bi-Professional" Teacher Ranks in Vocational School;职业教育“双师型”教师队伍建设研究

6.A Roundup of the Research in the Connotation of "Double-Typed" Teachers in Vocational Education;职业教育“双师型”教师内涵研究综述

7.The Study of Issues in Normal Characteristics of Provincial Higher Teacher s Education in Teacher s Education Transition;教师教育转型期地方高师院校师范性问题研究

8.Talk on "Double Professionally-titled" Teachers and Its Cultivation;谈“双师型”教师及其培养——新办高职院校“双师型”教师队伍建设研究

9.Research of teacher performance evaluation of teaching and research university教学研究型大学的教师绩效评价研究

10.A Study on the "Double-Competency" Teacher s Qualifying Standard in the Higher Vocational College;高职“双师型”教师资格认证标准的研究

11.On the Main Problems in Bi-competency Teachers in Chinese Professional School and Their Countermeasures;职业学校“双师型”教师队伍问题研究

12.A Discussion of Training Double Quality Teachers;“双师型”教师队伍建设的研究与实践

13.Research on Construction of Teachers Team of the Module of Theory and Practice Integration in Higher Vocational & Educational Colleges;高职院校构建“双师型”教师队伍研究

14.Research of Incentives Mechanism of "Double-teaching Type" Teacher in Vocational School高职“双师型”教师激励机制的研究

15.The Research of Effective Training of "Double-competency" Teachers in Vocational College高职院校“双师型”教师有效培训研究

16.Research on the Construction of External Incentives Mechanism for Double-qualified Vocational Teachers高职“双师型”教师外在激励机制的研究

17.A study on knowledge structure of"teachers with double qualifications"in higher vocational colleges高职院校“双师型”教师知识结构研究

18.To Train the PE Researcher-teacher under the Field of Vision of the Teachers Action Research;教师行动研究视野下的研究型体育教师的培养


research-oriented teachers研究型教师

1.The adoption of a new curriculum calls forresearch-oriented teachers.新课程的实施呼唤研究型教师。

2.Research-oriented study is a systematic program that includesresearch-oriented teachers,research-oriented courses and research-oriented students.研究性学习是一个涵盖了研究型教师、研究型课程、研究型学生的系统工程。

3)teacher as researcher研究型教师

1.Teacher as subject andteacher as researcher;论教师主体与研究型教师

4)research-typed teacher研究型教师

1.In order to know the current situation of the inquiry learning and the cultivation ofresearch-typed teacher in normal colleges,and explore the means and ways to cultivateresearch-typed teacher by using inquiry learning,the project group developed the investigation and researching for the part of the undergraduates(from Grade 1 to 4) of geography specialty from Mar to May in .为了解高师学校研究性学习开展和研究型教师培养方面的现状,进一步探究利用研究性学习实施研究型教师培养的方法途径,课题组于3月至5月以安徽省部分高师地理科学专业1-4年级为研究对象开展了调查研究。

2.The paper is to explore how to train the middle schoolresearch-typed teachers in higher normal universities.第三章通过对我国教师能力问题研究进行概述,分析了教师眼中的研究型教师,总结出研究型教师的外在特征。

5)Teachers As Researchers研究型教师

6)research-oriented teacher in physics研究型物理教师


创造型教师创造型教师creative teacher创造型教师(efeativet。acher)能够运用创造学原理、原则和方法进行创造教育、培养创造型人才的教师。其主要特点是:(l)富有独创精神,敢f标新立异,能够努力挖掘建设性和创造性力量。(2)能够进行创造性教学,在教学中能促进学生自己主动地学习,采用专门的创造性思维训练法促进学生创造性思维的过程,给学生创造更多的机会去接触了解各种材料、工具、概念和结构,促进学生智力的灵活性。(3)能够不断革新教材,赋予教材以新意和活力。(4)具有完善的智能结构,有渊博的知识、科学的教学技能和多方面的教育信息。(5)摒弃传统的教育观念,对学生的创造性活动积极参与和支持。(6)摒弃权威态度,具有民主的宽容的品格和幽默感。(张明撰程姻吴万森审)
