300字范文 > 裁判 referee英语短句 例句大全

裁判 referee英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-11 07:01:10


裁判 referee英语短句 例句大全



1.Research and Analysis on the Necessity of Professionalism of CBA League Referees;CBA联赛裁判职业化必要性调查分析

2.Influence of thereferee on football match order;裁判对足球赛场秩序的影响

3.Study and practice inreferee teaching optimization about ball course in P.E. department of teachers college;高师体育系球类课程裁判教学最优化研究与实践


1.I had to sub for the referee, who was sick.裁判病了, 我得代为裁判.

2.I have to sub for the referee, who is sick.裁判病了,我得代为裁判。

3.The umpire gave the batsman out .裁判裁定击球员出局.

4.The referee"s decision was disputable.裁判员的裁决有争议。

5.a self - appointed arbiter.自封的仲裁者(裁判)

6.The coach upheld the referee"s decision.教练赞同裁判的裁决。

7.Two assistant referees moving along the two touch lines of the field of play facilitate the referee"s task.助理裁判负责协助主裁判完成裁判任务。

8.Officials include an umpire, service judge, line umpire and scorer.裁判人员包括:裁判员、发球裁判、司线员和记分员。

9.Officials include an umpire, service judges and linesmen.裁判人员包括主裁判、发球裁判和司线员。

10.Officials include the president of the jury, the jury, and four judges.裁判人员包括主裁判,裁判组(委员会)和4名裁判员。

11.Officials in a fencing match include the president of the jury, the jury, and four judges.击剑比赛的裁判人员包括主裁判、裁判组(委员会)和4名裁判员。

12.reverse or amend the decision or sentence推翻或修改裁判或判刑

13.The umpire called the runner out.裁判判定跑者出局。

14.The referee may award a free kick.裁判员判罚任意球。

15.The referee is whistling for a foul.裁判吹哨判定犯规。

16.The umpire ruled that the ball was foul.裁判员判这球犯规。

17.the referee suspended the game and ordered a penalty kick.裁判暂停比赛,判罚点球。

18.To award(damages, for example) by law.裁定,裁判通过法律判给(例如,赔偿)



1.department of teachers college ,must attach importance and strengthen the ability of judgment ,in order to raising their ability and making them become qualified judgments .师专体育专业教育,必须重视和加强对裁判能力的培养,使他们的裁判水平得以提高成为合格的裁判。

2.To set up challenge system is to ensure the litigant s trust in the judge,and the judge s impartial judgment as well.设置回避制度,是为了确保当事人对裁判的信任,保障法官公正无偏地作出裁判。

3.According to the situation of judgment level of physical education teacher in colleges and universities,it implies that judgment abilities have great direct influence on the university sports.根据高校体育教师的裁判水平状况,阐述了高校体育专业术科教师的裁判水平对学校体育运动所产生的直接影响,说明这种影响是巨大的。


1.Research on Developing theJudge Ability of Students in the Class Specialized in Basketball;对篮球专选班学生裁判能力培养的研究

2.An analysis of the objective factors influencing heel-and-toe judges accurate judgement;试析影响竞走裁判员准确判罚的客观因素

3.A Study on the eye movements of female gymnastics judges in the horse vaulting;女子跳马运动评分过程中裁判员的眼动研究


1.There are many conflicts among procedural laws in our country, especially in public trial, challenge system, evidence system andadjudication system.我国诉讼法(学)上存在很多冲突,尤其表现在公开审判与回避制度、证据制度、法院裁判等方面。

2.The results indicated that the leaping change of the international gymnastic rules increased the difficulties of gymnastic grading, which brought forward a higher and stricter requirement of theadjudication.:通过对国际体操评分规则发展历史的概括了解 ,探讨规则的修改后所发生的阶段性变化特点 ,从而揭示体操裁判评分差异的主要原因及纠正措施。


1.Probe into the two point at issue get involved in judicature of "Black Whistle" in the profession footballumpire;司法介入职业足球裁判“黑哨”的两个焦点问题

2.With theumpires working in Beijing pacific junior curling championship,we had a serious-minded learning.通过对在北京举行的太平洋青少年冰壶锦标赛的学习和实践,对冰壶裁判工作的一些组织和判罚细节有了更深入的认识和理解,旨在提高我国冰壶裁判工作能力,进一步达到了与国际赛事接轨的目标。

3.The management of the professional football gameumpire exists many problems:The power of the football association is concentrated excessively;Occupation moral character ofumpires is respected insufficiently;Selection system ofumpires is not transparent enough ;Management regulations are executed insignificantly;Intervention of judicature is difficutlt.我国职业足球比赛裁判员的管理存在着足协权力过分集中,裁判员的职业道德素质重视不够,裁判选拔制度不够透明,管理法规执行不力,司法介入困难等问题。

6)verdict[英]["v?:d?kt][美]["v?d?kt]判决,裁决 判


裁判1.法院根据事实,依照法律,对诉讼案件加以裁定和判决。 2.泛指对事情的是非曲直进行评判。 3.根据体育运动的竞赛规则,对运动员的竞赛成绩和在竞赛中发生的问题作出评判。 4.指在体育竞赛中执行评判工作的人。
