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联想 association英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-26 20:07:52


联想 association英语短句 例句大全



1.About Feeling on Color and Application of Association in Designing Color of Mechanical Product;谈色彩的感受与联想在机械产品设计中的应用

2.Induction and application of supervisedassociation artificial neural network optimization algorithms;有监督联想型人工神经网络优化算法的归纳与应用


1.method of paired associatio成对联想法 成对联想法

2.method of correct associates正确联想法 正确联想法

3.Of, characterized by, resulting from, or causing association.联想的联想的,以联想为特点的,由联想得来的,引起联想的

4.colour association色的联想,色的联系

5.characterized by or causing or resulting from association.以联想为特点的,导致联想的或者由联想产生的。

6.(psychology) of or relating to associations or associationism.(心理学)属于联想、联想心理学,或与联想、联想心理学有关。

7.associative process联想历程(心理学)

8.associative chain theory联想链论(心理学)

9.Now Lenovo is realizing its aspiration of becoming “a technology driven, service oriented, and international Lenovo”.联想正在向“高科技的联想、服务的联想、国际化的联想”全速挺进!

10.non associative learning非联想性学习 非联想性学习

11.relating to or resulting from association.关于联想的或由联想得来的。

12.Kent Rosanoff Free Association Test肯罗二氏自由联想测验

13.QDI Quality Delivery Innovation品质递送创新,联想

14.associative recall联想性回忆(心理学)

15.words associable with politics.可以联想到政治的词语。

16.The rememtrance roused a whole train of association.这句话勾起许多联想。

17.What associations does the sea have for you?你从大海能联想到什麽?

18.That cloud suggests a boat to me.那朵云使我联想到船。



1.Olympic sponsorship and brand internationalization:A research based on comparison between SAMSUNG andLENOVO;奥运赞助营销与品牌国际化——基于三星与联想的比较研究

2.Conflicts and Countermeasures in Cultural Integration——A Study of Lenovo’s Acquisition of IBM PC;从联想对IBM PC的收购看文化融合中的冲突与对策


1.Teaching research and practice of motivateimagination on architectural design lesson;建筑设计课程激发联想的教学研究和实践

2.The paper explores methods on how to use the styles, rules,imagination and association of aesthetics and to rearrange the words in a phrase or associate phrases in certain meaningful ways in order to turn irrelevant words into meaningful phrases or sentences.该文探讨运用美学的形式美法则及审美中的联想和想象等方法,把单词按英语词汇进行重新编排,或把一组词和几组词有机地结合在一起,使其由不相干变成有含义的相关的短语和句子,其目的是按照词汇构成本身就有的内在形式和法则,更合理、更顺畅、更牢固地记住和使用所学的单词和词组。

3.Different animals often remind us of different features, sometimes even the same animal gives us differentimagination, particularly in different cultures.动物的某些特性常使人产生联想或反应,这种联想往往因民族、文化的不同而不同。


1.By structuring different figure to work out a geometry problem, this articleassociates to foster divergence thoughts.通过构造不同的图形去解一个几何概型问题,联想到发散思维能力的培养。


1.In the long course of history,varied and colourful figurative expressions have been created and accumulated in Russian and Chinese,However owing to the differences ofassociations resulting from the respective national characteristics of the two languages,Russian and Chinese figurative expressions have become a major barrier in the teaching and learning of foreign languages.在漫长的历史进程中,俄汉两种语言都创造和积累了丰富多彩的比喻,但基于各自民族特点所产生的联想差异,使俄汉比喻成了外语教学的一大障碍。

2.Theories and practice from language acquisition and connectionist theory prove that learning through language chunks andassociations are effective ways in acquiring vocabulary.词汇学习是英语学习的难点也是学习的关键,语言习得理论以及认知语言学领域的连通理论与实践证明,通过联想,形成各种形式的组块来记忆单词,是英语词汇学习的有效途径。

3.Due to different language habits,geographical locations,historical backgrounds,traditions and customs,ethnic psychology,ways of thinking,and religious beliefs,colors evoke some differentassociations and symbolic meanings among different peoples both visually and mentally.由于受到语言习惯、地理位置、历史背景、传统习俗、民族心理、思维方式以及宗教信仰等因素的影响,各种颜色对于不同民族的人而言,在视觉和心理上所引发的联想和象征意义也不尽相同,翻译时应该特别注意其中的差异。

6)associational thought联想思想


