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浮筒 float英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-31 17:07:15


浮筒 float英语短句 例句大全



1.Fabricated internalfloating roof of aluinium- alloy have changed the conventional method of designing steel internalfloating roofs (which look likefloating pontoons).装配式铝制内浮顶,改变了过去传统的钢制浮船式内浮顶的设计方式,其结构特点:①采用密封的铝质浮筒作为浮力构件,该浮筒化学性能稳定、不易被氧化或腐蚀;②采用固定钢丝绳支撑的软式防转装置,缓解了浮顶径向压力的不均衡状态,防止了浮顶的卡盘;③采用舌型密封带,安装在浮顶的上部,使其不与油品接触,彻底解决了密封带溶蚀变形、老化、破损而降低密封效果的难题。

2.The Operational Principle of 12200 seriesfloat type level transmitter and failure in using and repair step is introduced.介绍 12 2 0 0系列数字式浮筒液位变送器的工作原理 ,在使用过程中的常见故障及采取的维修措

3.The proposed mechanism involves thefloats, connecting rods, ratchet wheels and the overdriving clutch.探讨了可用于海底电站的由浮筒、连杆、棘轮(或超越离合器)组成的海浪发电机构原理。


1.multiple buoys mooring多浮筒锚泊多浮筒系泊

2.A float on a seaplane.浮筒漂浮在海面上的浮筒

3.fixed acoustic buoy定声浮标固定音响浮筒

4.mooring pendant连接系船浮筒与浮筒底链的小链

5.floating drum thermal transfer machine浮筒加热式转移印花机

6.deep sea moor buoy array深水系泊浮筒群配置

7.Application for Unworking Float非装卸作业浮筒申请

mand active sonobuoy system指令主动声纳浮筒系统

9.Displacement type level instrumentsGB/T13969-1992浮筒式液位仪表

10.cardinal marks of buoyage system A浮筒系统A方位标志

11.double span moorings双跨底链的系船浮筒

12.the sport of racing camels.关于浮筒比赛的运动。

13.SBM loading terminal单浮筒系泊装油浮动码头

14.ocean data buoy海洋资料浮标海洋资料浮筒

15.The100,000 dwt mooring buoy in Meizhou Bay Anchorage is the largest one at the coast area of Fujian Province.湄洲湾锚地10万吨级系船浮筒是福建省沿海迄今最大的系船浮筒。

16.He sat on a float that the whale could have smashed with a flip of her tail.他坐在一个浮筒上,如果鲸鱼把尾巴一甩就能把浮筒碰个粉碎。

17.We tie up at that large red buoy.我们把船系在那个红色的大浮筒上。

18.navy oceanographic and meteorological automatic device海军海洋气象自动观测发报浮筒



1.Welding for included angle in buildingpontoon;浮筒建造中的夹角焊问题

2.A new technology is brought forward to overcome tipping by fixingpontoons with optimal size and position at stern in order to increase buoyancy of stern.提出了一种船舶带浮筒下水新工艺,通过在船舶尾部安装浮筒,并对浮筒大小和位置进行优化,能较为简便、经济和可靠地解决上述问题。


1.In order to utilize rationally the water area of anchorage basin and play full use of deepwater resource, three mooringbuoys were installed to form two 125,000 dwt double points mooring berths or three single point mooring anchorages for ship mooring or lighterage operation under favorable sea conditions.为合理利用锚地水域 ,充分发挥深水资源的经济效益 ,设置 3个系泊浮筒 ,形成 2个 12 。

2.Shooting aim method is employed for solving the dynamical equations of chain system and matched for the computation ofbuoy motion.本文提出一个浅水域生存工况下,多锚链系泊浮筒系统三维运动的工程计算模型,对链系采用射的法计算,使其与浮筒运动计算相匹配。

3.With 1500m water depth we addbuoys on the top tensioned riser and assess the effects with different tension ratio and diameter ofbuoys.在水深为1500m的工况下对TTR添加了浮筒,并对在不同张力比和浮筒直径时的浮筒的效果进行了评估,最终给出了合理的张力比和浮筒直径。


1.The contour choice of thefloats,the location to fix of thefloats to the canard aircraft, the theoretic analysis of the main water dynamic characteristics for light seaplane are emphasized,and the new parameter of the centre of gravity of canard configuration airplane to thefloats breaking steps is presented.简要介绍了FT300水陆两用三座轻型飞机型号设计过程中水动方面的研究与分析,重点对三座轻型飞机浮筒线性选择、双浮筒相对鸭式飞机安装位置的配置以及轻型水上飞机的主要水动特性的理论分析作了研究,建立了鸭式布局飞机重心相对浮筒断阶位置的新值。

5)float bowl浮筒

1.The preparation and manufacture process of FRPfloat bowl of seaplane are introduced.介绍水上飞机玻璃钢浮筒制备及工艺。

6)barrel buoy筒形浮筒


系船浮筒系船浮筒mooring buoyxiehuan tutong系船浮筒(mooring buoy)浮于水面的圆筒状系船设备。俗称水鼓。用于系船停泊,以进行补给、避风、消磁或待机等。由系船环、筒体、锚链和锚构成(见图)。系船环,用于系住舰船缆索,将系船力传给锚链的钢质环,有平放式系船环和插人式系船环。筒体,具有较大的正浮力,将锚链一端浮出水面连接系船环,并承受系船后的向下拉力,有陀螺形筒体、圆柱形筒体和方形筒体以及不旋转、倾斜小的偏心槽式筒体、可逆双锥圆柱式筒体、偏心水平可逆式筒体等。锚链,连接锚与系船环、筒体,传递系船力,其本身受拉力作用。锚,固定于海底,承受系船力,有铁质锚和钢筋混凝土锚。铁质锚有海军锚、霍尔锚、火箭埋设锚等;钢筋混凝土锚有梯形块、蛙块、叠块、排泥自沉锚等,可平放或埋人海底。中国人民解放军海军系船浮筒按系泊能力大小分为6级,供1 .5万吨以下各种舰艇使用。系船浮筒将向提高系拍能力及通水、通电、通油、通话等多功能方向发展。 (张永西师从庆)_户系船浮筒示意图
