300字范文 > 经典少儿英语故事-皇帝的新装


时间:2019-06-20 21:02:00



Many years ago there was a king who liked to wear nice new clothes. His order to wear beautiful clothes and flowers to all the money up, and he did not care about his army, not like the theater. Except to show off his new clothes, he did not like the carriage the park. Every day he had a coat for every hour. People always said, referring to the emperor: "The emperor in the conference room." But when people mention him, always said:. "The emperor in the locker room."

He lived in the big city, life is very relaxed, very happy. Many foreigners come every day. One day two swindlers. They said they were weavers. They say they can not imagine who weave the most beautiful cloth. This fabric colors and patterns are not only very beautiful, but also use it to sew clothes out there is a strange role, and that is all incompetent or stupid people can not see the clothes.

"That"s what my favorite clothes!" Thought the emperor. "I wear such clothes, you can see my kingdom who is incompetent; I can distinguish who is a wise man, who is a fool, I want to call them immediately so woven cloth. come! "he paid a lot of money to the swindlers, they might begin their work.

    They set up two looms, and pretended to look at work, but what did not on their looms. They asked for the finest silk and gold to them. They put these things into their own pockets, but pretended work on that empty looms till late at night.

    "I wonder how they get on with the cloth," said the emperor. However, he immediately thought of the stupid or incompetent person can not see the cloth. His heart did feel somewhat less comfortable. He believed that he had nothing to fear. Even so, he still felt the first to send a man to look more appropriate. The whole town heard about this fabric has a strange power, so everyone would like to take this opportunity to test to see if their neighbors just how stupid, how silly.

"I want to send my honest old minister to the weavers to see," thought the emperor. "Only he can see that this is what it is like cloth, because he is intelligent, and nobody understands his office than he."

So the faithful old minister went to two swindlers. They are on empty looms to work with.

"This is how children?" Thought the old man, his eyes wide open there is sized so great.

"What I can not see anything!" But he dare not say so.

Both swindlers requested him to come near, and asked him, fabric pattern is not very beautiful, color is not very pretty. They pointed to the empty looms.

The poor old minister"s eyes grew bigger, but he still could not see anything, for there was nothing to be seen.

"My God!" He thought. "? Am I a stupid people do I never doubted myself I can not say that this thing I do not do incompetent - not;..? I can not say that I can not see the cloth."

"Hey, you got nothing to do?" Is a weaver weaver said.

"Ah, beautiful! It was fantastic!" The old minister said. He wore glasses look carefully. "What a beautiful pattern! What colors! Yes, I will tell the emperor that I like the cloth very much."

    "Ah, we hear you, really happy," said the two weavers. They put these rare colors and described the pattern a lot, plus some noun children. The old minister listened attentively, in order to go back to the Emperor, you can still recite. In fact, he will do so.

    Both the swindlers asked for a lot of money, more silk and gold, they said it was necessary to weaving. They put it all put into the pockets, even a line nor the loom. But they still continue to work on the empty looms.

    Soon, the emperor sent another honest officer to see, it is not the cloth would soon be better. His luck was not better than the head of a minister: he looked and looked, but on that empty looms nothing, what he can not see things.

    "You are not a beautiful piece of cloth?" Asked the two swindlers. They pointed to a number of beautiful patterns and made some explanation. In fact what pattern did not.

    "I"m not stupid!" The official thought. "It"s probably because I do not deserve to play such a good office right now? It is very strange, but I must not let anyone see it!" So he put the cloth he did not see a lot of praise, and say to them, he was very fond of these beautiful colors and subtle patterns. "Yes, that is so beautiful," he said to the emperor.

    That all the people are talking about this beautiful fabric.

    While this still on the loom when the emperor wished to see it himself. He chose a group of specially delineated entourage - including two that have gone to an honest minister. Thus, he would go there live two crafty swindlers place to go. These two guys are to your senses weaving, but can not see the shadow of a line of "Is it not beautiful?" Said the two officials said. "Your Majesty, what a beautiful pattern! What a beautiful color!" They pointed to the empty looms, for they imagined the others could see the cloth.

    "This is about how children do?" Thought the emperor. "I did not see anything! This is ridiculous! Am I a stupid person? Am I unfit to be emperor? That I"ve never really had met one of the most terrible thing."

    "Ah, it is very beautiful!" Said the Emperor. "I approbation!"

    He nodded in satisfaction. He pretended to look at very carefully loom look, because he did not want to say he saw nothing. All his attendants with him, looked and looked, but they did not see anything more. However, they also like the emperor, saying: "ah, very beautiful!" They advised him of this strange, beautiful fabrics made clothes, put the clothes in person to join the procession which was soon to be held. "Really beautiful! Really fine! It"s good!" Echoed with everyone. Everybody seemed happy. Emperor gave the Jazz a liar and a title can be worn in their button hole medal per person; and also to seal them as "imperial employed weavers."

    The next morning the procession was to take place. In the night before, the two swindlers did not sleep all night, lit 16 candles. You can see that they were busy to finish the emperor"s new clothes. They pretended to roll the cloth off the looms. They used two big scissors cut for a while in the air, but also with needles without thread, sew a pass. Finally, they said in unison: "Look at the new clothes are ready!!"

    Emperor with a group of his most noble knights personally arrived. The two swindlers raised one hand as if they were holding something up. They said: "Look, this is the pants, this is the robe which is the coat!!" And so on. "It"s like a spider"s web, like soft clothes: the person wearing it will feel as if they do not have something like - this is precisely the beauty of the dress."

"Exactly," All the courtiers. But they did not see anything, because in fact did nothing.

"Please undress the emperor," two frauds said, "we want to put on new clothes in front of His Majesty the big mirror.

The Emperor was undressed up. The two swindlers pretended to have just sewn new clothes one by one to him. They get there at his waist for a while, as if on line something up: This is after garment (Note: After the garment (Slaebet) is dragged behind the dress of a long piece of cloth; it is the feudal era one kind of European aristocracy attire.). He rolled himself emperor in front of the mirror, wiggled her waist.

"God, how fit this dress ah! Shape cut just how nice ah!" Everyone said. "What a beautiful pattern! What colors! This is really a precious clothes!"

"We have been out of the canopy is ready, your Majesty go out, you can come and go hold up the procession!" Said the official ceremony.

"Yes, I am quite ready," said the Emperor, "This is what the clothes fit me?" So he went in front of the mirror, turning himself a bit, because he told everyone to see him examining his beautiful clothing. Those within the minister will be holding after garment, have a handle on the East West touch the ground, as if they really like garment pick up thereafter. They marching, holding the hands of the air - they did not like people to know that they really did not see anything.

The emperor would march up under the beautiful canopy. Standing on the street and windows yard people say: "!!! Boy, the emperor"s new clothes is really beautiful garment after his coat following how beautiful how clothes fit" who do not want people to know he could not see anything, because this will expose themselves incompetent, or too stupid. Emperor"s clothes never get such universal praise.

"But what he did not wear clothes ah!" A little child cried out.

"God, yo, you listen to the voice of innocence!" Dad said. And what the child had said was whispered spread.

"He did not wear any clothes! There is a child that he has not got anything on!"

"He really is not what to wear it!" Finally all the people say.

The Emperor was vexed, because he knew that the people speak is right. But he did think to himself: "I have to hold the procession ceremony finished." So he put on a more proud of the air, his vassals within walking behind him, holding the hands of a non-existent after the garment .

(1837)  This story was written in 1837, the same year and together write another fairy tale "Little Sea" synthetic a small collection published. Anderson then only 32 years old, that is, he began writing the third year after the fairy tale (the age of 30 he began to write fairy tales). But this fairy tale can be seen, Anderson observed on society is how deep. Here he revealed to the emperor, led by the ruling class how vanity, extravagance and waste, and, most importantly, how stupid. Crooks see their features, he proposed "all incompetent or stupid people can not see the clothes." Of course they can not see, because there are not any clothes. But they are guilty, they are afraid of people find neither incompetent and foolish, they spoke in praise of clothes that do not exist how beautiful, how beautiful to wear on the body, but also held a ceremony parade naked through the streets, let the people have come to appreciate and chant praise. Unfortunately, this ridiculous scam, one in front of people would be exposed. "Emperor" embarrassment, still posturing, "we must complete this march ceremony," and "So he will have to put on a more proud of the air." Such fraud but extremely stupid ruler, probably there will be at any age. Therefore, at any time, this fairy tale also has practical significance.







































