300字范文 > 母亲节英语日记带翻译我爱我的妈妈


时间:2020-04-06 10:02:01



I love my mother 我爱我的妈妈The second Sunday of May is mother"s day. To make students more deeply motherly love Thanksgiving, on August 5, fourth grade, the teacher in charge of the whole are organized the students held a "grateful mother grace" theme class meeting. The class meeting, many students are great selfless love moved to tears, have pledged to take concrete actions to express gratitude.五月的第二个星期天是母亲节。为让同学们更深刻地感恩母爱,5月8日,四年级全体班主任都组织本班学生召开了“感怀母恩”的主题班会。班会上,不少同学被伟大无私的母爱感动得热泪盈眶,纷纷表示要以实际行动表达感恩之情。On Mother"s day, the fourth grade students Baxianguohai, recount, in a unique way for the mother to celebrate the festival. They some for my mother personally do meal, some with lucky money to buy the beautiful carnations and gave it to mom, some to the mother presented a knitted, jewelry design, and some of the carefully drawn picture is dedicated to the mother, and let mother to experience the children for the happiness of their own feet.母亲节那天,四年级的同学们八仙过海——各显神通,以各具特色的方式为妈妈庆祝节日。他们有的为妈妈亲手做了美餐,有的用压岁钱买了美丽的康乃馨送给妈妈,有的给妈妈献上了亲手编制、设计的饰品,有的把精心绘制的图画献给了妈妈,还有的让妈妈体验到了儿女为自己洗脚的幸福。One full of love and filial piety action so that mothers are surrounded by joy and happiness, had an unforgettable mother"s day.一个个饱含爱心和孝心的行动让妈妈们被喜悦和幸福包围着,度过了一个难忘的母亲节。
