300字范文 > 旅游服务贸易 tourism service trade英语短句 例句大全

旅游服务贸易 tourism service trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-03 03:09:18


旅游服务贸易 tourism service trade英语短句 例句大全

旅游服务贸易,tourism service trade

1)tourism service trade旅游服务贸易

1.Meanwhile,it covers the corresponding solutions to promote innovation oftourism service trade,such as coordinating the development among regions,strengthening supervision and accelerating the construction of tourism specialty in universities,a.根据我国旅游服务贸易的统计数据,总结出存在的地区发展不平衡、监管水平低和旅游人才缺乏等亟待解决的问题;并针对这些问题提出了协调地区发展、强化行业管理和加快高校旅游专业建设等措施,以促进旅游服务贸易的创新发展。

2.Internationaltourism service trade is a significant part of international service trade.旅游服务贸易在一国的经济发展中的作用日益得到重视。

3.Tourism service trade hitherto has become the most important item of china s trade in services, of which existence and development directly dominate the total development trend of trade in services of our country.中国旅游服务贸易一直以来都是我国服务贸易领域中最重要的一个项目,它的生存和发展直接主导着我国服务贸易总体的发展趋势。


1.Canadian Tourism Service Trade and the Development of Tourism Service Trade between China and Canada;加拿大旅游服务贸易现状及中加旅游贸易发展

2.The Analysis to the Competitiveness of China s Tourism Service Trade under the Background of Trade Liberalization;贸易自由化下的中国旅游服务贸易竞争力分析

3.Trade in services for international visitors:the leader of construction of China and ASEAN free-trade area;旅游服务贸易:中国——东盟自由贸易区建设的先导

4.The Research of the International Competitiveness in the Tourism Trade in Services of Asia-Pacific Travel Market亚太旅游市场旅游服务贸易国际竞争力研究

5.②to build up and perfect the law system of tourism service trade;②建立和完善旅游服务贸易法律体系 ;

parison of Competitive Power between China and Advanced Countries in International Tourism Service Trade;我国旅游服务贸易竞争力的国际比较

7.Strategies of Improving Jinhua Competitiveness of Trade in Tourism Service提升金华旅游服务贸易竞争力的对策

8.Analysis of Influence Factor in China’s Tourism Service Trade我国旅游服务贸易出口影响因素探析

9.The Effect on International Tourism Service Trade and Legal Countermeasure Caused by WTO (GATS);WTO《服务贸易总协定》对我国国际旅游服务贸易的影响及法律对策

10.Research on Tourist Enterprise International E-commerce Strategic Alliance;旅游服务贸易企业国际电子商务战略联盟研究

parative Analysis of Tourism Service Trade中国与加拿大旅游服务贸易的比较分析

12.Legal Research on the Influence on Chinese Tourism Service Trade Caused by GATS;GATS对中国旅游服务贸易影响的法律研究

13.Research on the Competitiveness of China s Tourism Trade in Service and Counter Measures;中国旅游服务贸易竞争力分析和对策研究

14.The Research on Legislation of International Trade of Tour Services under the WTO Frame;WTO背景下我国国际旅游服务贸易立法研究

15.The Study on Promoting International Competitiveness of China s Tourism Trade in Services;提升中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力研究

16.Theory and Practice of Regional Tourism Cooperation between China and ASEAN;中国—东盟旅游服务贸易合作发展策略研究

17.Analysis on the Compare of Competition Ability about Travel Service Trade in Gansu Province;甘肃省旅游服务贸易竞争力的比较分析

18.Empirical Analysis on the Influencing Factors of Tourism Service Trade Competitiveness in China;中国旅游服务贸易竞争力影响因素的实证分析


Tourism Trade in Services旅游服务贸易

1.The Study-on Promoting International Competitiveness of China sTourism Trade in Services;中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力研究

2.The Study on Promoting International Competitiveness of China sTourism Trade in Services;提升中国旅游服务贸易国际竞争力研究

3.However, faced with increasingly serious competitive environment, to improve the competitiveness of the tourism trade in services is also increasing pressure.在国际旅游服务贸易蓬勃发展的情况下,中国旅游服务贸易在国内政府的扶持及相关产业的大力配合下,也呈现出了强劲的发展势头,对相关产业的带动作用日益增强,在国民经济中的地位愈加重要。

3)tourist service trade旅游服务贸易

1.Tourist service trade is not only the international law and guidelines to regulate nationstourist service trade,but also an important policy basis to develop foreign trade.旅游服务贸易国际规则,既是规范国家之间旅游服务贸易往来的国际法规和准则,也是各国开展对外旅游服务贸易的重要政策依据,在促进国际间旅游服务贸易发展具有十分重要的地位和作用。

4)tourism services trade旅游服务贸易

1.Besides the traditional cooperative fields,(investment, energy, and security), more and more cooperative fields are explored, of whichtourism services trade attracts much sight and researches.经济全球化与区域经济一体化的潮流,使我国与中亚国家间的经贸往来日益频繁,除了传统的合作领域(投资、能源、安全等)之外,又不断开辟出了许多新的合作领域,旅游服务贸易作为这其中的热点,受到广泛的关注和研究,特别是丝绸之路的区域旅游合作项目,更是为我国与中亚国家间的旅游服务贸易提供了良好的契机。

5)international tourism service trade国际旅游服务贸易

1.From analysis of predominance and weakness in our country oninternational tourism service trade,a few corresponding countermeasures are proposed according to the global development trend.分析我国国际旅游服务贸易的优、劣势等基本国情,结合国际旅游业的总体发展趋势,提出相应对策,能进一步有效完善我国的旅游服务贸易,大力推进国民经济全面、高速、健康的发展。

6)IIT of tourism industry旅游服务产业内贸易

1.Applying the intra-industry theory, this paper analyzes the key factors which influence theIIT of tourism industry between Sichuan and ASEAN.本文以产业内贸易的视角来观察四川与东盟的旅游业发展状况,运用产业内贸易相关理论分析了影响四川与东盟旅游服务产业内贸易的核心因素,提出了区位条件、产品差异化、需求相似、区域经济协作和规模经济可以提升四川与东盟旅游服务产业内贸易水平,双方可以在较高的产业内贸易水平下,实现共赢。


