300字范文 > 启蒙辩证法 enlightenment dialectics英语短句 例句大全

启蒙辩证法 enlightenment dialectics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-30 10:54:03


启蒙辩证法 enlightenment dialectics英语短句 例句大全

启蒙辩证法,enlightenment dialectics

1)enlightenment dialectics启蒙辩证法

1.Theenlightenment dialectics,as the total reflection on modernity,has not gone beyond the commodity fetishism the field in which the modernity arises.启蒙辩证法作为对现代性的总体性反思,仍然没有超出现代性的发生场域——商品拜物教。


1.Reflection on the Enlightenment in the Ruins--on The enlightenment Dialectics;废墟中的启蒙之思——评《启蒙辩证法》

2.Myth is Already Enlightenment;the Enlightenment is Degraded to Myth--The spirit of the Enlightenment in the horizon of Dialectics of Enlightenment神话已经是启蒙,启蒙退化为神话——《启蒙辩证法》视阈中的启蒙精神

3.Study on Horkheimer and Adorno s Dialectics of Enlightenment;霍克海默、阿多诺《启蒙辩证法》研究

4.An Analysis of Horkheimer s View about Truth;从《启蒙辩证法》看霍克海默的真理观

5.Development of Enlightenment and Morality--Moral Scope of Enlightenment Dialectic of Horkheimer and Adorno;启蒙与道德的变奏——霍克海默、阿多诺《启蒙辩证法》的道德界域

6.Critique of the Critique of Instrumental Reason in Dialectics of Enlightenment;对《启蒙辩证法》中工具理性批判思想的批判

7.Paradox of Myth and Dialectics of Enlightenment--Toward a Critical Hermeneutics;吊诡的神话与启蒙辩证法:批判诠释学刍议

8.Rethinking of the Dialectic of Enlightenment重思《启蒙辩证法》——奥德赛回乡之路的双重解读

9.The One-dimensional Consolidation Criticism of the Reason--from the the Dialectic of Enlightenment浅析理性的批判向度——从《启蒙辩证法》出发

10.Total Critique without Reason:On Habermas s Analysis of Dialectics of Enlightenment;理性缺位的总体性批判——论哈贝马斯对《启蒙辩证法》的批评

11.Mimesis in Dialektik der Aufklrung--A Potential Anthropologic Perspective;《启蒙辩证法》中的摹拟概念——对一种可能的人类学视角的梳理

12.Dialectics of Enlightenment:Culture-industry Mythology and the Retrogression of Enlightenment--On the Theory of Adorno s Culture Industry;启蒙辩证法:文化工业的神话与启蒙的倒退——阿多诺文化工业批判理论研究

13.The Dionysus Spirit : The Invocation of Escaping from the Identity Logic of Enlighten Dialectic酒神精神:逃离启蒙辩证法魔圈的符咒——尼采《悲剧的诞生》的现代性解读

14.Anti-human-centrism : A Critiqueof Instrumental Rationality and Market Logic --The Mainline Logic in Enlightenment Dialectics;反人类中心主义:工具理性与市场逻辑批判——《启蒙辩证法》中的一条逻辑主线

15.Reflections on the "Dialectics in Enlightenment":A Review of Kant"s "An Answer to the Question:What is Enlightenment"从康德的“启蒙论文”重新反思“启蒙的辩证法”

16.The Dialectic of the Enlightenment and Ecofeminist Criticism;《启蒙的辩证法》和生态女性主义批评

17.Enlightenment of Countryside"s Dialectics: Analysis of the Dilemma Structure of Oh,Xiang Xue乡土启蒙的辩证法——试析《哦,香雪》内在的两难结构设置

18.Enlightenment of Evidence Law Theory: Geoffrey Gilbert s Thoughts of Evidence Law.;证据法学的启蒙——吉尔伯特的证据法思想


dialectics of enlightenment启蒙辩证法

1.The paper attempts to introduce the theory of medium in Adorno sdialectics of enlightenment,giving it a reinterpretation.该文试图引入阿多诺的中介理论对阿多诺的启蒙辩证法思想进行再阐释。

2.Adorno\"s aesthetic of music is the specifi c use of the Dialectics of Enlightenment in the fi eld of music.阿多诺的音乐美学是其启蒙辩证法思想在音乐领域的具体运用。

3)Dialectics of Enlightenment《启蒙辩证法》

1.Total Critique without Reason:On Habermas s Analysis ofDialectics of Enlightenment;理性缺位的总体性批判——论哈贝马斯对《启蒙辩证法》的批评

2.In the"Dialectics of Enlightenment",Horkheimer and Adorno have made the relationship between man and nature as the main clue,have made the relationship between myth and enlightenment as the core to reveal the dialectics of"Myth is already Enlightenment;the Enlightenment is degraded to Myth"and criticized the spirit of the Enlightenment.在《启蒙辩证法》中,霍克海默、阿多尔诺以人与自然关系为主线,以神话与启蒙关系为核心,揭示了"神话已经是启蒙,启蒙退化为神话"的辩证法,并对启蒙精神进行了批判,认为启蒙精神的实现过程,就是进步与退步相交织、文明与野蛮相伴生的过程。

4)new dialectic enlightenment新辩证启蒙

1.Adorno snew dialectic enlightenment philosophy deeply disintegrates the philosophical basis of the old enlightenment and exposes the covered mask of rational enlightenment dissimilated by the bourgeois ideology.阿多诺的新辩证启蒙哲学从否定的角度对旧启蒙的哲学根基进行了深度的瓦解,从合理的面纱下剥尽了启蒙理性被资产阶级意识形态异化的面目。

5)enlightenment of rule of law法治启蒙

1.Accordingly, the process of rule of law in china is simultaneous both legal system building and theenlightenment of rule of law while in the West it is enlightenment earlier and legal system building later.相应地,中国法治的历史进程是制度-启蒙并举,而不是像西方的法治启蒙→法治制度的自然历史过程。

6)French Enlightenment法国启蒙

1.Two Liberalism Traditions OfFrench Enlightenment;法国启蒙的两种自由主义传统


军事的客观辩证法和主观辩证法军事的客观辩证法和主观辩证法military objective dialectics and subjective dialecticshe法CtiVe内容辩证及其观辩是一界的发展会的着社而发矛盾体、、必攻与主动与精等诸相互相互域各其规必然!客观iunshi de keguan bianzhengfzhuguQn bianzhengfo军事的客观辩证法和主观辩证(military objective dialeeties and subjdialeeties)关于军事辩证法的客泌和主观反映的一对范畴。军事的客为法指军事领域中客观存在的辩证运舀规律。军事的主观辩证法指对军事堪证法的主观反映。二者在本质__上致的。军事领域的矛盾运动如同客观桂其他运动一样,都是处在不断的辩让之中。军事领域的矛盾运动在人类之生产方式发展到一定阶段产生,并伯会生产方式不断向更高的阶段发尾展,最终归于消亡。军事领域充满〕的对立统一。一般与特殊、部分与奎不确实性与确实性、流动性与固定杠然性与偶然性、可能性与现实性、遥防御、持久与速决、内线与外线、与被动、优势与劣势,以及物质因礴神因素、人与武器装备、政治与军哥矛盾方面之间,都存在着相互排斥、依存、相互转化的辩证关系,它们口作用推动着军事事物的发展。军事匀种事物的发生、发展和消亡的过程石律,就是军事的客观辩证法。军事的客观辩证法具有客观性、性和普遍性等特点。客观性,指军事白人的存在发展事实必然客观事物内在的形尽的军事实践性,辩证的军事实串于军事终。辩证的概证发的矛的主于军过人立起式而表现相互客观用军的主事的对军,军而军对军军事握之具。辩证源于。
