300字范文 > 机具 machines and tools英语短句 例句大全

机具 machines and tools英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-12 22:04:10


机具 machines and tools英语短句 例句大全

机具,machines and tools

1)machines and tools机具

1.The 12V190 diesel engine tyre valve disassembles and assembles themachines and tools the development;12V190型柴油机气门拆装机具的研制

2.Discussion on configuration combination of rolling compacted concrete pavement constructionmachines and tools浅谈碾压混凝土路面施工机具的配置组合

3.We must select and design newmachines and tools suitable for two crops a year.这些地区运用此项技术,有其自身技术路线特点,应用中也发现一些需要解决的问题,所以不能简单套用一年一熟的模式,必须选择和研制适合一年两熟种植特点的配套机具。


1.toolbar machine装在通用机架上的机具

2.work-holding jig, for machine tools工具机工件夹紧用夹具

3.tools, machines and what not工具、 机器等等.

4.gunsight computer【军】瞄准具计算机

5.a mechanical device, toy, etc机械装置、 玩具等.

6.base type multi-function tool machine机座式多功能工具机

7.Plan manufacturing process, prepare fixture, cutting tools and production gage.负责机加工工艺,准备夹具,加工刀具及生产量具。

8.Experienced with mechanical drawing and extrusion die design.具备机械制图和挤出模具设计经验。

9.cutter ,power-operated, non-electric, hand-held手持式机动刀具,非电动

10.tool joint for well-drilling machines工具接头,钻井机用

11.an even chance of winning.具有相同获胜的机会

12.(of a tool,machine,etc)having various uses(指工具、机器等)多用途的

13.programmer tool microprocessor程序员工具微处理机

14.repulsion motor with double set of brushes具两组电刷推斥电动机

puter aided design facilities计算机辅助设计工具

puter Aided Design of Models模具计算机辅助设计

17.knife for hide or skin splitting machines大皮或生皮剖层机刀具

18."a mechanical appliance, instrument, or tool""机械装置,器械,工具"



1.Application of Systematic Farming Technique and ItsImplement for Soil Water Storage and Preservation of Ridge Tilling Area in Northeast China;东北垄作蓄水保墒耕作体系与配套机具

2.In this paper, the general structure, technical parameter, principle and design of main working parts of 1GL-80 horticulture-typed implement are introduced .介绍了1GL-80型自驱型园艺作业机的总体结构、主要技术参数、主要工作部件的工作原理及结构设计;该机以旋耕为主,可挂接多种农机具进行田间作业,具有结构简单、转弯灵活、适应性好等特点。

3.On the basis of analyzing the structure and performance of a few of types of multiplex chopping implements widely used in North China, the problems in the technology of chopping stubble were pointed out.阐述了作物根茬处理特别是玉米根茬处理的意义 ,介绍了秸秆、根茬粉碎技术的发展概况 ,对几种不同类型根茬处理复合作业机具的结构、性能和特点进行了分析 ,指出了我国北方旱作地区普遍采用的旋耕机具碎茬技术中存在的问题。


1.Fortest of 3 years,the result showed that the reliability of the machine got to over 95%, and thebaling rate to 86.通过3年的中间生产试验,结果表明,该机具使用的可靠性达95%以上,成捆率为86。

2.Experimental Study on High-voltage Electrostatic Spraying Locust-killingMachine;该机具以越野车为载具,车厢上安装独立柴油发电机组,在驾驶室内可控制喷雾的启停、喷头的俯仰及旋转运动。


1.How to Improve Quality Reliability of DrillingTools;提高钻井机具产品质量的可靠性技术

2.This article deals with the principle and configuration of Ⅲ Elastic Fastener fitting tool, giving a comparison about the manual and mechanical mounting/dismounting.详细介绍拆装弹条Ⅲ型扣件机具的原理和结构,对人工拆装和机具拆装两种方式进行了对比,在工务现场的应用表明,该机具显著提高了弹条Ⅲ型扣件的拆装效率,尤其适用于一次性铺设无缝线路的施工中。


1.In review of the conservation tillage definition,equipments and tillage systems in America, the features of the planters and conservation tillageequipments were introduced.介绍了美国保护性耕作的概念、保护性耕作设备及耕作模式特点,分析了切茬碎土类、深松除草整地类、条状少耕类和联合作业机型(复式作业)4种类型的JohnDeere公司保护性耕作机具和免耕播种机的主要功能及特点。

2.The author introduces the principle of the vacuum aid grouting technology,describes the concrete application of the vacuum aid grouting technology in the construction from the main materials and theequipment requirements of the vacuum aid grouting,the construction technology combined with the engineering example,finally puts forward the construction precautions.介绍了真空辅助压浆技术的原理,结合工程实例,从真空辅助压浆主要材料及机具要求、施工工艺流程等方面阐述了真空辅助压浆技术在施工中的具体应用,最后提出了施工注意事项。

6)action toy机动玩具

1.Four-rod mechanisms and cam members are in common use inaction toy designs.四杆机构和凸轮机构在机动玩具设计中应用非常广泛,通过对两足行走和四足行走玩具动作机构分析,阐述了四杆机构在行走类玩具中的应用特点及设计注意事项。

2.Cam members have characteristics in designingaction toys.机动玩具中的凸轮机构有其自身的设计特点,对凸轮轮廓曲线要求不高,对凸轮本身的强度要求也相对较低。

3.Intermittent gear mechanisms are widely used inaction toy design.不完全齿轮机构在机动玩具设计中应用广泛。


