300字范文 > 忏悔录 Confessions英语短句 例句大全

忏悔录 Confessions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-26 09:30:44


忏悔录 Confessions英语短句 例句大全



1.This thesis is a case study of the relationship between literature and religion, which illustrates the representation of the Christian spirit in literature and the poetic revelation in theology, through analyzing, comparing and interpreting the correlation between Augustine sConfessions and related themes in western literature.本文乃针对文学与宗教的关系所做的个案研究,即通过对基督教经典文本《忏悔录》与西方文学相关主题的分析、比较、阐发,探讨基督教精神在西方文学中的本质体现,神学理论中所内蕴的诗性启示。


1.Confession as Autobiography--A Study on St. Augustine’s Confessions from Autobiographical Perspective忏悔作为自传——论奥古斯丁《忏悔录》的自传特征

2.Characters and Origin of the Autobiographical Confession in Tolstoy s A Confession;托尔斯泰《忏悔录》的自传忏悔特色及其成因

3.Exposure and repentance--An Analysis of the impact of Rousseau"s Confessions on Yu Dafu"s Prose暴露与忏悔——卢梭《忏悔录》对郁达夫散文的影响探析

4.An Analysis of the Event of Stealing Pears in Augustine s De Confessiones;《忏悔录》第二卷“偷梨事件"分析

5.A Comparative Study of the Aesthetic Thoughts in Tanjingand Confessions;《坛经》与《忏悔录》美学思想对比研究

6.Des Confessions aux Mémoires d outre-tombe;从《忏悔录》到《墓畔回忆录》——探寻两篇自传的真与隐

7.Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. The Confessions. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Book I.卢梭《忏悔录》。纽约:牛津大学出版社,2000年,第一册。

8.“Repentance Record”under the Cross Bottom;十字架下的“忏悔录”——析周朴园的心路历程

9.I had read Rousseau" s The Social Contract, Emile, and Confessions while I was in middle school.我在中学学习时就念了法国卢梭写的《社会契约论》、《爱弥尔》、《忏悔录》。

10.Mrs.Warren:a Beautiful,Virtuous,Selfless and Great Woman--After Reading the Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau华伦夫人:一位美丽、善良、无私的女性——读《忏悔录》有感

11.Self-exposure and the Quest of Individuality--The Identification and Acceptance of Rousseau"s Confessions by ZHANG Yi-ping自我袒露与个性追求——论章衣萍对卢梭《忏悔录》的认同与接受

12.Of, relating to, or resembling confession.忏悔的忏悔的、与忏悔有关的、或象是忏悔的

13."Confessional:Of, relating to, or resembling confession."忏悔的:忏悔的、与忏悔有关的、或象是忏悔的.

14.The condition or quality of being penitent; regret for wrongdoing.忏悔,悔过忏悔的状况或品质;因过错而忏悔

15.A person performing penance under the direction of a confessor.忏悔者,苦修者在忏悔的神文指导下行忏悔的人

16."Of what must I repent?"“我忏悔什么呢?”

17.To hear the confession of(a penitent).聆听(信徒的)忏悔

18.To disclose one"s sins to a priest.忏悔向神父忏悔自己的罪行



1.A Comparative Study of the Aesthetic Thoughts in TanjingandConfessions;《坛经》与《忏悔录》美学思想对比研究

2.This paper analyzes Augustine & hisConfessions by means of an aesthetic approach, expounds the spirit of life from the angles of the belief collapse & the appealing to God, the evil of happy life & mortifying piety, and reveals the miserable consciousness of the Western people at the Middle Ages.本文运用生命美学的理论,对中世纪奥古斯丁及其《忏悔录》进行审美观照。

3)Rousseau" s Confessions卢梭忏悔录

4)The Confessions of Zeno塞诺忏悔录

5)Book of concord[宗]信仰忏悔录



