300字范文 > 留守儿童问题 Problems英语短句 例句大全

留守儿童问题 Problems英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-18 20:44:48


留守儿童问题 Problems英语短句 例句大全



1.Study onProblems of Unattended Children in Chinese Rural Area;中国农村留守儿童问题分析


1.A Study of Children Left Behind on the View of Inclusive Education;全纳教育视野下的留守儿童问题研究

2.Social Support Network Research on Rural Left-behind Children;农村留守儿童问题的社会支持网分析

3.An Analysis on Rural Children Raised Away from Their Working Parents in Lingyuan凌源市农村留守儿童问题分析与对策

4.Advance and Prospection on Research of Problems of Left-in-hometown Children农村留守儿童问题研究的现状与展望

5.The Study on the Public Policy of the Problem of Left-behind Children in Rural China;我国农村留守儿童问题的公共政策研究

6.A Study on the Educational Intervention on the Problem Behavior of Left-behinds in Junior High School;初中留守儿童问题行为及其教育干预研究

7.Reflections and Strategies about Rural "Parentless" Children s Education;农村留守儿童教育问题的思考与对策

8.Research on Home Educations of Rural "Left-behind Children";农村“留守儿童”家庭教育问题研究

9.Current Situation Research on Behavior Disorders of Left-Behind Children in the Countryside;某农村地区留守儿童行为问题的研究

10.The Research on Children Educational Environment in Rural Areas;农村小学留守儿童教育环境问题研究

11.Study on the Education of the Children Left Behind in the Countryside in the Middle of China;中部地区农村留守儿童教育问题研究

12.On Educational Equity of the Unattended Rural Children;农村留守儿童教育起点公平问题探析

13.Problems of Rural Hometomn-remained Children and Strategies;农村留守儿童的问题分析及应对策略

14.The Problems and Strategies on Family Education of the Home-left Children in Rural Area;农村留守儿童家庭教育的问题与对策

15.Discussion about the education of the left-behind children in countryside;关于农村“留守儿童”教育问题的探讨

16.The Problems of and Solutions to the "Stayed-behind Children" in the Countryside of Guizhou Province;贵州农村“留守儿童”问题与解决策略

17.Pay attention to the problem of mental health of rural rear children;关注农村留守儿童心理健康教育问题

18.Problems and Considerations on the Education on Left-Behind Children in Rural Areas of Guangxi广西农村留守儿童教育的问题与思考


problems of rural children农村留守儿童问题

3)Rear children留守儿童

1.Pay attention to the problem of mental health of rural rear children;关注农村留守儿童心理健康教育问题

2.The analysis of socialized problem of rear children from the angle of view of non-social action;从非社会性行为视角看留守儿童的社会化问题

3.Based on a survey of the psychological state of rear children in four townships of Qiandongnan Prefecture,this paper points out their need for love and uncertainty about schooling and future during the Absence of their parents working in coastal areas or cities.本文对黔东南苗族侗族自治州四个乡镇的留守儿童心理状况进行微观社会学研究。

4)Left-behind children留守儿童

1.The reflection on the educational problems of countryside left-behind children;农村“留守儿童”教育问题思考

2.Life quality of rural left-behind children and its influential factors;农村留守儿童的生活质量状况及其影响因素分析

3.Study on rural left-behind children s mental health and their guardians rearing styles;农村“留守儿童”心理健康与抚养人教养方式的研究

5)Liushou children留守儿童

1.Objective To explore the personality and its" relationship with coping style of ruralLiushou children in junior school.目的探讨初中阶段农村留守儿童的人格特征及其与应付方式的关系。

2.Previous researchers have attached importance to theresearch on rural LiuShou children that stay in particularfamily environment.处在特殊家庭环境中的农村留守儿童,他们的留守问题已经引起很多人的关注和研究。

3.Liushou children s problem is now a hot topic to study by social public and researchers and studies are mainly focus on the influence of their academic achievements, life conditions, behavior habits and mental health causing by the absence of parents.留守儿童问题已成为社会各界关注的热点话题,现有研究主要从亲子教育缺失对留守儿童学业成绩、生活状况、行为习惯和心理健康等方面的影响进行探讨。

6)left-at-home children留守儿童

1.By methods such asliterature,questionnaire,fieldwork,mathematical statistics and logical analysis,the author conducts a study on the current situation of physical education forleft-at-home children in rural primary schools in the seven underdeveloped provinces and autonomous regions.采用文献资料、问卷调查、田野访问、数理统计和逻辑分析等方法,对我国中、西部经济欠发达地域的七省区农村小学在校留守儿童体育教育现状进行了调查和研究。

2.With the development of society,the "left-at-home children" in the rural areas is becoming a social problem.由于社会的发展,农村留守儿童的问题已成为社会性的问题。

3.According to the theory of positive psychology,the author conducted a comparative study on aleft-at-home children group and a contrast children group with the scaling method.本研究以积极心理学理论为依据,采用量表法,对农村留守儿童和非留守儿童进行了比较研究。


儿童期问题行为儿童期问题行为problem behavior in childhood儿童期ltq题行为(problem behavior inehildhood)在儿童期出现的心理和行为的失调或变态。按照其严重程度可归为两大类:神经症与精神病。前者程度较轻,后者为严重的障碍。神经症中包括遗尿、过度的攻击性、儿童焦虑症、儿童恐怖症、儿童强迫症等;精神病则包括精神分裂症、儿童抑郁症、早期儿童孤独症等。儿童期的问题行为并非像折断的棍一子一样,都是一种实质性的反常状态。它属于一个连续的统一体,只是表现了任何儿童都可能出现的较为极端的行为形式。许多儿童期的心理异常并不持续地发展为成人期的心理障碍。也有的研究指出,儿童期的反社会行为能够预示后来的问题。有严重反社会行为i清节的儿童,成人之后,在生活的许多领域都不能适应社会规范。(王艾利撰车丈博审)
