300字范文 > 右旋佐匹克隆 S-Zopiclone英语短句 例句大全

右旋佐匹克隆 S-Zopiclone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-10 00:37:14


右旋佐匹克隆 S-Zopiclone英语短句 例句大全



1.Determination of chiral impurity inS-Zopiclone by HPLC;HPLC检测右旋佐匹克隆中的手性杂质

2.Methodology study of the content determination of chiral impurity in the S-zopiclone;右旋佐匹克隆中手性杂质含量测定的方法学研究


1.Study on the Quality Standard and Stability Test of Eszopiclone Material and Tablet右旋佐匹克隆及片质量标准、稳定性的研究

2.Efficacy and Safety of Eszopiclone in 2-week Treatment of Primary Insomnia:a Randomized,Double-blind,Zopiclone-controlled Multicenter Trial右旋佐匹克隆治疗失眠症的随机双盲对照试验

3.Study on the effect of zopiclone and eszopiclone in the treatment of insomniac patients by polysomnogram用多导睡眠图研究佐匹克隆/右佐匹克隆治疗失眠症疗效

4.Study on the Quality Standard and Clinical Trial of Dexzopiclone Tablets;右佐匹克隆片质量标准及临床试验的研究

5.Analysis of zopiclone (imovane) in postmortem specimens;解剖样品中忆梦返(佐匹克隆)的分析检测

6.Determination of Zopiclone and Related Substances in Zopiclone Tablets by HPLCHPLC法测定佐匹克隆片的含量及有关物质

7.Chiral Separation of Zopiclone by Capillary Electrophoresis with β-Cyclodextrin as Chiral Selectorβ-环糊精用于毛细管电泳拆分佐匹克隆对映体的研究

8.Determination the Concentration of Zopiclone in Human Plasma by HPLC反相高效液相色谱法测定人血浆中佐匹克隆的浓度

9.Cloning and Expression of Dextransucrase Gene from Leuconostoc Mesenteroides;细菌右旋糖苷蔗糖酶基因的克隆与表达

10.Purification and Gene Cloning of Xylanase from Aspergillus Usamii;宇佐美曲霉木聚糖酶的分离纯化和基因克隆

11.Cloning and Expression of Mucasal Adjuvant Cholera Toxin Subunit B;粘膜佐剂霍乱毒素B亚单位的克隆与表达

12.Jeff:That is the slogan of the Olympics. It is also called the "motto".杰夫: 这是奥林匹克口号,也叫座右铭。

13.Modification of Aspirin by Dextran and in Vitro Release Study;右旋糖酐改性阿司匹林及体外释药研究

14.Just because this ordinary-looking young man Ke Tso-fu always began by accusing people of rightism or tailism, she felt that he must be right in whatever he said.因为那平淡无奇的克佐甫开头就指斥右倾,指斥尾巴主义,而蔡真觉得克佐甫总是什么都对的。

15.Half of the revenues earned by the Olympic Plan goes to the Organizing Committee Olympic Games."奥林匹克计划"的收入一半左右归奥运会组委会。

16.Eukaryotic expression of P53 gene of Trichinella spiralis ES antigen旋毛虫P53ES抗原基因的克隆及真核表达

17.Capillary electrophoresis for analysis of optical impurity of L-pramipexole毛细管电泳法检测左旋普拉克索中右旋普拉克索杂质的研究

18.Molecular Cloning of Chicken IL-2、IL-15、IL-18 and IFN-γ and the Construction of Eukaruotic Expression Plamids and Their Adjuvant Effects on Vaccines;四川山地乌骨鸡IL-2、15、18、IFN-γ基因克隆测序及分子佐剂效应研究



1.The chemical name ofeszopiclone is (+)-(5S)-6-(5-chloropyridin-2-yl)-7-oxo- 6,7-dihydro-5H-pyrrolo[3,4-b]pyrazin-5-yl 4-methylpiperazine-1-carboxylate.右旋佐匹克隆(Eszopiclone)为佐匹克隆的右旋单一异构体,为第三代镇静催眠药即非苯二氮类镇静催眠药,用于治疗睡眠紊乱。

2.Objective:This randomized,double-blind,zopiclone-controlled,multi-center clinical trial assessed the efficacy and safety ofeszopiclone in treating patients with primary insomnia.目的:评估新研发的右旋佐匹克隆治疗失眠症的疗效和安全性。

3)eszopiclone tablet右旋佐匹克隆片


1.Study on the effect of zopiclone andeszopiclone in the treatment of insomniac patients by polysomnogram用多导睡眠图研究佐匹克隆/右佐匹克隆治疗失眠症疗效

5)Dexzopiclone tablet右佐匹克隆片


1.Randomized controlled clinical trial on(+)zopiclone versuszopiclone in the treatment of insomnia;右旋与消旋佐匹克隆治疗睡眠障碍的随机双盲双模拟临床试验


