300字范文 > 经典少儿英语小故事两分钟:龟兔赛跑


时间:2023-02-24 19:55:04




The rabbit has four legs, a jump, run faster. The tortoise also has four legs, to climb, climb, climb really slow. One day, the rabbit saw the tortoise, smiled and said: "the tortoise, tortoise, let"s race, good?" The tortoise knows that the rabbit is joking, staring at a pair of small eyes, do not ignore it. The rabbit did not dare to know the tortoise race with him, happy to direct them crowhop ears, also made a joke of his songs:

Tortoise, tortoise, climb,

Early in the morning flowers;

A turtle, a turtle, a walk,

In the evening is still at the door.

The tortoise got angry, said: "rabbit, rabbit, don"t you be on the high ropes, let"s come to a race."

"What, what? Tortoise, what do you say?"

"Let"s have a race."

The rabbit heard, almost breaking the belly: "tortoise, you really dare to run a race with me? Well, let"s run from here, and see who runs to a big tree at the foot of the hill. Get set One, two, three, -"

Leg cast rabbit run, run quickly, while on the run far away. He looked back and saw that the turtle had just climbed a little way. He thought, "it"s a big joke."! I ah, here to sleep on a sleep, let him climb to here, not, let him climb to the front, my three leap two jumps to catch up with him. "La La La, la la la, won is my!" The rabbit put the body to the ground, close the eyelids, really fell asleep.

Besides the tortoise, climbed really slow, but he a trial of strength to climb, climb ah, ah climb, climb, he climbed up to the rabbit side, exhausted. The hare was sleeping, the turtle wanted to have a rest, but he knew that the hare ran faster than he could. So he kept on climbing, climbing and climbing. Is getting closer and closer to the tree, only a few steps, a dozen steps, a few steps...

Rabbit? He"s still sleeping! The hare woke up after a look, hey, why don"t see the tortoise? Look forward, ah, not a! The turtle has climbed to the tree. The rabbit is anxious, hurried to catch up can be late, the tortoise has won. The tortoise wins.

The hare runs fast. The tortoise runs slowly. Why did the turtle win this game?













