300字范文 > 悲剧冲突 tragic conflict英语短句 例句大全

悲剧冲突 tragic conflict英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-22 16:37:26


悲剧冲突 tragic conflict英语短句 例句大全

悲剧冲突,tragic conflict

1)tragic conflict悲剧冲突

1.The Characteristics of Tragic Conflicts and Its Aesthetic Significance;悲剧冲突的特点及其审美意义

2.This paper elaborates the ingenious combination of Chinese and western tragic elements in Tea Ho-use from the perspectives of internal and external display oftragic conflict,showing tragic content in comic way and taking people of different kinds as the tragic characters.该文主要从悲剧冲突的内外展示,用喜剧手法表现悲剧内容,以形形色色的小人物作为悲剧主人公等三个方面阐述中西悲剧因子在《茶馆》中的巧妙揉和,构成中西合璧的悲剧样式。


1.--Resurvey On the Tragic Conflict and Spirit in Thundertorm;《雷雨》的悲剧冲突与悲剧精神再探讨

2.Analysis of expressive forms and emotional patterns of tragic collisions in Mourning Becomes Electra;《悲悼》悲剧冲突的表现形态与情感模式探析

3.In Commenting the Absurd of Tragedy Conflict Dispel Way on the Yuan Zaju论元杂剧中悲剧冲突消解方式的荒谬性

4.The Tragedy Collision of Justified Powers:--The Paralleled Study of Beyond the Horizon and The Border Town;善与善的悲剧冲突——从《天边外》和《边城》看现代悲剧的必然性

5.The plot tendency of the conflict of a tragedy always predicts the comedic prospective of the beauty surely winning the evil, while the aesthetic effects of a tragedy is active and comedic too.当然并非所有的悲剧都有乐观性,但悲剧冲突的必然性预示着美必将战胜恶的乐观前景。

6.On Two Kinds of Tragedy Conflicts and Their Expressive Form -Comparison between the Palace of Eternal Youth and Andromeda论两类悲剧冲突及其表现形式——《长生殿》与《安德洛玛克》的比较

7.Quest for the Truth-The Conflict between Hamlet and the Hamlet-World;对真理的求索——试析哈姆雷特与哈姆雷特世界的悲剧冲突

8.Jiachong--an individual under the collision of the dictatorial system;贾充:专制体制下矛盾冲突的悲剧个体

9.Midnight:A Tragic Fable of Modernity Absence and Conflict;《子夜》:现代性缺失与冲突的悲剧寓言

10.Looks at the Significance of Cultural Conflict of "Bailu Plain" through the Feminine Tragedy从女性悲剧看《白鹿原》文化冲突的意义

11.A Comparative Study of Tragic Conflicts in Desire under the Elms and Thunderstorm《榆树下的欲望》与《雷雨》悲剧性冲突之比较

12.Tragedies in the Cultural Conflict of People;人在文化冲突中的悲剧——论鲁彦周小说《逆火》

13.On the Conflict between Rationality and Irrationality in Eugene O" Neill"s Tragedies论尤金·奥尼尔悲剧中理性与非理性的冲突

14.Withering in the Conflict and Confusion--On root causes of Tess" tragedy在冲突和迷茫中凋零——浅析苔丝的悲剧命运根源

15.The Tragic Conflict between Self and Realities--An Interpretation on Haruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood;自我与现实的悲剧性冲突——解读村上春树的《挪威的森林》

16.The "collusion" of reason conflict and contradiction cooperation--Reflection of Anna s tragedy;情理冲突与矛盾合力的“共谋”——关于安娜悲剧问题的再思考

17.Conflict between Confucian Thoughts and Townsfolk Consciousness-Preliminary Discussion on Liu Yong s Thoughts and His Tragic Fate;儒家思想与市民意识之冲突——试论柳永思想及其悲剧命运

18.A Tragic Individual in Discourse Conflict--Analysing Lu Ling s Writing Development and the Causes;话语冲突中的悲剧个体——浅探路翎创作的演变轨迹及其成因


tragedy conflict悲剧冲突

1.In grasping thetragedy conflict,local novel writers made two serious mistakes:one is changing the conflict between farms and the state will into a conflict between persons;the other is changing the political conflict into a morality conflict.作家们在悲剧冲突性质的把握上出现了两大偏颇:一是将农民与国家意志的冲突转化为比较单纯的人与人的冲突,二是将政治冲突转换成伦理道德冲突。

2.This paper also explores the close relation between thetragedy conflict and the inner causation.本文在区分西方悲剧独特之处的基础上,首先从内外视角对《哈姆雷特》的悲剧冲突进行了探索性分析,作为内在视角,悲剧冲突产生的原因成为论述主题,而作为外在表现,悲剧冲突与内在原因有着深刻的关联。

3.Among yuan zaju,tragedy conflict resolving way sometimes is absurd.元杂剧中悲剧冲突的解决方式往往表现出一定的荒谬性。

3)tragic conflicts悲剧冲突

1.It impresses readers with its grievedtragic conflicts, its distinctive tragic characters and its consistent tragic aura.《孔雀东南飞》是一部催人泪下的爱情悲剧,其悲剧美表现在:催人泪下的悲剧冲突,光彩照人的悲剧形象,首尾呼应的悲剧氛围。

2.It discusses the characteristics of Shakespeare s aesthetic thought in terms of the aesthetic features of his characters, thetragic conflicts he constructed and the tragic and death-stricken ending of his tragedies, and points out what great influence he has exerted on the writing of tragedies ever since.本文从莎士比亚的悲剧人物的美学特征、他所建构的悲剧冲突和悲剧的死亡的结局等方面论述了莎士比亚悲剧美学思想的特点 ,说明了他对后世悲剧创作的深远影

4)tragedy conflicts悲剧冲突

1.Thetragedy conflicts of Chinese tragedies are mainly manifested in the process of external just powers defeating evil forces while those of western tragedies are mainly expressed in internal kind human nature overcoming internal evil human nature.中西悲剧最根本的不同就是选择悲剧人物和悲剧冲突的不同。

5)tragic conflict悲剧性冲突

6)comedic conflict喜剧冲突

1.It mainly incarnates the application of the comedic language to create the comedic circumstances,work outcomedic conflict in which the comedic characteristics are depicted,the comedic images are portrayed;therefore, the perfect unity is gained.它主要体现在运用喜剧性很强的语言去创造喜剧情境、设置喜剧冲突 ,在喜剧冲突中刻画喜剧性格、塑造喜剧形象上 ,做到了三者的完美统一。


